Ok, so change of plans. I did not want to give him a LONG ultimatum and so I explained to him that he has 14 DAYS to tell either Lucia about everything or his sister about everything.
He can choose.
Either way I want to have faith that Lucia will find out.
I told him that I still want to be with him and I REALLY do NOT want to be this way, but I have to, as he is not doing ANYTHING to help or move this situation along. I also told him that it is NOT fair to this baby, NOT fair to his family nor Lucia, and it's NOT fair to me.
Lastly, I told him that IF he has NOT said anything to Lucia OR his sister by the 14 days, I am sorry but him and I cannot be together until something changes.
Just wanted to update lol! MAN THIS GUY CAN BE STRESSFUL!!!! :(
Updating you with the happenings in my life.
WARNING: I am VERY detailed and I write long blogs, vent, do not proofread and tend to ramble.
P.S. I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Time Has Come To Choose . . .
So I have been thinking a lot lately regarding Cele's behavior and well, it sucks. I did not expect this at all, but now I am thinking this is why Lucia is the way she is!
*Make mental note to self (and for others!): The next time you get involved with a man who has another woman and claims SHE is to blame and that's the reason why he "loves" you, check with the other source somehow some way BEFORE believing him.*
The reason why *I believe* Lucia is the way she is, is because of Cele's drinking. I have to admit he is not into the party scene thankfully, but ya know something? It still is not good.
I am having a long talk with him today and giving him 3 choices to make. He can do all of them or 2 of them, but he MUST do one and he MUST do one before January 24, 2009.
Here are the choices:
1. Tell Lucia, his other "woman" in Mexico about me and him, that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that he is having a child with me. (I don't care HOW he does it, he just needs to do it.)
2. Tell his sister, who lives right down the road from him, about me and him and that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that we are having a child together. I also would like to meet her too.
3. Stop drinking OR AT LEAST stop getting drunk each time he wants to drink. (I can understand a few beers to relax, like a few times a month, but he does NOT need to get drunk each time he wants a beer. I'm talking he ALWAYS has to drink 6, 7, or 8 beers, but NEVER drinks more than 8!)
The decision is his. If he does NOT do at least ONE of these things BEFORE January 24, 2009 then I will have to decide from there. It will MOST LIKELY be over between us until he gets his shyt together.
I have told him that I have done this "drinking thing" before with my soon-to-be-ex and he had PLENTY of times to change, but he chose not to. The drinking became more important. NOW there is a child involved and I DO NOT want my child to suffer or be subjected to that type of environment.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now lol! Let me know what you think and if I'm being fair.
Note: Whether it matters or not, his drinking did not start until he started having less work. He used to work 7 days a week, now it is just 2 days a week, IF he's lucky! He opened up to me and told me that when he drinks his problems go all away but then after he is sober again, bam! His problems are back and reality has returned.
*Make mental note to self (and for others!): The next time you get involved with a man who has another woman and claims SHE is to blame and that's the reason why he "loves" you, check with the other source somehow some way BEFORE believing him.*
The reason why *I believe* Lucia is the way she is, is because of Cele's drinking. I have to admit he is not into the party scene thankfully, but ya know something? It still is not good.
I am having a long talk with him today and giving him 3 choices to make. He can do all of them or 2 of them, but he MUST do one and he MUST do one before January 24, 2009.
Here are the choices:
1. Tell Lucia, his other "woman" in Mexico about me and him, that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that he is having a child with me. (I don't care HOW he does it, he just needs to do it.)
2. Tell his sister, who lives right down the road from him, about me and him and that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that we are having a child together. I also would like to meet her too.
3. Stop drinking OR AT LEAST stop getting drunk each time he wants to drink. (I can understand a few beers to relax, like a few times a month, but he does NOT need to get drunk each time he wants a beer. I'm talking he ALWAYS has to drink 6, 7, or 8 beers, but NEVER drinks more than 8!)
