Lots Of Eggs! ***UPDATED #/#/08
T = Training
RQ = Request for Interview
TR = Employed and working for them
W = Waiting to hear something
WL = On the waiting list
AP = Going through application process still
X = No luck/Turned it down
X 1. Arise
W 2. West @ Home
AP 3. Westat
X 4. Alpine Access
W 5. OnPoint @ Home
T 6. ChaCha
WL7. Great American Opportunities
X 8. Lifebushido
X 9. Savannah Communications
X 10. Sutherland @ Home
X 11. Cloud10
X 12. Diamond Prize Center
W 13. AdviseTech
W 14. CLC
W 15. LiveOps
W 16. ACD Direct
AP 17. ARO
X 18. Google
X 19. Prime Processors, Inc. *Note: Read the forum if you are considering this job, after you might not want to!!!
X 20. Rey Rey
AP 21. NRT Insurance
X 22. Profinity
My "eggs" so far: Westat, NRT Insurance, ChaCha (if I decide to pursue it) and possibly ARO, since I will be applying this evening or tomorrow.
I don't see any TR's ... so I'm sprinkling some fairy dust filled with luck all over your blog LoL
I hope it works!
I recall a few posts back you mentioned going back to school to major in Spanish. I think you should for sure consider this rather than starting to work for a company that you aren't really interested in. i know you need to pay the bills, but really think about getting your degree to teach Spanish. I love it. it is so much fun, I say it is a fiesta todos los dias. BUT- don't make the mistake I did and just get the Spanish major without the education credentials. I majored in Spanish and Sociology in college. I had no intention of being a teacher (I was going to "travel the world" and actually was all set to to off to Honduras with the Peace Corps but then chickend out at the last minutue, stayed home and got married at 24- big mistake! ) but then found that there was not a whole lot I could do with JUST a Spanish major. I worked in Sales for 5 years (wasted years!) and then really missed the Spanish and went back to school to get my Masters in Foreign Language Education (M.A.T.) which also gave me my teaching certificate. I was very lucky to be hired by a fantastic district right away (did not have to sub, gracias a dios) and here I am 13 years later with a great career and benefits, excellent salary (unfortunately, I do not think teachers are paid as well in the South, but in my state you can make about 70 grand a year after about 10 years of service with a Master's Degree in some districts) and summers free to travel. GIVE IT SOME SERIOUS THOUGHT. I also have ESL (English as a Second Language certification) which is also really fun to teach and I can teach adults.
Good luck, good luck, good luck!!! :) I have an interview tomorrow... Maybe we'll both be working soon??
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