Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Feel Very Solita En Este Embarazo :'o(

I feel very alone in this pregnancy. I feel like Cele does not want to be involved or whatever. I mean the GUY wants to WAIT until he tells Lucia and his 3 kids when he decides to go back to Mexico and THEN we'll make plans to move in together. I feel like everything is on HIS terms when in reality shouldn't it be on OUR terms? Shouldn't we be making decisions about this together?

I know he cares about this baby and loves him or her, he has told me so many times. And I know he loves me. But ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I told him last night, well here's how the conversation went:

Him: Megan? You don't sound right. What's wrong?
Me: Well, I don't know if that's really the word for it. But there is something wrong. I really
wanted to tell you this on Valentine's Day but Valentine's Day is supposed to be a really
nice day, so I decided not to tell you but well, I feel very alone in this pregnancy.
Him: *silence*

He didn't even say ANYTHING except:

Him: So is that why you acted that way on Valentine's Day towards me?
Me: Well yeah, I guess. Yeah.

Him: *more silence*

WHY DOESN'T THIS GUY TALK? He has told me many times in the past that he does NOT talk, well it is TIME HE DOES.

I feel like I don't know WHAT he wants. I wish he would just open up to me. I honestly do NOT care if we were to live together and he had to keep talking to Lucia. I don't. What I care MORE about is our baby having TWO parents in the same home.

My mom has a new rule now, do I agree with it? I think it is KIND OF stupid as it will be affecting her grandchild and me, BUT THEN AGAIN, I see her point: Cele CANNOT come over to the house UNLESS an adult (my stepdad or my mom) is present. I know, I know. Kind of silly as I am already pregnant and I AM a gosh-darn adult. The thing is that she doesn't want me and Cele having sex in the house, she thinks that makes it too easy for him.

I agree with her BUT THEN I don't agree. WHAT is going to happen when this baby is born and Cele wants to see the child? He has to WAIT until Saturday or Sunday or my stepdad has a day off (which is every 2 weeks a month)? That is damaging to the child I think.

What I would like is to find my own place, but right now, that is just not practical. Even if I was working, you know???

I just wish there was SOME way that Cele would "step up to the plate" so-to-speak. He goes to each Dr's appt with me though, so I don't know. Is it my hormones once again?

I'm just SO damn sad! :( I need advice people! And I'll write to the ppl who commented me recently VERY SOON! :)

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