So I finally graduated. Here is the pic of my diploma. Isn't it lovely?
Of course, it's not a REAL one. You can probably tell by the glare across it haha. Just messing around with ya. It's from this game called Cooking Academy. It is really a neat game and I learned a few things "around the kitchen" so-to-speak. On the program though, I really did graduate lol. ;o)
Anyways, I know you are probably wondering what is going on with me and the Chivito... <3
Not much. We've been together 4 months and so far so good...hoping the relationship stays lie-free and he is who he says he is. If so, then could he be "the one"? We shall see!
Sorry I don't have much of an update for you. Oh! One more thing though: I called my college and they have my application and I was told that the academic counseling (after they receive my transcripts) well...basically in 4-6 weeks I will be starting to pursue my degree.
Sooo needless to say QUITE happy with that! I am thinking by July I will be enrolled with college and studying. :o)
That's all for now.
Updating you with the happenings in my life.
WARNING: I am VERY detailed and I write long blogs, vent, do not proofread and tend to ramble.
P.S. I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Very Interesting . . .
Well, at least to me.
We bought boneless chicken right. Well, as I was preparing dinner and right before I put the dressing on the chicken, I noticed . . .
We bought boneless chicken right. Well, as I was preparing dinner and right before I put the dressing on the chicken, I noticed . . .
The Ped Egg!

I have been curious for a long time if this Ped Egg that is seen on TV really works. So I went to Wal-Mart (that's right, Wal-Mart, meaning that it IS sold in stores!)...
Anyways, I bought it and put it to the test.
The results???
It WORKED!!! I had really bad cracked and dry skin on my feet, felt like plastic. Now they are clear of all that and SO smooth! I would show you Before & After pics, but guess what? I was SO eager to try it that I didn't even THINK of taking any! Next time, I promise. (well IF there is a next time. 5 days later and my feet are STILL smooth with NO visibility of dry skin on 'em!)
So here is my 411 on the Ped Egg:
~Cheaper than a pedicure.
~No pain.
~Really smooths your feet.
~A bit slippery and slips while I use it (Maybe I just have to get used to it???)
~A bit small.
~Seems a bit fragile to me, like it could break quite easily.
**** 1/2
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Chivito's Cumpleaños
So it has been a LONG time since I've posted any updates. I have a little bit of news to share.
The Chivito's birthday really was yesterday but we decided it was best to celebrate it on Sunday, since he has been working later-than-usual evenings and quien sabe if we would have been able to celebrate it or Sunday it was.
I am going to make this blog post as quick as I can b/c I really don't feel like blogging long today lol. So please bear with me if I jump around a bit with any details :)
Anyways, on Saturday my family cooked out on the grill again and the Chivito and I spent some time together. The meat and hot dogs, well they were really good but for some reason DID NOT agree with my stomach lol.
After dinner, the Chivito and I spent some more time together listening to music, etc. It was kind of a slow day...well, even though whenever him and I are together el tiempo vuela...seriously! Time really flies whenever we are together. Like they say...."Time flies when you are having fun". Guess it's true, eh?
Anyways, our plans were supposed to go to the beach but my mom's back was hurting her and I couldn't even FATHOM the idea of her sitting in a lawn chair (much less could she!) so we passed on the beach thing and just hung out again at my house.
We ate breakfast in the morning, talked about the different kinds of fruits that are grown all over and especially the ones grown in Mexico and which ones he has seen here in the U.S. and which ones he hasn't seen...yet. It was quite an interesting convo. :)
After breakfast, I told him some stories of my past. He was quite surprised at how many stories I actually have lol. I told him "Hey, I didn't really want any stories, but I've got 'em."
I asked him if he had any stories of his own. He said no, unfortunately! I was really hoping to hear some lol.
So let's see....meanwhile, while the Chivito and I are talking, my parents are out buying his birthday cake. In the morning I had already wrapped his gifts, so that was all set.
After dinner, I had to translate his birthday card. OMGsh that was interesting! But he said I did a good job with my Spanish and that nada was wrong, so that made me feel good. I would have felt bad if my Spanish was bad on his birthday card!
After I was done translating his card, I brought him into the living room with his bag full of goodies. He was quite surprised at how many gifts he got (3! which to me is NOT many but he kept saying "You got me too much, I can't believe this") You could tell that he REALLY appreciated it all though, especially if you see the expression in his face in some of the pics....IF I can get Flickr to work and I am able to put some type of slide show on this blog, you will see. :)
My mom had gotten him a birthday card in Spanish and a Spanish-English dictionary that is exactly the same as mine. He really liked it and said "Muchísimas gracias" (many thanks) to my parents A LOT of times. He told me that now he can call me up and say "What is this word?" and we can be looking at the exact same page and word. That it will really help him. :D
I got him a birthday card, that was in English, but I translated it into Spanish. I also got him 2 nice shirts. He loves the shirts at Wal-Mart, so that's where I got them from. Thank God my mom was there with me to help me, if I didn't have her in my life, shoot I'd be one lost soul lol! (Thanks Mommy!) :)
Anyways -- He opened up the first box and lifted just 1/2 of the tissue paper I had wrapped the shirt in and right away turns to me and goes "Oh, mi amor". He really loved it. And the other box had a nice shirt in it too. He loved that one too. (When we talked after he got home, he had told me that he tried them both on and they fit great and that he was arranging his room as we spoke lol, my mom gave him A LOT of hangers that she had in her closet and really wasn't using, and he really liked that too) He is SO appreciative of everything, I love it. <3 style="font-style: italic;">smitten with this guy? :o)
Anyways, I told him that after he was done opening up his gifts that we would sing and eat cake. He goes "More?" meaning "more things happening with his birthday" and said "Yes! Of course!"