The decision is his. If he does NOT do at least ONE of these things BEFORE January 24, 2009 then I will have to decide from there. It will MOST LIKELY be over between us until he gets his shyt together.
I have told him that I have done this "drinking thing" before with my soon-to-be-ex and he had PLENTY of times to change, but he chose not to. The drinking became more important. NOW there is a child involved and I DO NOT want my child to suffer or be subjected to that type of environment.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now lol! Let me know what you think and if I'm being fair.
Note: Whether it matters or not, his drinking did not start until he started having less work. He used to work 7 days a week, now it is just 2 days a week, IF he's lucky! He opened up to me and told me that when he drinks his problems go all away but then after he is sober again, bam! His problems are back and reality has returned.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Update On My Little Bun in the Oven!
The Prenatal Visit:
Wow! It was quite a long visit. I am going to say right away that I did not get to see my little "bun" lol on an ultrasound/sonogram. :( Was disappointed but have another appointment scheduled in January.
I got my blood taken, about 5 test tubes of it! Nearly fainted and they had to lock me in the chair, give me orange juice, and put cold washcloths on my forehead and neck lol! Thankfully, I found out that I was NOT the only one that did that!
I am going off my One A Day Prenatal vitamins today and getting my new ones, I think they are called, PreCare or something or other like that, well I'm getting those tonight and starting them tonight as well.
I still cannot believe and I am still shocked about this. Cele is not really taking it well, considering his situation with not working as much AND his other woman nor his immediate family knowing about me/the "bun".
It is not the most ideal situation, but honestly, what situation is? You can be rich and be stable by yourself or with someone else, and still, having a baby STILL might not be wise for you to do. And no one is ever ready.
Am I nervous? Yes. Am I scared? Definitely. Am I excited? At times, yes. Am I sick? The nauseous is ALWAYS there it seems now. REALLY thought I was gonna be one of the lucky ones lol! Knocked on wood too soon I guess! :)
Am I trying to be positive and stay optimistic in this situation? Of course, but it most definitely is NOT easy.
What about my motivation? Has it come back? NOT YET. I really want it back soon because I HATE having to push myself to get up in the morning, shower, eat, study, you name it: I have to push myself.
Other than that, the nurse did a pelvic exam and told me that my uterus is measuring 8 to 10 weeks. Last time I had my uterus felt it was measuring at 7 to 8 weeks, so it's growing lol!
I will be 10 weeks (give or take) this Sunday coming up. 2 more weeks and I'm out of the "danger zone."
We shall see what happens. Will try to update again. Xmas was nice by the way too.
Until then,
Wow! It was quite a long visit. I am going to say right away that I did not get to see my little "bun" lol on an ultrasound/sonogram. :( Was disappointed but have another appointment scheduled in January.
I got my blood taken, about 5 test tubes of it! Nearly fainted and they had to lock me in the chair, give me orange juice, and put cold washcloths on my forehead and neck lol! Thankfully, I found out that I was NOT the only one that did that!
I am going off my One A Day Prenatal vitamins today and getting my new ones, I think they are called, PreCare or something or other like that, well I'm getting those tonight and starting them tonight as well.
I still cannot believe and I am still shocked about this. Cele is not really taking it well, considering his situation with not working as much AND his other woman nor his immediate family knowing about me/the "bun".
It is not the most ideal situation, but honestly, what situation is? You can be rich and be stable by yourself or with someone else, and still, having a baby STILL might not be wise for you to do. And no one is ever ready.
Am I nervous? Yes. Am I scared? Definitely. Am I excited? At times, yes. Am I sick? The nauseous is ALWAYS there it seems now. REALLY thought I was gonna be one of the lucky ones lol! Knocked on wood too soon I guess! :)
Am I trying to be positive and stay optimistic in this situation? Of course, but it most definitely is NOT easy.
What about my motivation? Has it come back? NOT YET. I really want it back soon because I HATE having to push myself to get up in the morning, shower, eat, study, you name it: I have to push myself.
