Well. . .
Cele and I were on his bed and were talking and I told him that it was OBVIOUS that he was hiding something else. I said I just know it, I can feel it. I told him that when I was pushing him to tell me about his TRUE age, he would laugh and change the subject. And I told him "Cele, you are doing the SAME thing in regards to me talking with your mom. It's obvious there is some reason why you don't want me talking with her. So TELL ME. Please! I'm going CRAZY here!"
I kept telling him to tell me and then I said "Listen. It's going to be the same thing just like with me seeing your I.D. I'm NOT going to stop asking you."
Finally, he goes "Okay, I'll tell you. You are going to be VERY mad and hurt."
We are laying side by side and I just felt my heart do something in my chest.
He grabbed me gently and pulled me close and told me "Come here."
I said "OMG! I'm really worried. I have NO idea what you are going to tell me."
He tells me "I'm NOT married. . . but. . ."
I started tearing up and so did he.
"But what?" I asked. I already KNEW the answer. I had all along.
He goes with tears starting to come down his face "I do have a woman in Mexico, BUT we are not together and she doesn't love me like you do. I want to be with you. I'm NOT happy with her, never have been for a long time. She is very cold towards me, hardly talks to me or my parents. Forgive me, Megan. Forgive me."
OMG. Tears start coming down my face so quickly and Cele grabs me and holds me and keeps saying "Forgive me" over and over again while crying right along with me and over and over as well he kept say "The only reason why I didn't tell you is because I didn't want to lose you. I'm SO sorry that I hurt you and your parents too. I'm so sorry that I lied."
I then ask him "Children?"
He goes "Yes, three."
OMG. (again)
I ask what there names and ages are. He tells me.
I ask what her name is. He tells me.
I ask how long they've been together. He tells me.
I ask many more questions and he tells me the answers to those too.
Then he tells me that the reason he is building a house is for his sons when they get older. He is NOT building the house for him and his woman. He calls her "La Señora" or in English, "The Mrs."
But he swears to God and did this weird kissing thing where he put his fingers to his lips and then up above, saying that he is NOT married. I asked him why after all this time with her didn't they get married. She doesn't have a birth certificate so they couldn't.
He doesn't want to be with her and they are only "together" for the kids. Him and her are not "together" for each other.
I felt a BIG relief and finally knew why I had to suffer a bit with the old man José. It was a lesson and I had to learn from it and learn to read the signs when someone is hiding something. Man! I am SO proud of myself because I really paid extra close attention in this relationship and did NOT let up. I listened to my gut feeling and boy! I was RIGHT.
I told Cele that it was SO obvious. With the large amount of calls to Mexico (he hardly ever talks to the woman, just regarding the kids, and he talks to his kids and parents a lot), him asking me twice "You like kids, right?", him sending money every 15 days (turns out it IS for his kids and for the land he's paying on), and with him changing the subject of me talking to his mom (his parents don't know about me yet, but he told me that they want him to be happy and know that he is not happy with this other woman). These were ALL obvious signs. But he's come clean! And I told him it was better of him to come clean with me (whether it's 2 months, 3 or 6 or 9) than for me to find something out another way.
Just a note for anyone who just starts dating a Mexican: "If Mexican is lying about ANYTHING, you will find out in 6 to 9 months."
My good friend who is Mexican told me this and he is right. He knows because he is a Mexican himself and he has told me all the secrets to how Mexicans work. And boy, is he RIGHT! Just unbelievable.
The only thing Cele kept telling me is that I am very smart. I said "Cele, us gringos are. All the signs were there, anyways." Then we laughed and then my mom called me and I told her all about it. She's not shocked nor mad at him either. Neither of us are and he's still welcome in our home. When my parents picked me up this morning, Cele was about to leave at 4 something and waiting for his ride, my mom said "I haven't seen Cele so happy. He looks like he has 'relief' all over his face. He looks the happiest I've ever seen him since we know everything."
OMG. It's so true. I asked him and he says he feels so much better. He's not a liar, he told me. He doesn't like to lie because it hurts people and even though he feels so much better, he feels VERY bad that he lied to me and my parents and hurt us. Then he told me again that the only reason why he lied was that he was scared he was going to lose me.
Like I told him: It was obvious. The signs were all there. AND FINALLY I know the truth. I feel so relieved too.
Cele and I are still together. He's asked me to forgive him. I didn't answer and then he goes "I understand that it will be hard for you to trust me now, since I've lied so much. You are probably thinking bad of me, that I'm a liar. And I understand that it will be hard to forgive me, but I just ask that you do, and if you can't now, then please someday."