So we sang, he made his wish and blew out the candles. I stood of to the side because after all it was his birthday cake and birthday, but he pulled me right in with him lol. After pulling out the candles from his cake we ate. I told him that he should cut the first piece because he is the birthday guy and it's tradition. He really liked that and he also found it amusing that HE had to eat the first bite of his cake before we ate ours. I think he really felt special. And he is.....
Which leads me to this sad part on his actual birthday: Unfortunately, he got out of work late, so we didn't see each other. AND my poor Chivito called me up crying last night and was SO sad because he was sitting alone in his room, drinking, and celebrating ALONE in his room. His uncle was sleeping, his primo was out with his new girlfriend, and the other guy, well he was in his own room with his girlfriend.
The Chivito must of called me three times during the night telling me how he tried calling his parents in Mexico but nobody answered and then crying each time he told me he was "solito and celebrating his birthday alone". Of course he continuously said "Thank you so much for all you did" and I told him repeatedly that he is very special to me. He goes "Yes, but I'm not special to others. No one remembered my birthday". I felt SO bad. I starting crying a bit too. I felt SO bad and if I had my license I would have drove out there to be with him last night. But it is probably a good thing that I didn't have my license, my parents wouldn't have been happy to see their car gone LOL! Just kidding, I would have at least asked first!
So a couple more calls during the early morning from the Chivito and he told me "Can I tell you something? And you won't get mad?" I said "Sure, you can tell me anything, you know that." He told me "I am celebrating my birthday alone and I've drank 5 beers. Are you mad?"
Me: "No Chivito! I'm not mad. It's your birthday. You have the right to drink. I'm just worried about you because you haven't slept at all and you have to work tomorrow. I am also worried that you will drink more because you are sad."
Him: "Don't worry, my love. You know me, I don't drink. I am only drinking because it's my birthday. I am not going to drink anymore tonight."
And he didn't and thankfully he got SOME sleep. I talked to him some more today and he sounded better. I think the thing with him drinking 5 beers made him more sadder. I know when I drink even ONE and I'm depressed before that, heck it makes me more depressed after I drink.
But he told me he is happy now and especially with me, so all is good. :)
On a different topic, I sent out my college application. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed! More on that as things progress.
On another different topic, I sent out the waiver packet to the Catracho. It was quite thick, as you can see below. Damn, I spent a LOT of time on it. Took me like 4-5 months to get the thing to Honduras. I'll admit it though: I didn't work on it the whole time. It is VERY stressful! Anyways, the Catracho called me yesterday and said he filed it. Thank God THAT is done and over with! Argh, how frustrating was that. Thanks again to my Mommy for all her help. :)
Nothing much more going on that's new. You know me, I'll keep ya posted.
UPDATE: The Chivito's birthday pics are posted as a Flickr badge below on this site in case you wanted to see 'em. They are also on my MySpace too.
The Chivito's birthday really was yesterday but we decided it was best to celebrate it on Sunday, since he has been working later-than-usual evenings and quien sabe if we would have been able to celebrate it or Sunday it was.
I am going to make this blog post as quick as I can b/c I really don't feel like blogging long today lol. So please bear with me if I jump around a bit with any details :)
Anyways, on Saturday my family cooked out on the grill again and the Chivito and I spent some time together. The meat and hot dogs, well they were really good but for some reason DID NOT agree with my stomach lol.
After dinner, the Chivito and I spent some more time together listening to music, etc. It was kind of a slow day...well, even though whenever him and I are together el tiempo vuela...seriously! Time really flies whenever we are together. Like they say...."Time flies when you are having fun". Guess it's true, eh?
Anyways, our plans were supposed to go to the beach but my mom's back was hurting her and I couldn't even FATHOM the idea of her sitting in a lawn chair (much less could she!) so we passed on the beach thing and just hung out again at my house.
We ate breakfast in the morning, talked about the different kinds of fruits that are grown all over and especially the ones grown in Mexico and which ones he has seen here in the U.S. and which ones he hasn't seen...yet. It was quite an interesting convo. :)
After breakfast, I told him some stories of my past. He was quite surprised at how many stories I actually have lol. I told him "Hey, I didn't really want any stories, but I've got 'em."
I asked him if he had any stories of his own. He said no, unfortunately! I was really hoping to hear some lol.
