Monday, April 21, 2008

My First *Venting* Post

So the Chivito called me up today and well, here's how the convo that bothered me went (please keep in mind that this was all in Spanish between me and him):

Him: So what did you do today?

Me: I exercised, washed the dishes, vacuumed, you know the usual, my chores and stuff.

Him: Exercise, eh? Why?

Me: Because I want to lose weight.

Him: Why? Because you are getting fatter?

Me: Yes, I think I am. I mean -- well, what do you think?


*The convo really should have just stopped right then and there before even asking him what he thought about my weight. But noooo, Megan always has to keep on talkin*


Him: Yes, I see that you have gained some weight.


My thoughts: OMG! Did he just say that?

So that really bothered me tonight and here's the rest of the convo. After that comment of him "seeing I've gained some weight" well, it heated up a bit from there.


Him: Well, I have to get some sleep since I get up very soon.

Me: Yes, sleep. You have to get up early.

Him: You need to sleep too.

Me: Why? It's still early. I'm going to go to bed by 11 tonight.

Him: *in a joking voice* You are not going to obey me?

Me: Whoa, wait a minute! Obey you? I'm not going to obey you! I'm going to sleep when I want to.


It's funny when I get mad or hurt about something and I have to say it in Spanish, it comes up faster than Speedy Gonzalez. It's like I don't even have to think about what I want to say, it just comes flowing out lol.

Anyways, back to the convo.


Him: *acts surprised that I said I wasn't going to obey him and laughs a tiny bit* Well, I'm going to sleep now. I will call you tomorrow or when I leave for work.

Me: Okay, goodnight and take care.


We hang up and then about 3 minutes later he calls me back and asks if it is okay if he asks me a question. I said sure, and tell him he can ask me whatever he wants, after all we are a couple.

Here's another part of the convo that is interesting, not bothersome but interesting cultural wise.


Him: Do the women here, when they are married, do they do what they want to do.

Me: Well, it depends. I don't know, it is hard to explain it to you when I don't know that much Spanish.

Him: How can I explain it to you better... *thinking*... Like if the women want to go to another place, do they need permission or do they just go without asking or saying anything to their husbands?

Me: *A bit baffled by this question, but knew what he was getting at* Well, it still depends on the relationship. You mean if the women want to go to another place, say the store?


(I got the store idea from the Viejo, he asked me this question before so I knew exactly what the Chivito was getting at)


Him: Yes, like if they want to go to the store.

Me: Well, yes I think the woman should tell the man that she is going to the store. It's respect. But it goes 50/50 really. Like for example, you are working and the woman is home cooking dinner and you know that you are going to be late. It's respectful that the guy calls the woman and tells her he will be working later than usual. Stuff like that.

Him: Yes, sure.

Me: But then again, it all depends on the relationship.

Him: Yes, of course it does.

Me: Anymore questions for me?

Him: Umm, actually I have SO many questions for you.

Me: Ask me! :)

Him: You might not be able to understand what I am saying and I really don't know the easiest way to ask you and you probably won't understand me.

Me: Well ask me and maybe I will understand.

Him: Umm, let's wait until we are talking face to face, it's better.

Me: Okay.

Him: I have to get to sleep now. I will call you tomorrow when I leave for work.

Me: Okay, goodnight. Take care.

Him: You too, thank you. Goodnight. Te quiero.


So it seems like we are at the stage of asking each other serious questions about each other's culture. Like what goes and what doesn't go.

I hope we can agree on most things. He really is sweet guy and about the weight thing above, yes it bothered me, but after all I was the one who asked what he thought. I dug myself a hole right there because he has been honest with me since day 1. Welllll as far as I know. I still have to be extra careful. Ever since that thing happened with José, well I've had my guard up since then and honestly? I'm scared a bit. But still just taking 1 day at a time.

Anyone want to shed light on the Mexican culture? (especially anyone who is with a Mexican) But then again, I know all guys are different. Doesn't matter the nationality or culture or wherever they come from, really. I think it matters how they grew up and how their family is. THAT is what I think matters.

All I can say is that the Chivito and I haven't had our first official argument yet. I know we will someday because it's only normal. But until then, time will tell with everything else. If it is meant to happen, then it will. :)


LaGringaMasBella said...

Hey Megan! I like the new look ... I've been playing with mine too.

Ay! Celestino. If I wanna go somewhere, I'm going. If my man is gonna be late-oh, he better call.

It does depend on the people though and the Mexican has shocked me before even after nearly 8 years with some things.

I'm adding your new addy to my list. Later chick!

-Lisa :)

P.S. Nice to see you back.

chicadedios25 said...

Hey Megan,

After living in Mexico I can tell you that Mexican men are very jealous and possesive with their least 98% of them.

The women do have to ask for permission to leave their house and do ANYTHING.

The men give them a time frame as well and if they are not back in time - they have hell to pay for it..beatings or just scolded depending on their raising.

It is just fine however for a mexican man to leave home for days at a time and tell his wife "ahorita yo vengo" No permission is needed for him to leave. This is the part I hate the most about their culture.

Even Carlos has told me before I needed his permission to go anywhere and I was like no,uh-uh son you are in America and not in Honduras anymore.

~*jenn*~ said...

For us (I am white, he is Mexican, and we have been together for 5 years, and have 3 kids!) that respect definitely goes both ways...for me it comes naturally though, and for is something that he has learned after being with me for a while. We had our share of problems...some at the beginning were very bad...but we can now compromise on most things. Neither of us go out with our friends alone...and neither of us have friends of the opposite sex, unless they are couple friends of both of us. There are things like this that have become necessary for us to expect of one another for us to work out all of the problems from before, and from past relationships for both of us! Good luck to you...I think it's great that he wants to know about your culture, I love having the variety of both in my life!!!