I found out on Sunday, well....

that there is a little bun in the oven! I cannot believe it and it does not seem at all real to me. I am just ecstatic and excited and, well me and Cele both are. We both are very pensive and nervous though as we truly do not have a pot to pee in nor a window to throw it out of. But I trust in God's decisions and what will be, will be. For now, I am enjoying this beautiful time of a woman's life!: Pregnancy! Embarazo! :)
(I know, I know. It couldn't have come @ a "better" time with mine and his situation, huh? Well, it did and maybe God has different plans for me and him?)
I'm 7-8 weeks and wow! DO I FEEL IT! lol And yes, I know most people wait until they are 12 weeks or above, but I am the type of person that I share exciting news and whatever happens, happens. As that is life! Hoping and praying for all the best of course though! Prayers and blessings are certainly welcome!
As are all comments too! I appreciate positive comments of course, but understand the reason for not-quite-positive ones too! Just throw 'em @ me lol!
Thanks and I will update again! :D
~Megan :)
Congrats! No matter how this baby got there. Which we all know how. LoL It will be welcomed into this world with two very loving and in very much love parents! Congrats all babies are blessings and yours will be beautiful. I cannot wait to meet your new family member. Congrats Mami!
Oh my God, HOW EXCITING!!!!
Congrats! :)
Congratulations!!! I am very happy for you and I hope it all works out well.
Congrats Megita.
Everything happens for a reason. Good luck with your pregnancy.
awww congrats mami...
Congratulations mami!!!! I am glad you are so happy!!!!
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