Other than that, the nurse did a pelvic exam and told me that my uterus is measuring 8 to 10 weeks. Last time I had my uterus felt it was measuring at 7 to 8 weeks, so it's growing lol!
I will be 10 weeks (give or take) this Sunday coming up. 2 more weeks and I'm out of the "danger zone."
We shall see what happens. Will try to update again. Xmas was nice by the way too.
Until then,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Do Not Want To Keep You All In Suspense....
........so here goes. Here is my BIG and SURPRISING NEWS.
I found out on Sunday, well....

that there is a little bun in the oven! I cannot believe it and it does not seem at all real to me. I am just ecstatic and excited and, well me and Cele both are. We both are very pensive and nervous though as we truly do not have a pot to pee in nor a window to throw it out of. But I trust in God's decisions and what will be, will be. For now, I am enjoying this beautiful time of a woman's life!: Pregnancy! Embarazo! :)
(I know, I know. It couldn't have come @ a "better" time with mine and his situation, huh? Well, it did and maybe God has different plans for me and him?)
I'm 7-8 weeks and wow! DO I FEEL IT! lol And yes, I know most people wait until they are 12 weeks or above, but I am the type of person that I share exciting news and whatever happens, happens. As that is life! Hoping and praying for all the best of course though! Prayers and blessings are certainly welcome!
As are all comments too! I appreciate positive comments of course, but understand the reason for not-quite-positive ones too! Just throw 'em @ me lol!
Thanks and I will update again! :D
~Megan :)
I found out on Sunday, well....

that there is a little bun in the oven! I cannot believe it and it does not seem at all real to me. I am just ecstatic and excited and, well me and Cele both are. We both are very pensive and nervous though as we truly do not have a pot to pee in nor a window to throw it out of. But I trust in God's decisions and what will be, will be. For now, I am enjoying this beautiful time of a woman's life!: Pregnancy! Embarazo! :)
(I know, I know. It couldn't have come @ a "better" time with mine and his situation, huh? Well, it did and maybe God has different plans for me and him?)
I'm 7-8 weeks and wow! DO I FEEL IT! lol And yes, I know most people wait until they are 12 weeks or above, but I am the type of person that I share exciting news and whatever happens, happens. As that is life! Hoping and praying for all the best of course though! Prayers and blessings are certainly welcome!
As are all comments too! I appreciate positive comments of course, but understand the reason for not-quite-positive ones too! Just throw 'em @ me lol!
Thanks and I will update again! :D
~Megan :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I REALLY want to share this news but I unfortunately have to wait things out a bit. Will be back to update soon! Lisa, I am SURE I will hearing my cell ring haha! For anyone or everyone who wants to know my news (AND has my cell #) well feel free to drop me a line! :D
Much love,
Much love,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Why So Many Questions?
So a lite bulb has gone off. It went off after hearing Cele asking me so many questions. There is no pattern to the questions and actually, I used to convince myself that this guy is just downright insecure and terrified on being cheated on again, for the third time! But a lite bulb went off and I know that he does not ask me these questions all the time because he is insecure. Here let's take a look at the questions that usually drive me nuts!!! Then we'll get into WHY they drive me nuts!!! and WHY he really asks them.
The usual questions:
What are you doing?
Are your parents home yet?
What's that noise?
What are you going to do today?
What will you do after you do _____?
Are you going anywhere today?
Did you eat breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
Are you going to have a snack/dessert?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
How was your day and what did you do?
Are you mad or bothered by me?
Did you work/study today?
Have you talked to your husband or _____ at all?
Have you talked to your mom today?
Okay, so those are the main "snapshot" of the questions I am usually asked. And man, does it drive me NUTS!!! I used to think and was convinced it was because Cele was insecure and wanted to know my every move, but I am convinced otherwise: Well, we'll discuss it after.