So let's see....meanwhile, while the Chivito and I are talking, my parents are out buying his birthday cake. In the morning I had already wrapped his gifts, so that was all set.
After dinner, I had to translate his birthday card. OMGsh that was interesting! But he said I did a good job with my Spanish and that nada was wrong, so that made me feel good. I would have felt bad if my Spanish was bad on his birthday card!
After I was done translating his card, I brought him into the living room with his bag full of goodies. He was quite surprised at how many gifts he got (3! which to me is NOT many but he kept saying "You got me too much, I can't believe this") You could tell that he REALLY appreciated it all though, especially if you see the expression in his face in some of the pics....IF I can get Flickr to work and I am able to put some type of slide show on this blog, you will see. :)
My mom had gotten him a birthday card in Spanish and a Spanish-English dictionary that is exactly the same as mine. He really liked it and said "Muchísimas gracias" (many thanks) to my parents A LOT of times. He told me that now he can call me up and say "What is this word?" and we can be looking at the exact same page and word. That it will really help him. :D
I got him a birthday card, that was in English, but I translated it into Spanish. I also got him 2 nice shirts. He loves the shirts at Wal-Mart, so that's where I got them from. Thank God my mom was there with me to help me, if I didn't have her in my life, shoot I'd be one lost soul lol! (Thanks Mommy!) :)
Anyways -- He opened up the first box and lifted just 1/2 of the tissue paper I had wrapped the shirt in and right away turns to me and goes "Oh, mi amor". He really loved it. And the other box had a nice shirt in it too. He loved that one too. (When we talked after he got home, he had told me that he tried them both on and they fit great and that he was arranging his room as we spoke lol, my mom gave him A LOT of hangers that she had in her closet and really wasn't using, and he really liked that too) He is SO appreciative of everything, I love it. <3 style="font-style: italic;">smitten with this guy? :o)
Anyways, I told him that after he was done opening up his gifts that we would sing and eat cake. He goes "More?" meaning "more things happening with his birthday" and said "Yes! Of course!"
So we sang, he made his wish and blew out the candles. I stood of to the side because after all it was his birthday cake and birthday, but he pulled me right in with him lol. After pulling out the candles from his cake we ate. I told him that he should cut the first piece because he is the birthday guy and it's tradition. He really liked that and he also found it amusing that HE had to eat the first bite of his cake before we ate ours. I think he really felt special. And he is.....
Which leads me to this sad part on his actual birthday: Unfortunately, he got out of work late, so we didn't see each other. AND my poor Chivito called me up crying last night and was SO sad because he was sitting alone in his room, drinking, and celebrating ALONE in his room. His uncle was sleeping, his primo was out with his new girlfriend, and the other guy, well he was in his own room with his girlfriend.
The Chivito must of called me three times during the night telling me how he tried calling his parents in Mexico but nobody answered and then crying each time he told me he was "solito and celebrating his birthday alone". Of course he continuously said "Thank you so much for all you did" and I told him repeatedly that he is very special to me. He goes "Yes, but I'm not special to others. No one remembered my birthday". I felt SO bad. I starting crying a bit too. I felt SO bad and if I had my license I would have drove out there to be with him last night. But it is probably a good thing that I didn't have my license, my parents wouldn't have been happy to see their car gone LOL! Just kidding, I would have at least asked first!
So a couple more calls during the early morning from the Chivito and he told me "Can I tell you something? And you won't get mad?" I said "Sure, you can tell me anything, you know that." He told me "I am celebrating my birthday alone and I've drank 5 beers. Are you mad?"
Me: "No Chivito! I'm not mad. It's your birthday. You have the right to drink. I'm just worried about you because you haven't slept at all and you have to work tomorrow. I am also worried that you will drink more because you are sad."
Him: "Don't worry, my love. You know me, I don't drink. I am only drinking because it's my birthday. I am not going to drink anymore tonight."
And he didn't and thankfully he got SOME sleep. I talked to him some more today and he sounded better. I think the thing with him drinking 5 beers made him more sadder. I know when I drink even ONE and I'm depressed before that, heck it makes me more depressed after I drink.
But he told me he is happy now and especially with me, so all is good. :)
On a different topic, I sent out my college application. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed! More on that as things progress.
On another different topic, I sent out the waiver packet to the Catracho. It was quite thick, as you can see below. Damn, I spent a LOT of time on it. Took me like 4-5 months to get the thing to Honduras. I'll admit it though: I didn't work on it the whole time. It is VERY stressful! Anyways, the Catracho called me yesterday and said he filed it. Thank God THAT is done and over with! Argh, how frustrating was that. Thanks again to my Mommy for all her help. :)
Nothing much more going on that's new. You know me, I'll keep ya posted.
UPDATE: The Chivito's birthday pics are posted as a Flickr badge below on this site in case you wanted to see 'em. They are also on my MySpace too.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Ex, New Family, Mom, College, & the Catracho
I must warn you: THIS BLOG IS VERY LONG.
