Sunday, April 20, 2008

It Has Gotta Be Something Good!

It's my first post. I read many blogs online and I tend to get a bit celosa of all these talented and interesting bloggers out there.

To change it up a bit, each week I'm going to post an interesting article. We shall see how long this lasts though, because I tend to get *scatterbrained* so-to-speak and well, I tend to slack off a bit.

An interesting article I came across on the Internet this evening is quite, well kind of gross if you think about it.

Here's the article:

The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ, German only) today published an article on space junk. The shocking image is an eye opener. Humankind continues to repeat the mistake of strewing waste into common spaces (no pun intended) without a thought to the consequences, leaving costs we don't want to pay today for the future generations. The FAS article spurred our curiosity, leading us to find even more spectacular video and potential solutions to the problem (overleaf).

The ESA Space Debris Accumulation video depicts the tragic build up of space debris from 1957 through 2000. According to ESA's resident space debris expert, Walter Flury, the 10,000 pieces of space litter catalogued at the end of 2003 break into the following categories:

  • 41% -- miscellaneous fragments

  • 22% -- old spacecraft

  • 13% -- mission related objects

  • 7% -- operational spacecraft

  • 7% -- rocket bodies
Doing the math, that is 93% pure junk and only 7% useful satellites circling the earth. More disturbing, 50,000 uncatalogued objects larger than 1 cm (the largest size which modern shielding can likely deflect) are estimated to be spinning through space at hypervelocities.

The whole article is Here

The part about the 7% of rocket bodies...umm, really disgusting actually. You just wonder what is part of that 41% of miscellaneous fragments.

Okay, so it has been a long day. I talked with the Chivito 3-4 times today! Poor thing has to get up in 3 hours to go to work and be there by 2am!

I on the other hand will be going to bed soon. It's like him and I are on opposite sides of the world lol! Really, we are only 19 minutes away from each other!

Speaking of 19....his birthday is May 19th and I have a few things up my sleeve that I hope to plan. More on that later.

Well, going to bed soon. First I need to make a list of things to do tomorrow.

Buenas Noches

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