Let's take a trip down memory lane. Actually as I look back on it, it was definitely no "memory lane!" Try a "fire pit down Hell's lane" haha! Yeah, I'm talking about Daniel. I remember the majority of our time spent together (here in GA, not talking about in NC and the "honeymoon stage.") well anyways, the majority of his time he was working and I was of course at home.
I remember being at my computer all day, usually studying and looking/applying for jobs, and he'd come home from work and expect me to warm up his dinner and then ask how I was and say hi. Then he'd hop online and play Solitaire or watch his STUPID Primer Impacto, Noticieras or soccer stations. Ugh, nice relationship! I still don't know why he wasn't kicked to the curb because really he was a piece of work, a roommate and certainly not a "lover" or even boyfriend material! Ah, live and learn I guess!
So my point out of all this is, is that I am not upset when Cele asks me those questions, do I get a bit bothered and feel nuts? Yes! But it is not because I do not care about Cele, because I love him so much, but when the lite bulb when off I realized it is because I am not used to being asked questions and Cele only asks questions because he cares! Daniel never cared and was a self-centered prick, a$$hole, etc.! It is SO obvious now.
I think even a part of me feels like all this treatment is "foreign" to me and that I do not deserve it because I am so used to being treated like shit.
That's all I had to say. On another note, I started my two classes today. English Composition 102 and Humanities 101. Received my final grade pt. averages for last semester: B+ in ENC 101 and A- in SOS. I thought for SURE it would have been reversed but hey, I'm not complaining and plan on doing MUCH better this semester because I want A+ in BOTH classes lol!
That's all for now. Still trying to pound the computer and earn some bucks to pay bills. That's about it.
I'll check back and update if something new later in the week!
~Megs :)
The usual questions:
What are you doing?
Are your parents home yet?
What's that noise?
What are you going to do today?
What will you do after you do _____?
Are you going anywhere today?
Did you eat breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
Are you going to have a snack/dessert?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
How was your day and what did you do?
Are you mad or bothered by me?
Did you work/study today?
Have you talked to your husband or _____ at all?
Have you talked to your mom today?
Okay, so those are the main "snapshot" of the questions I am usually asked. And man, does it drive me NUTS!!! I used to think and was convinced it was because Cele was insecure and wanted to know my every move, but I am convinced otherwise: Well, we'll discuss it after.
Let's take a trip down memory lane. Actually as I look back on it, it was definitely no "memory lane!" Try a "fire pit down Hell's lane" haha! Yeah, I'm talking about Daniel. I remember the majority of our time spent together (here in GA, not talking about in NC and the "honeymoon stage.") well anyways, the majority of his time he was working and I was of course at home.
I remember being at my computer all day, usually studying and looking/applying for jobs, and he'd come home from work and expect me to warm up his dinner and then ask how I was and say hi. Then he'd hop online and play Solitaire or watch his STUPID Primer Impacto, Noticieras or soccer stations. Ugh, nice relationship! I still don't know why he wasn't kicked to the curb because really he was a piece of work, a roommate and certainly not a "lover" or even boyfriend material! Ah, live and learn I guess!
So my point out of all this is, is that I am not upset when Cele asks me those questions, do I get a bit bothered and feel nuts? Yes! But it is not because I do not care about Cele, because I love him so much, but when the lite bulb when off I realized it is because I am not used to being asked questions and Cele only asks questions because he cares! Daniel never cared and was a self-centered prick, a$$hole, etc.! It is SO obvious now.
I think even a part of me feels like all this treatment is "foreign" to me and that I do not deserve it because I am so used to being treated like shit.
That's all I had to say. On another note, I started my two classes today. English Composition 102 and Humanities 101. Received my final grade pt. averages for last semester: B+ in ENC 101 and A- in SOS. I thought for SURE it would have been reversed but hey, I'm not complaining and plan on doing MUCH better this semester because I want A+ in BOTH classes lol!
That's all for now. Still trying to pound the computer and earn some bucks to pay bills. That's about it.
I'll check back and update if something new later in the week!
~Megs :)
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