So this post is about MORE news of my "soap opera-ish life" that I've got going on down here in the South. When will the madness stop lol? It always seems when 1 door closes, well even before it is completely shut that 2nd puerta just HAS to open and I mean open W-I-D-E! Ugh.
So where shall I begin first?
First piece of news: The ex.
Yes, let's start with my ex...*sigh*...again. You know I really thought that he might have given up since there was this period of a few days of not hearing from him. He was calling me everyday and pouring out his corazón to me with each phone call up until those few days of silencio.
OMGSH where do I begin with him? Well, we talked for 3 HOURS that night he called me. The most time I have ever talked to A-N-Y-O-N-E in my life!
What did we talk about? Well what did we not talk about? Here's a list of what our convo mostly consisted of......
~His life; how he came to this country; his not-so-good past; his goals; his dreams; his plans...etc. We also talked about my life; our beliefs about immigration (with/without documents); a little bit of my past; my goals; my dreams; my plans, etc.
He told me that he used to be a "bad boy" long ago when he was 18,19,20. But he dropped those friends, stopped drugs, drinking and smoking and has turned his life around. This was all before I met him and we dated when I lived in NC. He also told me that he studies the Bible for 1 hour on Mondays and 2 hours on Wednesdays.
He told me how he came to this country. He came here on a VISA! That means his status here, is well, documented. He tells me how he feels SO bad for the ones that come here sin documentos and sometimes he lies and says he is undocumented as well because a couple of times, he has told the truth and his friends would call his racist because he is here documented.
He renews his visa every 3 years. Each time he goes back to Mexico and stays there for 5 days.
He also told me that when I confessed how I loved him and wanted to be with him and only him forever about a couple of months ago (before all this stuff with Cele started, mind you) well, it made him confused and there was 1 whole mes where we didn't talk. I said "the heck with it" and left him alone. Then he calls me up, well you read the blog right? And then there was the other one too.
Anyways! He told me that he finally knows what he wants. "You." He says. He wants me! And he says that after all these years (I have known him for 6 years, almost 7) well, there's a reason why we keep coming back and talking right? We agree that maybe God has a plan for us to be together. He goes "Well, someone wants us together!" I thought that was cute lol.
So he thinks I am working. I know I shouldn't lie to him, but it really is no concern of his if I'm working or not. Besides, I don't know what or IF anything is going to happen between me and him. Anyways! He told me that he would make plans to come see me and see where things go between us in July or August. If I "couldn't get time off from work" lol then in November he would definitely come.
He mentioned me moving up there. I could live with him, he would buy me a car and he'd find me a job.
OMG! Sounds like a fairytale, but I can't just pick up and leave!
I told him that too, I said
ME: "I would need to find a job there first."
HIM: "Well you can find one on the computer, right?"
ME: *hesitantly* "Umm, well yeah, probably. But then I would need a lot of money to go there. I would need a car -- "
HIM: "I would buy you your car."
ME: "Really? Well, that is very nice of you but it is more than that. I would need to find a place to live and -- "
HIM: "You can live with me."
The conversation continued on a bit longer but I don't really remember all the details lol. I am still in shock that he is saying what I've wanted him to say TWO FREAKIN' YEARS AGO!
He also mentioned that when he comes to see me here in GA....
HIM: "I will come to see you and stay 5 days. Maybe I will never go back to NC because I don't want to just see you for 5 days. I want to wake up next to you and go to sleep next to you and see you for the rest of my life."
I am tearing up as I write this blog because again, I am torn between 2 lovers. Isn't that a song? It is isn't it? I swear that is like my theme song for my life. It always seems that I am always having to CHOOSE between 2 or 3 guys.
My mom is right. I have come to that conclusion. She is right. She says "Megan, you will never be alone."
My God she is right. I have all these guys that like me. I remember this older co-worker of mine when I worked as a limpieza in the hotel. He goes "Megan, how come everyone wants to marry you/go out with you? What do you got that these guys want? Something that I don't have. Oh, if I was younger." Yes, he liked me too, but he was older and well, I already had an experience with the Viejo, that freakin' 40-yr-old and NEVER again will I continue to make a mistake like that one again.
So if the Chivito is 40 or even CLOSE to 40, well "Adios" to him because you know he would have SOME kind of baggage back in Mexico!
Now onto the second piece of news: Family Reunion.
Yup. It is all about reuniting and getting reacquainted with my real father's family. The family that I really never kept in touch with. Anyways, there is a reunion in July 2009. It is very nerve-wracking and exciting all at the same time. I have all these different emotions. I mean I have sisters (half-sisters) but anyways, they are blood-related and they are out there and I will possibly be meeting them! I have always thought of myself as an only child, well no more I guess lol! More on that in another blog though.........
The third piece of news: College
Yes, it is that time. Back to school for moi. My plans are to apply and send out my application next month. I would have done it THIS month, but I need to pay some bills and get this STUPID waiver packet thing out for the Catracho. How am I going to pay these bills if I don't have a job? Well, mi mamá is generous and kind and just WONDERFUL enough to pay me to do certain things around the house everyday. I really appreciate that she has always stuck by me....I am just REALLY sad that she will be giving me money to pay for her Mother's Day gift! I owe her BIGTIME. :( I honestly do not know what I would do without her.
