So I am trying to figure out why I feel kind of weird when talking to the Chivito. I mean we had this 'argument' or whatever; if you really want to call it that, since we didn't even yell at each other. It just consisted of both of us crying.
Anyways, he called me up this afternoon and he said "¿Que tienes?" which basically means "What's going on with you?" since I know my voice sounded a bit different b/c I REALLY feel weird talking to him now.
I don't know, maybe I am making a big deal about this than it really is? I still feel bad that I made him cry. He is a sensitive person and he told me this way in the beginning before ever crying in front of me!
I guess maybe I feel weird because I know I was wrong with the things I said. I have to learn to trust others. It is just ever since the Viejo lied to me about practically todo, well I just am very leery with any other guy that I meet. I mean with my ex Marcial, I feel hesitant/weird with him too and I knew him before and even longer than the Viejo!
How can I stop feeling weird with the Chivito? We have talked many times and I've told him perdoname but he just says "Megan, I'm not going to forgive you for something that you didn't even do. It's fine, don't worry."
Why can't I just let it go?!
Maybe it is because I haven't seen him since that little 'spat' on the phone between us?
If anyone has any ideas (or whatever), throw 'em out at me, whether negative or positive. :)
1 comment:
Carlos always tells me not to say sorry.
I think we say sorry in America to much sometimes.
So he said something that hurt your feelings,you told him it hurt your feelings..why should you be sorry about telling him exactly how you felt?
I don't know if your conversations are in Spanish or English with your fellow...but you hurt my feelings does not translate into Spanish. Yo can say "tu me haciste sentir mal" but that is the closest you can get...IF you translate it literally it is very (how do you explain this) HARSH. That may/may not have been why he cried. I had this problem with my ex and went to one of my bilingual friends and he explained to me that there is no equivalent is Spanish that does not sound harsh...maybe it was just miscommunication.
I am blunt to a fault sometimes ...one of my famous quotes is would you like the truth or do you want me to put sugar,sprinkles,whipped cream,and cherries on top of that for you? (ummmmmm fried ice cream sounds good right now since I am D(during)M.S'ing)
Don't feel bad about telling him how you feel...
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