Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ok! I Need ALL Opinions!

Don't you just LOVE the drama-filled life I lead? Well, I guess it could be MUCH worse eh? So anyways, I'm making this post quick and I will be responding to my readers' comments soon too!

So me and Cele have been going back and forth on this and back and forth some more. There is NO convincing him! What about you ask? Welllll, just tell me who is right and what would you do if you were me?

Now, you all know about Lucia, his soon-to-be ex girlfriend back in Mexico. Cele's been with her for 12 years and has 3 kids with her. Remember? Well, this is what Cele wants to do and then I'll tell you what I want to do.

Cele's View: He wants me to live with my parents after the baby is born and he will come visit our baby a few times a week or more (depending on my mom's rules). Meanwhile, he will be planning a trip back to Mexico to break the news to Lucia, his children and his parents that he wants to stay with me and about our baby etc. etc. Then after he returns from Mexico, he wants us all to be a family and live together. He says that IF we lived together BEFORE he goes back to Mexico he is worried about a few things: #1 he does not think it is fair to me if we all live together and he talks to Lucia, #2 he doesn't want to leave me alone in our place when he goes back to Mexico, he wants me to be all safe with my parents.

Okay, now as I'm writing this I just don't know if I trust the situation. I trust him just not the situation. After all the hurt I've been through I'm just afraid that I'll lose him. He assures me that I will not and that he will be gone for 2 months (or a little bit less) and then he will return and we'll live together (him, me and the baby) as a family.

Okay, so now what I would like to happen but now that I wrote his point-of-view out, maybe my idea is not so realistic after all.

My View: For me and Cele to start planning to find somewhere for us to live and then we move in together BEFORE baby comes. I feel that that is the right thing because Cele will miss a lot if he is not living with the baby: The baby's first word, when he or she first walks, etc. AND what about communication with the baby? I'm thinking that the baby will be surrounded with all English, how will Cele communicate with him or her when he doesn't know that much English? Maybe I'm just being hormonal haha. :)

Then I think: What will happen when Cele DOES go back to Mexico? I would have to think of daycare and be able to work and pay the rent for us or risk losing our home and moving back to my parents house for 2 months or a little bit less until he came back.

SO maybe Cele is thinking realistically. I just cannot wrap my head around it though: After I give birth, I'm sure Cele will come back home to my parents' house but then he'll go back to his house at night? WTF. Excuse my language but doesn't that seem dysfunctional or whatever?

He tells me that I have EVERY RIGHT to feel the way that I do but also he is right to feel the way he does too. And he's right.

I'm just really afraid of what might happen in Mexico. I mean him and Lucia, well they have a 12 year history together and what if, well YOU KNOW happens between him and her and she gets pregnant AGAIN. I mentioned this to him and he told me "You don't think I can keep it in my pants for a whole two months?" lol. I also told him that I think maybe me and him should break it off when he is over there, but then that's like giving him the green light to go ahead and mess around with a woman he "supposedly" doesn't love anymore right?

I even have to admit I have had thoughts of marrying him just to feel more at ease when he goes over there. But married to him or not, I told myself common sense: If a man is going to cheat, he's going to cheat.

Then I just push ALL those thoughts out of my head and really just think of his safety and how I hope he comes back safe and sound.

So what do my readers think about this one? I'm curious. I would LOVE to go with Cele to Mexico, but you know, I'm pregnant and going to have a baby, so either way that is out of the question!

Thanks for any comments in advance! :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

I think that no matter which way you do it you will run the risk that he may change his mind and stay with her or cheat, the problem is that there is nothing you can do but wait for it all to play out. It would be better for him to go sooner rather than after the baby is born. There is security with your parents that he cannot offer you right now and your child will need that.