Monday, November 10, 2008

So Where To Begin?

Not too much to update with. I know some of you may be waiting for me to update on the psychic visit...ah, maybe some other time, as I have plans tonight and want to get in and out of this blog fast. Don't have time to linger lol.

Cele and I are still together. Seems the more I see him, the more I wanna be with him. Ha! Is that really a surprise? I don't think it is lol. Little things can get on my nerves sometimes, but ya know what? He's SO much better than Daniel (the Catracho husband) as far as the respect part and gentleness part and sweetness part . . . need I go further lol? :) *sigh*

So what can I enlighten you with? 10 months for me and Cele the 24th of this month. I STILL haven't started on his surprise yet either. It has to be done by January 24th. That's the deadline I gave myself and I also told him it would be done by then too.

He's not leaving for Mexico any time soon. He's waiting for me to get divorced first, then he's on his way to Mexico and telling Lucia that he is happy with me and wants to be with me. He is first talking with his parents, then Lucia and the kids.

Am I holding my breath? Well, as much as I want to believe this hombre, I am not putting allll my eggs in one basket. I'm separating them into separate piles: 50 in one basket and 50 in the other. Ya got me? Know what I'm saying lol?

He hasn't been talking to Lucia as much though, which is nice! I get soooo jealous lol so obviously there's something there, eh? :D

On a different note. I received my midterm for college back! Woohoo! I cannot BELIEVE it but I got 100%! Totally unexpected! I thought I would have gotten a 90 or a bit more, but NO ERRORS! Awesome! My other midterm I received a 90 something I think, not remembering correctly.

Did I tell you I lost my job? I trained for another at home job...was supposed to start today actually. I decided not to. It was a job w/ incoming calls back to back w/ no break in between and only a 15 minute break within a 4-hr sitting on my butt-kind-of shift! AND to top that off, if I had to go to the bathroom I would have to ASK whoever was in charge FIRST to see if I could go! WHAT?! *the kind of Yahoo icon that has a shocked face* Uh uh. They are crazy. That's nuts! What if someone had that kind of condition where they had an overactive bladder? What would happen then? After all, isn't that WHY they would want an at-home job? :/

Let's see...oh! Another think about college: I already registered for two more classes. I am on WEEK 11! Cannot BELIEVE that I've been in college for 11 weeks! How many months IS that?....OMG it's almost FOUR months?! How is that possible! Wow, time sure flies. Cannot believe it is almost 2009 too!

I sure will be having a great Thanksgiving, Xmas, News Yrs, another great Valentine's Day....I love holidays with Cele. He's just SO much fun and down-to-earth and well, after all he is a Taurus.....

Speaking of the other Taurus, Marcial, well I am going to be completely honest: Me and him talk on and off. Nothing serious though. Wellll I am talking nothing serious. He on the other hand is making allllll these plans saying he is looking for a job for me and is going to get an apartment for me and him and we're going to start a family, etc.etc.

Sheesh. I tell him to basically "slow it down." He knows I see Cele, but he really doesn't know how much and how serious it is. We never really discuss it and basically me and him are friends.....*shrugs* I feel really guilty about it though, talking to Marcial on and off I mean. There are days where I block him on my phone. But then I take him off b/c I feel bad. Heck, maybe I like to keep my options open in case it doesn't work out with me and Cele. I always like to be prepared I guess. *shrugs*

So Cele and I had a nice weekend together. We actually played two kiddie games! Crazy fun, I tell ya! First one we played was Perfection. Ya know that game with the pieces and timer and ya gotta put each piece in its designated spot before the 60 secs are up? Yup! We played that. Had a blast actually. He loved it. Especially since he never had seen something like that in his life. God, I adore him. That game was nice since we played it together and it kind of showed me (a little bit, since it really was just a game) what it would be like if me and Cele had to work on something together. We did quite well.

Okay, so second game was the Game of Life. I've never seen the "greedy" side of him before, but it was all in fun of course and we had crazy fun with that game too! He won and got to "retire" at the Millionaire Estates. Little stinker!

I got some pics though of him playing the Game of Life that will be nice to put in his scrapbook. That is his surprise by the way, in case ya'll were wondering or if I never mentioned it. :) I am giving it to him on our 1 year and ya know what the crazy thing is? I am not really afraid afraid of mentioning our 1 year because I just know we'll make it then. It's something that I do not doubt. So weird.

Before all the game playing though, I took Cele to my fav Mexican restaurant here on the island, Cancun Cafe II. He really liked it! Mis padres no saben esto pero....tomamos esa noche: I had my first fresa margarita and he had tres Coronas! We were quite "crazy" when we got back to my house lol. We even talked about going out to Charley's again and he wants to, and as long as it doesn't get "mucho loco" as he always says, then we will stay. But the second it gets too "mucho loco" for him, we're outta there. Hey, fine with me. I explained to him that I need to go out at least 1-3 times a month to my little "fix." lol!


Wednesday is a busy day for me. I am going downtown and taking clerical testing in order to apply for two jobs. Then Thursday (if I do well on the clerical testing) I will be going back to the same place and getting what I need to notarized and submitting those applications. Wish me luck!

And on Thursday night, I have an interview for a company. Working @ home of course. I always like to keep my options open . . . ha ha ha guess when it comes to all things, eh? Even the men! Haha. Sorry. That wasn't that funny, was it?

So classes end on November 22nd and then I'm on break until I start my classes again, which will be on December 1st.

Oh -- did I tell ya I applied @ my fav. store, Barnes and Noble? Well, the first interviewer was a be-otch. The second one? A flake. Both were kinda snobs as well as the employees who worked there. I got accepted and they offered me a position. I turned them down and lied and said I went with another job. I told her that I would give her my answer on Wednesday or before, since I had "other interviews pending." Ya wanna know what she told me when I called her to turn down my offer on Wednesday? "Oh well I've already moved on."

Be-otch! Hey, B&N will be my favorite store still. I'm just glad I don't work @ it b/c it probably would have turned into a store I would have NEVER walked into again lol!


chicadedios25 said...

So glad to hear that all is well in Megan and Cele's world...PARTY ON!!! Margaritaville? How much fun. Good luck with the job hunt and awesome job with college chica. Buena Suerte con todo!

Liz said...

HEY YOU!!!! *WAVES* I've missed you so much!

(this is El Sueno... I've moved to Blogger!)

That is soooo awesome about you and Cele! I'm happy to hear that! :) The scrapbook is a great idea for a gift and I'm sure he will love it!!

I would have turned down the job at B&N, too! Ugh, can you imagine working with people like that every day?? No thanks!

Congrats on the good grades!! YOU ROCK!!

dedmond979 said...

Congrats on Cele and the good grades and btw, F*&% BARNES AND NOBLE, I HATE PRETENTIOUS PEOPLE, IF THEY WERE SO DAMN AWESOME, THEY WOULDNT BE WORKING THERE, they would be president or something!!! Or better yet, in college like you!!!