So I am trying to figure out why I feel kind of weird when talking to the Chivito. I mean we had this 'argument' or whatever; if you really want to call it that, since we didn't even yell at each other. It just consisted of both of us crying.
Updating you with the happenings in my life.
WARNING: I am VERY detailed and I write long blogs, vent, do not proofread and tend to ramble.
P.S. I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I Feel Really Weird About This
So I am trying to figure out why I feel kind of weird when talking to the Chivito. I mean we had this 'argument' or whatever; if you really want to call it that, since we didn't even yell at each other. It just consisted of both of us crying.
Monday, April 28, 2008
OMGSH I Feel SO Bad!
I talked to the Chivito today, this evening and tonight MANY times.
Something That Has Been Bothering Me
Sunday, April 27, 2008
So I Think I Have Found It!
Found what you ask? Why the school that I would like to study with for my Bachelor's in Foreign Language.
Friday, April 25, 2008
An Update To The Big News
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Oh My Word!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Talk
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I Need A Change
I was enrolled with a Medical Transcription site...M-Tec and I really liked it but I was at a time during my life where I couldn't concentrate. The Catracho I married was doing whatever the h*ll he wanted (drinking a lot, partying at any hour of the day/night, and God knows what else)...anyways, I was worried about "saving" my relationship with him at the time.
But right now, him and I are not together. I am unemployed (still searching for a job and applying, but no luck yet) and well, I don't have any other commitments. I only see the Chivito once a week now since we don't work together anymore.
Any advice? Ideas? Help me out readers! I'm SURE you all know of some good place that I can study with! Right???
Quizzes From La Gringa! Thanks! :)
Hey, someone's gotta do it, right? LOL
Here are some interesting and fun quizzes I took. Thanks again, La Gringa!
Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun
Okay, I agree with all of the above but...what in the world does "love to bust" mean? Does that mean something like "love to joke around all the time" or....?
Any thoughts? Okay, moving on. :)
A witch? Hmm...interesting...
The Rat:
Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz
Any for more fun... Best Compatible Zodiac Signs
Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quizzes
From what I can see the top 3 zodiac signs best compatible with me are...
Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer.
Well, I have had my share with a Pisces, that was the 40 year old (el Viejo) who lied to me, well MANY lies! "A dirty Mexican" as my best amigo mexicano said. And he was right. Ugh.
As for Taurus, used to date one back when I lived in NC and we connected quite well, except he was VERY indecisive and well, had a hard time sticking to whether he wanted to be with me or not.
Chivito is a Taurus. I find I get along with Taurus' better than any zodiac sign, well for now since I have not met ALL zodiac signs LOL!
One last quiz. Sorry I went all out with 'em! :)
Glad to see my blog is not badly rated!
Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz
Monday, April 21, 2008
My First *Venting* Post
Him: So what did you do today?
Me: I exercised, washed the dishes, vacuumed, you know the usual, my chores and stuff.
Him: Exercise, eh? Why?
Me: Because I want to lose weight.
Him: Why? Because you are getting fatter?
Me: Yes, I think I am. I mean -- well, what do you think?
*The convo really should have just stopped right then and there before even asking him what he thought about my weight. But noooo, Megan always has to keep on talkin*
Him: Yes, I see that you have gained some weight.
My thoughts: OMG! Did he just say that?
So that really bothered me tonight and here's the rest of the convo. After that comment of him "seeing I've gained some weight" well, it heated up a bit from there.
Him: Well, I have to get some sleep since I get up very soon.
Me: Yes, sleep. You have to get up early.
Him: You need to sleep too.
Me: Why? It's still early. I'm going to go to bed by 11 tonight.
Him: *in a joking voice* You are not going to obey me?
Me: Whoa, wait a minute! Obey you? I'm not going to obey you! I'm going to sleep when I want to.
It's funny when I get mad or hurt about something and I have to say it in Spanish, it comes up faster than Speedy Gonzalez. It's like I don't even have to think about what I want to say, it just comes flowing out lol.
Anyways, back to the convo.
Him: *acts surprised that I said I wasn't going to obey him and laughs a tiny bit* Well, I'm going to sleep now. I will call you tomorrow or when I leave for work.
Me: Okay, goodnight and take care.