The fourth piece of news: The Catracho.
I am wiping my hands clean of all this immigration bullsh*t once and for all. I am sending this hardship letter (HSL) and waiver packet to him on Saturday whether it is good or not. I worked on it as much as I could and half the lovey dovey parts in the letter are phony since I wrote it a long time ago when things were good between us.
But I told him after I send this out, THAT IS IT. I'm done. I'm not sending no money to him (haven't anyways and don't plan on it) and if it gets approved, good for him. If not, better luck next time. I know I might sound cold, but you have NO idea what I have gone thru with this Catracho! And to think that I MARRIED him?! Ugh, what in the world was I thinking.
That no one else would marry me? He has had it "drilled" in my head for the longest time that HE is the ONLY one that has EVER loved me. Marcial, that ex I mentioned first in this blog, "Oh he just used you. He wanted papers." That's what the Catracho said! All my exes had feelings for me. The Catracho just thinks that HE is the ONLY one that can and will EVER love me. WRONG!
It's obvious all my exes had feelings for me, I mean they all came back. But of course, I knew better and was strong enough to say "No, ya had your chance. Ya blew it." I didn't really say it in those words, after all, actions speak louder than words right? Right.
Now as for the Chivito. He is either lying or telling the truth. I am going to keep my heart safe, yes, BUT I am NOT going to keep a brick wall over it. If I get hurt with this one, then I take it as he was just a stepping stone until Marcial came to his senses and it is meant to be with him.
Who knows what life will bring to me tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month or even this or next year? But I'm up for the challenges. After all, God never gives you too much that He knows you cannot handle, right? Exactamente.
I'm just happy to have made the decision about studying again, and this time my passion: Spanish! :o)
So this post is about MORE news of my "soap opera-ish life" that I've got going on down here in the South. When will the madness stop lol? It always seems when 1 door closes, well even before it is completely shut that 2nd puerta just HAS to open and I mean open W-I-D-E! Ugh.
So where shall I begin first?
First piece of news: The ex.
Yes, let's start with my ex...*sigh*...again. You know I really thought that he might have given up since there was this period of a few days of not hearing from him. He was calling me everyday and pouring out his corazón to me with each phone call up until those few days of silencio.
OMGSH where do I begin with him? Well, we talked for 3 HOURS that night he called me. The most time I have ever talked to A-N-Y-O-N-E in my life!
What did we talk about? Well what did we not talk about? Here's a list of what our convo mostly consisted of......
~His life; how he came to this country; his not-so-good past; his goals; his dreams; his plans...etc. We also talked about my life; our beliefs about immigration (with/without documents); a little bit of my past; my goals; my dreams; my plans, etc.
He told me that he used to be a "bad boy" long ago when he was 18,19,20. But he dropped those friends, stopped drugs, drinking and smoking and has turned his life around. This was all before I met him and we dated when I lived in NC. He also told me that he studies the Bible for 1 hour on Mondays and 2 hours on Wednesdays.
He told me how he came to this country. He came here on a VISA! That means his status here, is well, documented. He tells me how he feels SO bad for the ones that come here sin documentos and sometimes he lies and says he is undocumented as well because a couple of times, he has told the truth and his friends would call his racist because he is here documented.
He renews his visa every 3 years. Each time he goes back to Mexico and stays there for 5 days.
He also told me that when I confessed how I loved him and wanted to be with him and only him forever about a couple of months ago (before all this stuff with Cele started, mind you) well, it made him confused and there was 1 whole mes where we didn't talk. I said "the heck with it" and left him alone. Then he calls me up, well you read the blog right? And then there was the other one too.
Anyways! He told me that he finally knows what he wants. "You." He says. He wants me! And he says that after all these years (I have known him for 6 years, almost 7) well, there's a reason why we keep coming back and talking right? We agree that maybe God has a plan for us to be together. He goes "Well, someone wants us together!" I thought that was cute lol.
So he thinks I am working. I know I shouldn't lie to him, but it really is no concern of his if I'm working or not. Besides, I don't know what or IF anything is going to happen between me and him. Anyways! He told me that he would make plans to come see me and see where things go between us in July or August. If I "couldn't get time off from work" lol then in November he would definitely come.
He mentioned me moving up there. I could live with him, he would buy me a car and he'd find me a job.
OMG! Sounds like a fairytale, but I can't just pick up and leave!
I told him that too, I said
ME: "I would need to find a job there first."
HIM: "Well you can find one on the computer, right?"
ME: *hesitantly* "Umm, well yeah, probably. But then I would need a lot of money to go there. I would need a car -- "
HIM: "I would buy you your car."
ME: "Really? Well, that is very nice of you but it is more than that. I would need to find a place to live and -- "
HIM: "You can live with me."
The conversation continued on a bit longer but I don't really remember all the details lol. I am still in shock that he is saying what I've wanted him to say TWO FREAKIN' YEARS AGO!
He also mentioned that when he comes to see me here in GA....
