Haha! Too bad there was a rabbit in this pic instead of another lamb. It would make more sense since last night Cele and I talked (blah, blah, blah,) and he is the chivito (little lamb) and I am the conejita (little rabbit). Maybe I'll have to tweak it a bit and cut out the other lamb and add a rabbit, sometime? :)
Anyways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cele and I talked for the longest time last night.
He told me his usual "te amos" and "te quieros" con todo his corazones. But then, he told me some other different things...things he had never said yet.
I wrote them down as he told me and asked him to repeat them again because honestly, I didn't know if I was hearing 'em right lol! :)
He told me that "en cambio, tu eres una buena persona". During this convo we were talking about that other mujer of his.
Then he told me that when he goes back to México he is going to tell her about me and him and tell her that he wants to stay with me. We discussed how she could react. I asked if she was the violent type and he told me 'no'. I told him that she could cry. He told me "Maybe" but he is not sure because in all of the years they've been together, she has not ONCE said "I love you" or "I miss you/missed you" or anything cariñoso to him. He told me that he thinks that she doesn't even love him at all and that he wants to be with me. He wants to stay with me because of the way I love him. He told me that I know how to love him and that the way I love him is how he's always wanted to be loved. Same here, I told him. :)
He told me that she is NOT a good person, and on the other hand, I am a good person. A good person for him and that he can feel that in his heart. I told him the same.
Anyways, onto about what more was said! I told him that we need to see each other more, but I understand that it's hard, since neither of us have a car. I told him that before I get a car I'd like to pay off this credit card because I owe them money and then once I get it paid off, I can maybe take out a loan for a good car...but I told him I wasn't sure if that was going to happen the way I'd like it to. I told him I owed the credit card company over $2,000!
He was shocked. He asked me what happened to the money and I told him: I spent it on a lawyer for the Catracho as well as sent him money for the "apartment" he was supposed to get down in Honduras AS WELL AS the "honeymoon" we were supposed to have.
I then told him what REALLY happened to the money that I sent to Daniel. The apartment and the honeymoon NEVER happened AND he had given it to his FAMILY!
Cele started crying (lol) and told me that he can't believe how ese tipo hurt me and how good of a woman I really am, especially my parents too, since I told Cele about how my parents and I have given and given and given to this Catracho. But no more, I told him. No more.
I could hear in his voice that there was still sadness and he told me that he doesn't like that I was hurt like that and how Daniel lied to me was wrong. He kept saying "No, no, no." I agreed.
He told me that he could NEVER take money from a woman, never and told me that "A woman's money is a woman's money."
Cele really is a good guy. You can tell how much respect for women he has. I know what SOME of you might be thinking: "Respectful towards women? He lied to you and is lying to the woman in Mexico. He lied about his kids."
Everyone has problems. He's come clean and I respect him for it. The respect I'm talking about is the things we've talked about. I mean this guy doesn't even like going out to clubs because he says "the people there disrespect the women and it's wrong."
He's a good man and I know this in my heart. I feel it, just like he feels that I am a good woman. This is my last post...AS FAR AS trying to convince future readers who comment regarding his lying, etc. that he IS a good man.
Regardless of what happens, he is a good man.
Okay, anyways. So we changed the topic and he started asking me questions about us possibly thinking about getting a car...and that he'd help me out each month to pay for it.
Then he said, which I thought was cute: "We don't have a car. We only have our hearts for each other. We understand each other."
That translation probably didn't come out right BUT I understand what he is saying lol. :)
Did I tell you what he called Daniel? Hahaha it's TOO funny and TOO true! He called him un estafador.
It means Daniel is a swindler. Kinda funny. I looked up the definition and basically it's when someone takes money and takes takes takes. Yup. Sums him up pretty well.
IF Cele DOES hold his end of the bargain and tells his other mujer about me and him and he says he DOES want to stay with me, well I'm kind of scared. I mean looked what happened to the other relationship with the Catracho? I don't even know if I WANT to get married again...guess I've got a LOT of time to think about that though? Right?
It would be hard without a car!! But then again, I was a nervous wreck when Jose didn't have a license and was driving around. :)
I can't believe the catracho took all that money from you! That's crazy!! What a butthead.
Take it easy and don't worry so much about explaining yourself. You're the one who is with Cele. Who cares what people think! :)
Yes, it IS hard without a car! But I agree, I am hardly as nervous as I would be as if Cele were driving around!
Yep, he took ALLLL that money from me. But I had a part in that too, as I was the one GIVING it all to him! :( He's a pendejo :/
You're right. I'm going to take it easy and not worry so much about explaining myself. You are very right. :) I'M the one with HIM not todo el mundo! Thanks for being supportive! :D
Bottom line is that you gotta do what makes YOU happy and fullfilled in YOUR life. Even if it goes against popular opinion. Live and let live is the motto I try to live by. There are ALL KINDS of relationships. Who can say that one way of loving or relating to someone is better than another? ES TU VIDA, DISFRUTALA! Solo tenemos UNA VIDA.
Ojos Verdes: Exactly, and right now I AM happy. There ARE at times where I get scared of settling down again and feel that it may not work out...not b/c of HIM but b/c of ME and my thoughts on what happened with my marriage with the Catracho. But I've gotta give it a chance. I feel it in my heart to, so that's my choice :D I like your motto, "Live and Let Live" what a great one! And you're right! There ARE ALL kinds of relationships! :) And we DO only have una vida: We might as well be happy in it, right? Thank you amiga! :D
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