We hang up and then about 3 minutes later he calls me back and asks if it is okay if he asks me a question. I said sure, and tell him he can ask me whatever he wants, after all we are a couple.
Here's another part of the convo that is interesting, not bothersome but interesting cultural wise.
Him: Do the women here, when they are married, do they do what they want to do.
Me: Well, it depends. I don't know, it is hard to explain it to you when I don't know that much Spanish.
Him: How can I explain it to you better... *thinking*... Like if the women want to go to another place, do they need permission or do they just go without asking or saying anything to their husbands?
Me: *A bit baffled by this question, but knew what he was getting at* Well, it still depends on the relationship. You mean if the women want to go to another place, say the store?
(I got the store idea from the Viejo, he asked me this question before so I knew exactly what the Chivito was getting at)
Him: Yes, like if they want to go to the store.
Me: Well, yes I think the woman should tell the man that she is going to the store. It's respect. But it goes 50/50 really. Like for example, you are working and the woman is home cooking dinner and you know that you are going to be late. It's respectful that the guy calls the woman and tells her he will be working later than usual. Stuff like that.
Him: Yes, sure.
Me: But then again, it all depends on the relationship.
Him: Yes, of course it does.
Me: Anymore questions for me?
Him: Umm, actually I have SO many questions for you.
Me: Ask me! :)
Him: You might not be able to understand what I am saying and I really don't know the easiest way to ask you and you probably won't understand me.
Me: Well ask me and maybe I will understand.
Him: Umm, let's wait until we are talking face to face, it's better.
Me: Okay.
Him: I have to get to sleep now. I will call you tomorrow when I leave for work.
Me: Okay, goodnight. Take care.
Him: You too, thank you. Goodnight. Te quiero.
So it seems like we are at the stage of asking each other serious questions about each other's culture. Like what goes and what doesn't go.
I hope we can agree on most things. He really is sweet guy and about the weight thing above, yes it bothered me, but after all I was the one who asked what he thought. I dug myself a hole right there because he has been honest with me since day 1. Welllll as far as I know. I still have to be extra careful. Ever since that thing happened with José, well I've had my guard up since then and honestly? I'm scared a bit. But still just taking 1 day at a time.
Anyone want to shed light on the Mexican culture? (especially anyone who is with a Mexican) But then again, I know all guys are different. Doesn't matter the nationality or culture or wherever they come from, really. I think it matters how they grew up and how their family is. THAT is what I think matters.
All I can say is that the Chivito and I haven't had our first official argument yet. I know we will someday because it's only normal. But until then, time will tell with everything else. If it is meant to happen, then it will. :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It Has Gotta Be Something Good!
To change it up a bit, each week I'm going to post an interesting article. We shall see how long this lasts though, because I tend to get *scatterbrained* so-to-speak and well, I tend to slack off a bit.
An interesting article I came across on the Internet this evening is quite, well kind of gross if you think about it.
Here's the article:
The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ, German only) today published an article on space junk. The shocking image is an eye opener. Humankind continues to repeat the mistake of strewing waste into common spaces (no pun intended) without a thought to the consequences, leaving costs we don't want to pay today for the future generations. The FAS article spurred our curiosity, leading us to find even more spectacular video and potential solutions to the problem (overleaf).
The ESA Space Debris Accumulation video depicts the tragic build up of space debris from 1957 through 2000. According to ESA's resident space debris expert, Walter Flury, the 10,000 pieces of space litter catalogued at the end of 2003 break into the following categories:
- 41% -- miscellaneous fragments
- 22% -- old spacecraft
- 13% -- mission related objects
- 7% -- operational spacecraft
- 7% -- rocket bodies
The whole article is Here
The part about the 7% of rocket bodies...umm, really disgusting actually. You just wonder what is part of that 41% of miscellaneous fragments.
Okay, so it has been a long day. I talked with the Chivito 3-4 times today! Poor thing has to get up in 3 hours to go to work and be there by 2am!
I on the other hand will be going to bed soon. It's like him and I are on opposite sides of the world lol! Really, we are only 19 minutes away from each other!
Speaking of 19....his birthday is May 19th and I have a few things up my sleeve that I hope to plan. More on that later.
Well, going to bed soon. First I need to make a list of things to do tomorrow.
Buenas Noches