HIM: "I will come to see you and stay 5 days. Maybe I will never go back to NC because I don't want to just see you for 5 days. I want to wake up next to you and go to sleep next to you and see you for the rest of my life."
I am tearing up as I write this blog because again, I am torn between 2 lovers. Isn't that a song? It is isn't it? I swear that is like my theme song for my life. It always seems that I am always having to CHOOSE between 2 or 3 guys.
My mom is right. I have come to that conclusion. She is right. She says "Megan, you will never be alone."
My God she is right. I have all these guys that like me. I remember this older co-worker of mine when I worked as a limpieza in the hotel. He goes "Megan, how come everyone wants to marry you/go out with you? What do you got that these guys want? Something that I don't have. Oh, if I was younger." Yes, he liked me too, but he was older and well, I already had an experience with the Viejo, that freakin' 40-yr-old and NEVER again will I continue to make a mistake like that one again.
So if the Chivito is 40 or even CLOSE to 40, well "Adios" to him because you know he would have SOME kind of baggage back in Mexico!
Now onto the second piece of news: Family Reunion.
Yup. It is all about reuniting and getting reacquainted with my real father's family. The family that I really never kept in touch with. Anyways, there is a reunion in July 2009. It is very nerve-wracking and exciting all at the same time. I have all these different emotions. I mean I have sisters (half-sisters) but anyways, they are blood-related and they are out there and I will possibly be meeting them! I have always thought of myself as an only child, well no more I guess lol! More on that in another blog though.........
The third piece of news: College
Yes, it is that time. Back to school for moi. My plans are to apply and send out my application next month. I would have done it THIS month, but I need to pay some bills and get this STUPID waiver packet thing out for the Catracho. How am I going to pay these bills if I don't have a job? Well, mi mamá is generous and kind and just WONDERFUL enough to pay me to do certain things around the house everyday. I really appreciate that she has always stuck by me....I am just REALLY sad that she will be giving me money to pay for her Mother's Day gift! I owe her BIGTIME. :( I honestly do not know what I would do without her.
The fourth piece of news: The Catracho.
I am wiping my hands clean of all this immigration bullsh*t once and for all. I am sending this hardship letter (HSL) and waiver packet to him on Saturday whether it is good or not. I worked on it as much as I could and half the lovey dovey parts in the letter are phony since I wrote it a long time ago when things were good between us.
But I told him after I send this out, THAT IS IT. I'm done. I'm not sending no money to him (haven't anyways and don't plan on it) and if it gets approved, good for him. If not, better luck next time. I know I might sound cold, but you have NO idea what I have gone thru with this Catracho! And to think that I MARRIED him?! Ugh, what in the world was I thinking.
That no one else would marry me? He has had it "drilled" in my head for the longest time that HE is the ONLY one that has EVER loved me. Marcial, that ex I mentioned first in this blog, "Oh he just used you. He wanted papers." That's what the Catracho said! All my exes had feelings for me. The Catracho just thinks that HE is the ONLY one that can and will EVER love me. WRONG!
It's obvious all my exes had feelings for me, I mean they all came back. But of course, I knew better and was strong enough to say "No, ya had your chance. Ya blew it." I didn't really say it in those words, after all, actions speak louder than words right? Right.
Now as for the Chivito. He is either lying or telling the truth. I am going to keep my heart safe, yes, BUT I am NOT going to keep a brick wall over it. If I get hurt with this one, then I take it as he was just a stepping stone until Marcial came to his senses and it is meant to be with him.
Who knows what life will bring to me tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month or even this or next year? But I'm up for the challenges. After all, God never gives you too much that He knows you cannot handle, right? Exactamente.
I'm just happy to have made the decision about studying again, and this time my passion: Spanish! :o)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I Have MUCH To Share!
Okay, so I told you I had much to share, it is not A LOT and probably not ALL that interesting, but hey, I'm updating you on the happenings in my life and I guess this post was to let you know that I'm still here! *waves* :)
Here is what happened on Saturday:
The Chivito and I were supposed to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at this fiesta and festival-type thing, but we ended up not going, but it was fine because we both said next year we will.
We went to pick the Chivito up and I told him we are going to go to my house first, then the fiesta.
So we get to my house and I say "Come on, let's sit out on the back porch." Immediately, I told him "Let's have a little chat." I might have came across a bit stern and kinda mean, but I had to do what had to be done to get this guy to crack on his age.
I immediately said "I know you are not 25, Chivito. And I will tell you why."
Me: "In the beginning, a few days after we first met, I asked you for your year of birth. First you told me 1980. Then a few seconds later you said 'No, it's 1985.' Then you said '1983'. Well, 1980 would have made you 28 going on 29; 1985 would have made you my age going on 24; and 1983, well that would make you 25 this year."
He immediately started to have tears in his eyes, and dug for something in his pocket.
Here were my thoughts: "OMGSH! Finally, we are going to get somewhere and he will prove to me how old he is. Gosh, I hope he is older. If not, I'll feel like an a$$."
To my surprise, he took out his cell phone.
