So before I found out the whole truth about Cele, I consulted a psychic, a very good one that I know through my Work At Home forum but never got around to consulting in.
Wow! She REALLY is good. Here was my question to her and then below is her answer:
Good evening *****,
I found your email address from www.*****************.com, as I am megita85 on there. I love it there lol! I feel SO blessed to have found that site too! Anyways, I read your blog regarding "One Free Question" and I was wondering if you were still doing that?
I have this question that I keep wracking my brain with and I am SO stressed. I need help because this is basically all I think about and how can I find the answer. :0/
Anyways, if you are still doing the One Free Question, my question is: (if you are not doing the One Free Question, I apologize ahead of time and thank you anyways!) :)
"I met this man, he is 12 years older than me and at first he lied to me about his age, but 6 months after we met he finally came clean, as I told him I was not giving up. Subconsciously I just knew he was older, just by the way he treated me and acted. Anyways, he says that the only reason why he lied to me because I am 23, and says that he is NOT lying about anything else (like having a wife back in Mexico or even kids).
My question is, is this true? He's not bad looking, is a sweet guy and is a good catch, but I can't help this feeling, maybe a gut feeling, that he DOES have a woman back in Mexico or kids or both. This just seems too good to be true."
Talk about drama huh?
Thank you for your help that you can give me.
Megan *******
And here was her answer! Talk about whoa! (Now keep in mind this message to her was written on 7/22 and her response came today, 7/27 and I found out the rest of the truth from Cele on 7/26, just yesterday! Weird, eh?
Hello Megan,
I hope all is well over your way. Thank you for contacting me! The forum seemed to be like a good site but I cannot even access it or post on the boards! I think its because of the characters in my screenname. I have been so busy that I have not even tried again. Hopefully I can later in the week. I'll be happy to address your concern for you. Yes I am still doing one free question. Thanks again.
I feel that there is so much going on with you honey. Not just in the romance department but in other areas of your life. Anyone can automatically assume that you are working from home lol but I feel that you are also trying to further educate yourself and better yourself in a lot of ways. I feel that you will be coming up to a time where you will be able to get this in motion after waiting for so long, so I commend you for that.
As far as the male you are asking about. Let's first make sure that I am connecting to the right person. I feel that he is not bad looking at all like you stated. With a beautiful smile! And I don't know why but when I try to pull a name on him, I keep seeing Celestial Stars LOL ... I don't know what that is all about. Maybe he likes looking at stars??? I hope this is him. In any case, I do feel that there is another woman who has his heart set on him back in Mexico. However, this is not a marriage situation. He is not legally bonded to anyone at this time. He acts too nervous when it comes to things so I know you can sense it. Just know that your relationship or ties to him are not going to be short-lived. You two have a lot more to experience together.
If you would like a full more detailed reading if you feel that you and I have connected, please let me know as I will be online for the rest of the evening. . . . . . . . .[her payment information, etc.] . . . . . . . . . .
Hope to talk soon -- With Hugs & Love From *****!

Anyways, I highlighted some things above in her answer and below I went into a little more depth. (I'm sure you're wondering what is true, right?)
1. "Trying to further educate yourself and better yourself"
True! She hit that head on! I am trying to further educate myself and will be studying at TESC in September! I also am trying to better myself (get rid of my debt, get my license FINALLY and get a car, etc.)
2. "Beautiful smile!"
True again! Cele does have a beautiful smile.
3. "Celestial Stars"
Wow! True again and amazing! You see how she capitalized the C and S? THOSE are HIS initials! And his name is Celestino, gotta say it just to show you how ACCURATE and scary and odd this reading was! Celestial of ALL words? Weird huh? Plus, Cele's name is NOT that common. :)
4. "Another woman"
True again! I didn't even KNOW this was true until yesterday when Cele came clean with everything. Weird.
5. "Not a marriage situation"
True, OMG again! Cele told me that he was not married and that's when he did that kiss thing with his fingers (I believe what you say Jenn;o), I do believe he is telling the truth that he is NOT married!)
6. "Not legally binded"
True! Cele told me "I'm not married like how you are with papers from Honduras."
7. "Acts too nervous"
True again! He did act nervous before he came clean with me. I don't have any gut feelings anymore though, I feel relieved. Even if I TRIED to have a gut feeling it just is NOT happening. Cele sounds SO much better too and I believe that he is being genuine about it. He told me to ask my parents to forgive him and I told him we do and he said "Thank you so much. I am still so very sorry." :)
8. "Not going to be short lived" and "Have a lot more to experience together"
Not sure yet! Hoping to be true! We shall see!
This was an exciting thing to read, I'll tell ya! I can believe still how dead on she was. I will post again when and if I can do a more in depth reading with her!
P.S. I forgot to mention regarding the last "Cele coming clean" post: I FINALLY saw his I.D.! Ha! Funny how things happen...I'm still saying "WOW" also, just like all my previous comments!
Uh, I am a bit skeptic on the psychic, Megita. Being that you mentioned your name as Megita85, how do you know that this woman/psychic did not just google Megita85 and somehow come across your blog????
Just out of curiosity, I googled Megita 85 last night and several links that seemed to be related to you came uo (try it). I think these psychics (or those claiming to be) are very, very clever and she could have very easily come across your blog and even after reading one post, could have come up with the "Celestial" reference. So. before you spend your hard earned $ from your new job, think carefully about it and take everything she says with a grain of salt!!
Yes, I know I googled it too, BUT she had written to me about everything BEFORE I posted this blog post regarding his other woman, not a marriage, etc.
I'm not sure if I'm spending my hard earned money on her YET lol, but her session starts out FREE so I might just do it just to see...
I know the Celestial thing she could have come up with easily, but WHY capitalize the C and the S? THOSE are his initials! And I haven't written that in my blog or anywhere on the Internet for that matter...it's just weird if you ask me. :/ *shrugs*
Yes, it IS weird, you are correct....hey, check out my blog- I have finally updated it with my big news.
I do agree with ojos verdes, in the sense that she could have googled it!! I do believe that there are some people that have some sort of psychic abilities, but not so much to the extent that they would be able to tell you all of that just from an email and a question! Mostly I believe that if it is meant to be it will be, if it's not then there is someone better for you out there waiting and going through the struggles of passing relationships to find you too!!!
No matter what, I hope that things work out in your favor with whoever you are meant to be with! Just check this woman out a little more before you go spending a bunch of money for her to tell you what you have already said yourself! That's what they are so good at! I have seen in a couple of your blogs where you have mentioned "too good to be true!" I really think that this woman is too good to be TRUE!!!
My advice to you: ¡Dale lo a Dios! No te preocupes de nada!! Everything will work out somehow!;)
I don't know about the $ aspect but I'm up for a free reading. I have all sorts of things I ponder about ALL THE TIME!
Send me her info for a free question ... I'll post my Q&A too!
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