Cele and I are doing G-R-E-A-T! We all (my parents and me and him) went to SC for the day and got home a bit late but overall, GREAT time!
Cele and I have been together 9 months! Wellllll...9 months and 1 day, today! LOL
What more can I tell you? I plan on moving out, either on my own or Cele will move in with me, in about 6 months if all goes as planned.....
Cele is waiting to go back to Mexico to tell Lucia about me and him AFTER I get divorced. Hey, he wants to make SURE I'm divorcing Daniel and can ya blame him? I sure don't.
Cele's uncle is going back to Mexico tomorrow morning. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Mauro and I pray you arrive there safely and return here safely as well. He is supposed to come back next year sometime, prolly around the time Cele returns for 2 months. Butttt that ALL depends on how long the divorce will take.
I still think about Daniel off and on, but hey, I'm only human. And I weigh the Pros and Cons and still Cele seems like a perfect match.
What else can I tell ya? I saw a psychic for the 1st time ever in my life and let me tell ya, SHE IS GOOD! I will update about that later.
2mro I'm seein' my Cele again, so I must rest up for another day of fun tomorrow!
I adore him SO much. He is so gentle, romantic, sweet, considerate and protective. I just love him SO much! It's crazy. Especially since I REALLY did not think me and Cele would get this far. It's terrible to say this, but I REALLY thought Cele was gonna just be a "rebound" to get over Jose.
Well, looks like the Heavens above had a little bit MORE planned for me that I had planned on and hey, I'm SURE AS HECK NOT hatin' it! ;)
That's all for now! Oh--College is going good. Almost finished with my 2 classes. Already took my midterms. Grades are pretty high.
AH--I also lost my job with NRT Insurance! Applying like there's no tomorrow, so basically my "job" now is working for iDictate, a transcription company. It's not HIGH paying money, but it's okay. I also take surveys and get paid 3 bucks soooo I'm doing okay. I applied with other companies so let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
I must say though that I truly enjoy NOT working for NRT anymore. They are jerks. But hey, live and learn and like the saying goes: "1 door closes and another one opens."
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