Here were my thoughts at that time: "Okay...maybe he has info on his phone?"
I asked him what he was doing. He told me "You don't believe me, you don't trust me. I'm leaving."
I told him "How?"
He told me that he was going to call one of his amigo's to come get him.
I told him to sit down and don't leave. I continued on but all he kept saying was "I can't believe you think I'm older" and "You don't believe me".
Thankfully, he didn't end up leaving and we patched things up. I told him "Why is it such a problem to see your I.D.? I've already asked you for it once and you haven't brought it?"
He told me "I have no problem showing you my I.D. My friend has not brought it back to me yet and I'm waiting for him to bring it back to me. When I have it, I have NO problem showing it to you."
So that was that. I told my mom about what happened and she told my stepfather. He has a pretty good judgement of character with others and said 'Wow, he was going to call his friend and have him come all the way out here to pick him up and leave? He's not lying'
Do I know for SURE if the Chivito is 25? No. Will I still keep my eyes and ears open and be careful? Yes. Will I ask the Chivito for his I.D. again? No. I already asked him three times, I will wait for him to show it to me.
I believe him. Sometimes I look at him and I say "He's got to be in his 30s" then other days I look at him and he really does look 25 going on 26!
Another thing that could have aged him, could be the sun. I've asked what jobs he has worked and he told me. They have all been outside jobs, so maybe the sun has aged him and has made him look older.
For now, I'm trusting him. If I end up getting hurt, fine. I'll move on. There are other fish out in the sea. Like my mom has said "Megan, you'll never be alone."
I have to go into this relationship with a good attitude and trust and lots of communication.
There are two scenarios in my head:
#1: I trust the Chivito and we move forward and keep seeing each other and getting to know each other. He turns out to be the age he says he is and he also turns out to be a great hombre with a wonderful heart and we live "Happily ever after" lol...if there IS such a thing, I have not seen it yet. :o)
#2: I trust the Chivito and we move forward and keep seeing each other and getting to know each other. He turns out to have lied about his age [and ends up having someone back in Mexico, maybe even kids. And he ends up going back to Mexico and that's that.]
[...........] = Fill in the blank with your terrible story.
I hope it's #1, but don't we all when we meet someone new? Of course we do!
Okay, onto more stuff:
So Saturday night ends well and then we all go to the beach on Sunday, which would have been yesterday.
EVERYONE was there I swear! We could NOT find a parking place, so we ended up parking up by the lighthouse.
My mom took some pics, so did my stepfather. It was the MOST fun I've had EVER with a guy at the beach. I remember the Catracho I am married to, well he would go to the beach and bring my other iPod and listen to that, complain about the sun and how it is too hot, swim and hang out with Joe, my stepfather, listen to some more iPod and complain, complain, complain.
Do I miss that? NO WAY.
Now the Chivito and I had a lot of fun. We didn't go swimming but wished we had brought our suits, "otro dia" we said.
My parents bought Subway sandwiches for us and we had a cooler filled with cold drinks.
The Chivito and I sat on the blanket for a bit then we decided to check out the big rocks that were near the coast where the people fish. That was a lot of fun!
We examined the rocks and couldn't believe at how many shells there were stuck to it and the Chivito was looking under the rocks to see if there were animales. He had never been to that part of the beach and he told me had a great time. I am SO glad he did! (I did too!) :o)
Anyways, we found an area where we could cross the rocks onto the other side. I walked through el mar but he didn't have sandals and just watched me and the waves splashed the heck out of my capris!
He said that el mar was enojada with him.
Each time we kissed or hugged each other the tide would roll in furiously and try to get his feet wet.
I joked and said that el mar was not mad, but jealous, because he's mi mexicano. Then we both laughed.
Lots of fun! Mucho divertido!
We finally decide it was time to walk back and get going. I ended up getting a bad sunburn near my neck and the Chivito? Well, tiene suerte of course because he's got such dark skin. Lucky him!
After falling asleep on my bedroom floor because the sun just knocked us right out lol, we ate dinner, listened to music and chatted some more and then the night came to an end. :o(
We dropped him off and my mom goes "I like him even more. He is sweet, caring and appreciative."
So as long as my parents like him, well that's all good, because that means he probably IS a good guy. Joe even said he likes him better than the Catracho! That is something BIG.
We shall see what happens between me and him.
So that's all that has happened, I know it's not much, but the Chivito and I saw each other el sabado AND el domingo. That's quite the step up lol! We usually only see each other once a week! Twice a week was great! :D
Here is what happened on Saturday:
The Chivito and I were supposed to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at this fiesta and festival-type thing, but we ended up not going, but it was fine because we both said next year we will.
We went to pick the Chivito up and I told him we are going to go to my house first, then the fiesta.
So we get to my house and I say "Come on, let's sit out on the back porch." Immediately, I told him "Let's have a little chat." I might have came across a bit stern and kinda mean, but I had to do what had to be done to get this guy to crack on his age.
I immediately said "I know you are not 25, Chivito. And I will tell you why."
