Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quizzes From La Gringa! Thanks! :)

It is 8:44 in the morning and I'm up and at it and...taking quizzes already LOL!

Hey, someone's gotta do it, right? LOL

Here are some interesting and fun quizzes I took. Thanks again, La Gringa!


fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun


Okay, I agree with all of the above but...what in the world does "love to bust" mean? Does that mean something like "love to joke around all the time" or....?

Any thoughts? Okay, moving on. :)

A witch? Hmm...interesting...

Quiz Me
Megita was
a Simple Witch
in a past life.


The Rat:

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz

Any for more fun... Best Compatible Zodiac Signs

fun quizzes for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quizzes

From what I can see the top 3 zodiac signs best compatible with me are...

Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer

Well, I have had my share with a Pisces, that was the 40 year old (el Viejo) who lied to me, well MANY lies! "A dirty Mexican" as my best amigo mexicano said. And he was right. Ugh.

As for Taurus, used to date one back when I lived in NC and we connected quite well, except he was VERY indecisive and well, had a hard time sticking to whether he wanted to be with me or not.

Chivito is a Taurus. I find I get along with Taurus' better than any zodiac sign, well
for now since I have not met ALL zodiac signs LOL!

One last quiz. Sorry I went all out with 'em! :)

Glad to see my blog is not badly rated!

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Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz


1 comment:

LaGringaMasBella said...

That is wierd "love to bust", I haven't a clue but it sounds perverted don't it? lol

And as for the zodiac signs your compatible with ...

Pisces-My dad was a pisces and my 1st husband was too. My dad was cool I guess but my 1st husband, major a$$hole.

Cancer-I had two of these; one of 'em kidnapped my son, the other one was a cheat ... he was married!

Taurus-My hubby, the Mexican, is a borderline he says but his birthday is May 20th so that makes him a bull ... bullheaded but we get along.

I'm gonna have to go take that zodiac one. I'll let ya know what is supposed to be compatible with me. I really think I've already went through the whole thing a couple of times (lots of ex's) lmao.

-Lisa :)