Nothing new. Just that I AM NOT letting up on it. We talked about it again last night. I feel if I let up he will forget (he tends to forget things unless I remind him a lot). And you know what will happen if he forgets? It will be dragged under the rug and I'll just have to drag it back out again. *sigh* Es la vida.
So anyways, he asked me a couple questions last night regarding his I.D. His first question?
#1. When I show you my I.D. are you going to keep it?
Say what?! KEEP your I.D.? I told him "What are you crazy?! Why in the world would I keep your I.D.? It is YOUR I.D.! No, I'm not going to KEEP your I.D. I just want to see it, my God!"
His next question was . . .
#2. Are you going to put my I.D. on your computer just like you put everything else?
Say what?! Put your I.D. on my COMPUTER? I told him again "Cele are you crazy?! Why in the world would I put your I.D. on my computer? Your I.D. is something very private. I wouldn't put your I.D. on my computer and I sure as heck wouldn't put MY I.D. on my computer. I just want to see your I.D., nothing more."
I thought those were QUITE interesting questions to be asking! It seems to me that either he is still making excuses, hoping I will just say "forget it" or he really and truly is paranoid that I was going to keep his I.D. or put it on my computer. Come on now, Cele.
I asked him again today about him calling this guy to get his amigo's number that has the I.D. He tells me that he will be calling this guy this week and getting his amigo's number this week as well. I told him "And possibly getting the I.D. this week too?" He sighs and says "Yes, Megan."
My mom brings up a good point though. (among many other good points she's got!) She says that maybe since this relationship has prolonged itself for almost 6 months that each time I ask him for the I.D. it gets harder and harder for him because the more time that goes by and I haven't seen the I.D., that means the MORE time he has betrayed me with his age or whatever if that's the case. She makes a good and valid point, I'll tell ya that. :)
So this could be the week. I am quite a little bit nervous. I could find out many things, just one thing or even N-O-T-H-I-N-G this week. I tell ya one thing, if it turns out he is 26 because I AM SORRY but ANYTHING is possible in this life as far as I am concerned, well I am going to apologize to him until I am blue in the face haha and I will trust him until he does something to not make me trust him.

I have dated 4 Mexicans (not including Cele), 2 Hondurans, and 1 Guatemalan. The only thing that I can tell you is based on my past relationships, not regarding future guys from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc.
The 4 Mexicans that I dated (again, not including Cele) well, the 1st one was too old for me. The second one was immature and who-knows-what-else, the third one was semi-decent but a bit of a work-a-holic and the fourth one, well was much older as well and well, I don't know why I was with him. I know if I hadn't been, I don't believe I would have been open to meeting Cele. So thanks Viejo! (You do know I'm talking about José, right?) Ugh. :o/
With the Hondurans, the first one I went back and forth with from 2003 until 2006. Then I married him in 2007 and broke it off a little after a year after being married. The other Honduran had a Mexico I.D. believe it or not and threatened to hit me because I wanted to be with the 1st Honduran instead of him.
The Guatemalan first told me he was from Mexico because "everyone likes Mexicans" he said. He was nice but some sort of a rebound, I guess you could say.
Anyways, my point out of all this is: Just because I have had not-so-good experiences with Mexicans and Hondurans, DOES NOT mean that all Mexicans and Hondurans are the same. What about other ethnicities? Caucasians? African Americans? Chinese? Philippians? Muslims? The list goes on and on.
I will tell you: I used to say "Oh I will NEVER date or be with another Mexican again."
Well since that statement, I have been. And yes, I've been hurt. But that doesn't mean I am just going to give up on Mexicans or Hispanics/Latinos altogether just because there seems to be some kind of "pattern" with them.
I often catch myself saying "I will NEVER be with another Honduran again." But I don't know that. I might just fall in love with someone from Honduras someday, Mexico, or even someone who is from here. But my preference is Mexican/Latino/Hispanic in case you haven't figured that out already haha. :D
In closing with this topic, this is my belief: Everyone comes from a different culture and family. Everyone has a different belief system and has certain morals.
I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but in the end, we are responsible for who we become.
In the end, we always have a choice: To choose Path A, the not-so-good or bad path; or Path B, the innocent or good path.
In the end, the choice is up to you or to that person. Just because I have had bad experiences with Hispanics does NOT mean that they are ALL like that, that would be like stereotyping, and that's not right. There is a good person, whether Mexican/Hispanic/Latino or not out there who is not perfect by no means, but just about all the time chooses the "good path" and does not believe in cheating, lying or disrespecting women or others and will love someone and treat them like a queen.
Bottomline: Everybody's different.

Tomorrow all day I will be doing some job testing and then it is back on a conference call with more job training Thursday afternoon. Some people got their phones and headsets overnighted to them today, but unfortunately a couple didn't (and I'm one of them) because I still have to fiddle with some paperwork, so there will be a delay but not a long one I hope!
I am hoping to be finished with training and starting my job by next week! Fingers crossed! :D
As for college, haven't heard anything yet. Fingers crossed for that too! :D
And as for the other company, Westat, haven't heard anything yet. :( Fingers crossed for that as well!
1 comment:
You are right- it is very unfair and dangerous to stereotype and assume that EVERYONE from a certain cultural/racial backround is the the same. Hold your ground on the I.D. and DO NOT back down. You may have to make things rather INCOMODO for him until he shows it to you. I am sure he is hoping that you will back down, and sweep it "abajo de la alfombra" (I love taking English idioms and trying to translate them- it never really means the same thing though-lol). Good luck, hold your ground and keep updating us!
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