I didn't answer him on whether I forgive him or not. But I did keep asking him questions late on until the night (I stayed until the next morning, a little after 4 am I went home...but for a different reason which will be in a blog post later).
We shall see what happens. We shall see.
AND PLEASE DON'T TELL ME: "Well, if he lied about these things you know he's lying about something else." OR "This relationship started out as a lie so it will probably end in a lie."
I really don't want to hear it. It takes GUTS to lie about anything especially in a relationship, BUT it takes even MORE GUTS to come clean and not by coming clean when you are caught another way.
On another note! The work at home job is going good and I found out I'll be hitting the books (starting college) lol, in September! :D
WOW-WOW-WOW!!! I am not surprised at all and that is EXACTLY what I (as well as all of your other blogging AMIGAS) have been thinking all along. AND- let me tell you that the long term relationship but not married with kids thing seems to be quite common b.c. it is the EXACT same situation that MNM is in (well, now he is my EX-NOVIO MEXICANO- look for a very long overdue update on my blog later on today- big, big announcement!!!!)
As soon as I had met him we were straight and upfront about our personal lives right away. He told me that he had "una Señora y 2 hijas en Mexico, but that he'd never married her because (get this!!!) she was actually still married to someone else, although not living with her esposo, but had 2 additional kids with HIM)- these things make my head spin- I mean it's like you can't even keep track of who is married (or not) to who and who has kids (or not) with who. I think infidelity is as common (if not even more so) there as it is here, but it does seem MORE common there to have a long-term relationship and kids with someone but not be married. I am sure that has a whole lot to do with pure and simple ECONOMICS and financial need. I was very comfortable the whole time I was with hin that there was no romantic relationship between him and Alicia (su "Señora) as I had heard many conversations between them and he never asked for privacy when taking or making calls to or from her. This is so freaky- their situations are SO SIMILAR - and MNM (ex!!) was also buying land and constructing una casa, but it seems that as time went on I heard less and less about it's stauts and completion.
So, Megita, not surprised AT ALL. Same situation as la mia- tooooooooo wierd (well, not really!!) and congrats on holding your ground- you knew it, you just knew it. Nobody can judge you. You are following YOUR HEART and doing what seems best FOR YOU. Many times we know something on an INTELLECTUAL BASIS (we are all smart chicas and we know that if someone lies to you about significant aspects of their lives it is not good) but we know other things on an EMOTIONAL BASIS- del corazón (you love each other and relationships are muy complicadas, to say the least). WOW-WOW-WOW.
That wierd kiss thing he did was his way of making it a promise to Jesus!! Hector does the same thing, and THAT is how I have always been able to catch him in a lie!! He will do ANYTHING to avoid that, and absolutely refuses to do it when he IS lieing about something!
Now, because he did that, I can promise you that he IS definitely being honest about what he was saying right then!!!
I hope it works out for the 2 of you!!! Good Luck Girl!
Oh, my God... lol, I don't even know what to say, really!! That's craziness!!
I'm very proud of you for not letting your guard down this time, and insisting you know the truth.
He obviously cares A LOT about you. He might have started out the relationship thinking things weren't going to last and what difference did it make what he told you, but I think he's telling you all of this because he wants to be with you.
Wow, though!! As I was reading this, I actually gasped out loud!
Good luck you guys!!
I have to be honest and under no circumstances do I want to hurt you. You know that. I've just seen it too many times before; 20+ years of it.
I think he's full of $*&T. I can't stop you from doing anything, all I can say is that I warned you, and hope for the best.
He has not only disrespected you, but he's done it in front of your family; that says alot.
I love you to death and am hoping you find the whole truth. Good luck :)
You know I love you and I agree with Lisita. Where there is one lie....they start to multiply...as they have started already.
I know a guy who has almost the same story as Cele. He was my ex's uncle. He is married to three US women.....trying to get papers under false names with all of them...and has a woman and three children in Mexico. He has told every one of the women here that he is single and that he and his girlfriend (same exact cuenta as Cele) He says he is not "with" her but when he came back from there he had lived with her the whole time he was there,had hickies all over his neck,and had her calling him about twice a night.
You deserve so much more.
That is the one thing I do have to say about Carlos. I know that there are no hidden women waiting in the wings because I frequently contact his family and all of them call me his "esposa."
Te habla Mandy su esposa...all the time when he was in Georgia.
No wonder he cries all the time. I would be ashamed of myself for lying to a nice girl like you,too.
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