This is kind of a venting post, so please bear with me.
Q: "Do Latino and Mexican Men...Like Caucasian Women...?"
Many people seem to think and automatically assume immediately that when they see a Mexican/Hispanic/Latino with a Caucasian woman, that that guy is "illegal" and is using that woman for papers and to get some legality. (I don't believe in the word "illegal" as I have said many times before and really it should be undocumented)
I AM DREADFULLY TIRED OF THIS BULLSH*T. It comes down to the point where it is a broken record with these people who think this sh*t. I am SO tired of it.
To The People Who Believe What I Mentioned Above:
Just because you see a Hispanic/Latino/Mexican with a white woman, does NOT mean that he is "just out for papers and legality" with her. Did you ever just stop and think that maybe, just maybe he loves her? And I mean truly loves her without any added bonus? Love comes in all different colors, races, religions, etc. You name it.
On Yahoo! Answers, a girl who has a boyfriend that is Mexican, answers the question that I wrote above and I must say that I couldn't have written it any better than this:
"I think a lot depends on what area they are from....where my boyfriend is from, they are extremely fond of "gringas"...lol, and despite everyone who told me "Oh, Mexican guys have no respect for white girls, they just use them...", I have not found that to be true of him at all.
In fact, just the opposite could be said, I don't think I've ever been with any man who treated me with more respect than he does. He is the kindest, most honest, and most passionate person I have ever known, but maybe that has nothing to do with his race, just who he is.
I don't know why the combination is not well accepted, but I have a few theories...I think Mexicans have gotten a bad rap in a lot of cases because some are big time players, or just come here to fool around for a while then go back home [to] the wife their girlfriend never knew they had...I think as a result, a lot of people have a negative view of Mexican-American relationships...I know a lot of people have said negative things to me since we began dating, but you just have to let it go....[.........................]....
You can find the rest of her answer here.
I didn't put the rest since it didn't really have anything to do with this blog post. :)
Anyways, when she mentions in her answer that everyone has told her that basically all Mexican guys disrespect and use white girls, to me that is FALSE!
I do agree however, when she said that some Mexicans (or Hispanics/Latinos) are players and mess around with other women until they go back to their wives back home.
You have your bad eggs and your good ones, so-to-speak.
The thing that I despise the most is when someone sees you are in a relationship with a Mexican/Hispanic/Latino and says something out of the way like...Oh, I can think of a million responses:
1. "Just make sure he isn't using you for papers"
2. "He just wants papers"
3. "He probably has a wife/girlfriend/kids back home"
4. "He just wants a free ride" (especially if he is a little bit older than you)
5. "Make sure he has some kind of legality before getting involved with him"
Because basically, if I don't, then he will use me for papers right? Rrrrright.
6. "Are you sure he is who he says he is?"
7. "Any guy that says 'I love you' too fast is just out for one thing: Legality"
I could go on and on and on of the bullsh*t that I have heard from people, especially lately!
Sure, I haven't had the BEST relationships with the Mexicans/Latinos I have dated, but I've learned from those relationships and I know now that no, not everyone is who they say they are.
Another lesson that I have learned (well basically I have believed no matter what anyone else says) is that Mexicans, Latinos, Hispanics, etc. all have the same feelings and want the same things as us Americans. Do you ever stop and think that maybe someone crosses that border for a better life, of course, but also because maybe they are looking for someone to love them possibly? Someone for them to love in return?
ANYONE who says ANYTHING out of the way as far as Mexicans/Hispanics/Latinos who are with white women and have no legality and automatically say that they are using them to get papers without knowing the people or their situation or what and how much they have been through together? Well, you are on my sh*t list. As far as I'm concerned, you are just jealous because you lucked out and are not happy with your own life.
Put yourself in my shoes or in any woman's shoes for that matter: You have a Mexican/Hispanic/Latino boyfriend or husband and people always assume he is going to use you, is using you or has used you. How would you feel? I GUARANTEE that you would stick up for the man you are with, right?
Next time you see a couple that consists of a "Mexican" (could be a Hispanic or Latino you know too!) and a Caucasian woman, I would think twice before you say "Oh he's just using her for [fill in the blank]"
Thank you for letting me vent and if you read this long blog post, thank you! :)
1 comment:
I see your point. Really I do...but let me play devils advocate here dear. My experience with hispanics have been that 80% of them really do want to marry you for papers. 80% of them lie when the truth would do em better. 80% are out for self. Some of this hype has died down now that they know immigration does marriage fraud investigations.
On the other hand...I have had a Mexican man I dated ask me if I married men for papers - (TO PROTECT HIMSELF & HIS HEART BEING BROKEN) There are a lot of gueras out there who like to marry up with these hispanic men bc they support them and they make them give them an "allowance" weekly,monthly,etc....in exchange for marrying them and making them legal. It seems that no one ever stops to think that this hurts the 20% of Latinos out there who really fall in love with us gueras.
I am friends with several girls who date Latinos and it is true that they are very controlling,demanding,like to drink and do drugs,and that they don't really see a problem with infidelity on the man's part. It is also true that they are very friendly,easy to talk to,loveable,and better lovers! It is part of the "machismo" culture. It is one of those things that girls can either take or leave. I chose to take it bc I love my catracho.
That being said, I use extreme caution with him after my last relationship. I wound up being engaged to a man who was very dangerous. It is very easy for hispanics here to be fugitives. Fugitives from Mexico,Honduras,Peru,Chile,Guatemala,etc... or within the states...all they have to do is move cities and change false names to throw the government off of them.
If you don't believe me-take a gander at the DEA,FBI,US MARSHALLS,INTERPOL,or ICE websites on MOST WANTED FUGITIVES.
I wound up getting hurt very badly. Please use caution. If he has a problem with you looking at his ID-there is a reason. If he moves around constantly - there is a reason.
I wound up being engaged to someone who had a hidden life that I didn't start putting together until later on. He was involved in a gang and drug activities and come to find out -was a fugitive-not only here because he had been deported-but there as well. He never got caught. He went back to Mexico on his own to live like a king....but I was lucky. What would have happened to me if I had moved out there like I planned,married him,and lived out there for the Mexican government to raid our house with me being clueless of all this stuff? I am SO very lucky that I found out before it was to late. I caught his friends making plans for a kidnapping as well.
Just please be cautious. It is so very easy for these people to lie and be very convincing.
Sometimes when people tell you things like that Megita - it is because either them or someone they love have been hurt in that way.
I am by no means saying stop dating hispanics..I love the majority of all hispanics...and I love the culture. I am just saying to proceed with caution. Don't be naive like I was.
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