It went well. I had a urine test done as usual, blood pressure taken, and weight checked.
Then we got to hear the heartbeat again! It was just my mom and me this time, as Cele had to work, but it was nice. The heartbeat was even louder this time and stronger. Our Dr. says that it was a very good heartbeat.
He also said that my pregnancy is progressing extremely well and that there are NO problems. He also says that I'm gaining weight just at the right speed and that he doesn't want me gaining to much weight lol. Good thing, as my appetite is VERY low as it is haha, so that works out good. He told me that is normal though and that by 20 weeks the appetite will be picking up its speed.
Urine test was negative for any infection, blood pressure was normal (as it always has been thank God) and as I said before I had lost weight in my first trimester but have gained back what I lost in the second trimester. Lovely, but I'm still progressing well. So overall, NO complaints! :)
I received some nice samples today, my Dr's office is awesome! I received a new magazine called New Parents, a Target Baby Registry book, and a kit called "The First Trimester Kit." Too bad I didn't have that when I was actually in the 1st trimester but that's okay, as it came with a book called "Conception To Birth" which shows pictures of what the embryo and fetus look like as it develops and it tells what happens each month. It is quite cool, so its all good. As they say, "Good things come to those who wait."
Speaking of waiting....we'll find out what the gender is when I am 20 weeks. Blah. I was SO hoping sooner, but ultrasounds cost money as everyone knows, sooo I'm assuming it is THAT reason AS WELL AS my Dr. wants to be really SURE when he says if it is a girl or boy. Cele thinks it is a girl, my mom thinks that it is a girl, amigas that I know think that it is a girl, but me? I have NO idea lol! :) Either one is fine with me, just want the baby to be healthy! :)
But my next appointment is in March and I will update you about more then. I will be having genetic testing done, which is a blood test, and it will be telling me if the baby has any neural tube defects. I am sure all will be well though :)
Ta ta for now! :)
Hey!!!! Long time no see. I've been catching up on your blog and the pregnancy. It sounds like everything is coming together nicely. I haven't read everything ... I'm kinda going backwards lol.
I'm glad you're doing good :)
Hiiiii! Well it sounds like your pregnancy is coming along well. Any plans for a baby shower???? You'll have to let me know, maybe we can have one online too? I don't know!
I read about the loneliness and I hope everything will work out :)
Everything happens for a reason and you're blessed to carry a child :)
I'm glad to be back too!
Where are you?? LOL, I'm back and you're gone. Jennifer had her baby at Following My Catracho ... I know you wish yours was here already :)
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