Me: "In the beginning, a few days after we first met, I asked you for your year of birth. First you told me 1980. Then a few seconds later you said 'No, it's 1985.' Then you said '1983'. Well, 1980 would have made you 28 going on 29; 1985 would have made you my age going on 24; and 1983, well that would make you 25 this year."
He immediately started to have tears in his eyes, and dug for something in his pocket.
Here were my thoughts: "OMGSH! Finally, we are going to get somewhere and he will prove to me how old he is. Gosh, I hope he is older. If not, I'll feel like an a$$."
To my surprise, he took out his cell phone.
Here were my thoughts at that time: "Okay...maybe he has info on his phone?"
I asked him what he was doing. He told me "You don't believe me, you don't trust me. I'm leaving."
I told him "How?"
He told me that he was going to call one of his amigo's to come get him.
I told him to sit down and don't leave. I continued on but all he kept saying was "I can't believe you think I'm older" and "You don't believe me".
Thankfully, he didn't end up leaving and we patched things up. I told him "Why is it such a problem to see your I.D.? I've already asked you for it once and you haven't brought it?"
He told me "I have no problem showing you my I.D. My friend has not brought it back to me yet and I'm waiting for him to bring it back to me. When I have it, I have NO problem showing it to you."
So that was that. I told my mom about what happened and she told my stepfather. He has a pretty good judgement of character with others and said 'Wow, he was going to call his friend and have him come all the way out here to pick him up and leave? He's not lying'
Do I know for SURE if the Chivito is 25? No. Will I still keep my eyes and ears open and be careful? Yes. Will I ask the Chivito for his I.D. again? No. I already asked him three times, I will wait for him to show it to me.
I believe him. Sometimes I look at him and I say "He's got to be in his 30s" then other days I look at him and he really does look 25 going on 26!
Another thing that could have aged him, could be the sun. I've asked what jobs he has worked and he told me. They have all been outside jobs, so maybe the sun has aged him and has made him look older.
For now, I'm trusting him. If I end up getting hurt, fine. I'll move on. There are other fish out in the sea. Like my mom has said "Megan, you'll never be alone."
I have to go into this relationship with a good attitude and trust and lots of communication.
There are two scenarios in my head:
#1: I trust the Chivito and we move forward and keep seeing each other and getting to know each other. He turns out to be the age he says he is and he also turns out to be a great hombre with a wonderful heart and we live "Happily ever after" lol...if there IS such a thing, I have not seen it yet. :o)
#2: I trust the Chivito and we move forward and keep seeing each other and getting to know each other. He turns out to have lied about his age [and ends up having someone back in Mexico, maybe even kids. And he ends up going back to Mexico and that's that.]
[...........] = Fill in the blank with your terrible story.
I hope it's #1, but don't we all when we meet someone new? Of course we do!
Okay, onto more stuff:
So Saturday night ends well and then we all go to the beach on Sunday, which would have been yesterday.
EVERYONE was there I swear! We could NOT find a parking place, so we ended up parking up by the lighthouse.
My mom took some pics, so did my stepfather. It was the MOST fun I've had EVER with a guy at the beach. I remember the Catracho I am married to, well he would go to the beach and bring my other iPod and listen to that, complain about the sun and how it is too hot, swim and hang out with Joe, my stepfather, listen to some more iPod and complain, complain, complain.
Do I miss that? NO WAY.
Now the Chivito and I had a lot of fun. We didn't go swimming but wished we had brought our suits, "otro dia" we said.
My parents bought Subway sandwiches for us and we had a cooler filled with cold drinks.
The Chivito and I sat on the blanket for a bit then we decided to check out the big rocks that were near the coast where the people fish. That was a lot of fun!
We examined the rocks and couldn't believe at how many shells there were stuck to it and the Chivito was looking under the rocks to see if there were animales. He had never been to that part of the beach and he told me had a great time. I am SO glad he did! (I did too!) :o)
Anyways, we found an area where we could cross the rocks onto the other side. I walked through el mar but he didn't have sandals and just watched me and the waves splashed the heck out of my capris!
He said that el mar was enojada with him.
Each time we kissed or hugged each other the tide would roll in furiously and try to get his feet wet.
I joked and said that el mar was not mad, but jealous, because he's mi mexicano. Then we both laughed.
Lots of fun! Mucho divertido!
We finally decide it was time to walk back and get going. I ended up getting a bad sunburn near my neck and the Chivito? Well, tiene suerte of course because he's got such dark skin. Lucky him!
After falling asleep on my bedroom floor because the sun just knocked us right out lol, we ate dinner, listened to music and chatted some more and then the night came to an end. :o(
We dropped him off and my mom goes "I like him even more. He is sweet, caring and appreciative."
So as long as my parents like him, well that's all good, because that means he probably IS a good guy. Joe even said he likes him better than the Catracho! That is something BIG.
We shall see what happens between me and him.
So that's all that has happened, I know it's not much, but the Chivito and I saw each other el sabado AND el domingo. That's quite the step up lol! We usually only see each other once a week! Twice a week was great! :D
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