So I think I will call mi novio Cele, like mi amiga Lisita suggests. The Chivito was nice while it lasted but I like Cele better. Plus, it is quicker to type haha!
Anyways, Cele and I had a nice and interesting chat this evening. Of course, llorĂ³ which of course, made me feel bad. But what I told him had to be said. This is just about how our convo went:
Him: So what are you thinking?
Me: About you, of course. And other things. *sigh*
Him: Me too.
Me: You think of other things too? Like what?
Him: I think of you and el amor.
Me: Oh, I think of those things too, but I am talking about other things.
Him: Like what kind of things?
Me: I already told you, Cele. You don't remember?
Him: The same thing that we have been talking about lately?
Me: Yes. You have to understand that it is really important to me that I see SOME FORM of identification from you.
The convo keeps progressing on and somewhat becomes a bit heated.
Him: But why are you asking for my birth certificate? Is it because you want to see if I'm married so then we can get married?
Confused because I didn't KNOW that a birth certificate from Mexico shows if you are hitched or not.
Me: No, I have thought about marriage with you, but that's someday, not now. And I already told you before I can't marry you because I have to divorce my husband, ex-husband, whatever you want to call him first.
Him: Mm hm. But why are you asking for identification all of a sudden? Is it because of your amigas that wrote to you on your blog?
Me: No, not at all. I have had these thoughts in the beginning of our relationship and this is NOT the first time that I've asked for your I.D.
Him: Well, I think it is because of your amigas. And this is so the first time you've asked me for my I.D.
Me: Whoa, no it is NOT. I asked you in the beginning of our relationship and you told me 'okay I'll bring it to show you'. I waited for it, but no I.D. Then I asked for it again and you told me that your amigo had it and that you'd ask for it back or wait for him to bring it back to you. I waited again, no I.D. I asked for it a third time and that time we were sitting on my couch and you told me that it is very possible that your amigo lost your I.D. and that you would call Mexico and ask for your birth certificate.
Me: And another thing, the only reason why I'm asking you for your birth certificate is because you said your amigo lost your I.D.
Him: But I never told you that he lost it.
Me: *shocked* Uh, yeah ya did. You told me that it is very possible that he lost it and that's where the birth certificate discussion came in.
Him: Mm hm.
Of course at this point he starts crying a little bit.
Me: Don't cry, Cele.
Him: Megan, you already know how I am. I am sentimental. The things you have said to me make me feel bad. I have never cried for a woman before, only you and I don't know why. The only thing I do know is that I love you.
Me: I love you too, Cele. And you may not believe me, but I do. I just -- I wish you understood me. The thing is --
Him: What?
Me: I don't really know how to tell you.
Him: Tell me.
Me: The thing is -- is that -- well, sometimes I think that it is possible that you are older than 26 because you respect me much better than my ex-boyfriends.
Him: Your ex-boyfriends didn't respect you?
Me: No, you are the first one.
Him: In what way didn't they respect you?
Do ya see how he immediately changed the subject here?
Me: They would say that they were going to do something, like call me or see me, and they didn't do it.
Him: But I don't know that.
Me: What do you mean YOU don't know that? I do.
Him: But I don't know your ex-boyfriends and how they treated you.
Me: Oh my God Cele! You are NOT understanding me.
Him: I do understand you. It is just that we are different. Very different. In Mexico, a guy is with his girlfriend and she doesn't ask to show proof of who he is and she doesn't ask a lot of questions.
Me: Does that bother you that we are different?
Him: I just don't like to argue, I don't like how I feel when I argue.
Me: Me neither. It's just that you know everything about me: You know my parents, you know that I am married to someone in Honduras but that we are not together anymore, you know that I have no kids, you know that I am 23...you know everything about me.
Him: No, I don't know everything about you. What about that one time in your room when I found a book and you wouldn't let me read it?
Me: I already told you, Cele. It was my personal diary.
Him: But what was in it? I don't know what was in it?
Me: I already told you. I wrote stuff in there about my past and about my ex-boyfriends.
Him: Mm hm. Well why do you want to know my past? I don't ask you questions about your past? What happened, happened. It's my past.
Me: Ah, so are you saying that something happened in your past that you don't want me to know about? Is that what you are saying?
Him: No. Nothing happened in my past.
Me: I don't know, Cele. I don't think that you understand me.
Him: No, I do understand you. I just don't understand WHY you want to see my I.D. I haven't seen your I.D.
Me: Umm, excuse me? Yeah, ya have.
Him: Well not very good.
Me: Well Cele, I have NO problem showing you my I.D. and I'll show it to you anytime you like. And if you want to see my birth certificate, well you know that it is in Honduras, but I'll call up New York and get another one for you to see. You say that you love me, and I believe you, but actions speak louder than words.
Him: Mm hm.
Me: I just don't understand WHAT is the big problem with showing me your I.D.? I know you don't have any secrets, so what is the big deal? To me it seems as if you might have secrets.
Him: I don't have any secrets.
Me: Then what is the big problem?
Him: Mm hm. You're right.
Him: I am going to find my amigo and get my I.D. to show you so we can stop arguing over this. Because I see if I don't, we are going to keep arguing over the same thing and I don't know what will happen between us.
Me: Okay. Thank you and don't be sad. I love you and I want to be with you.
And a few other things were said but I can't remember 'em right now. That is pretty much how our convo went. He told me "Adios" and he told me that I can call him tomorrow if I wanted. About a 1/2 hour later, guess who calls me up? Cele! LOL I must say that our spats are quite relaxing than the ones I've had with the Catracho!
So Cele says that he is going to get this I.D. Am I nervous? YES! Will I feel like a complete a$$ if it turns out that he IS 26 and that maybe he just looks and acts older? OMG, yes!
Like I have been saying all along, time will tell and it better be SOON because I am SURE getting impatient! :o/
Hi Megita,
My name's Jenn. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and I just wanted to comment on the ID issue. Don't feel bad or guilty about asking for id of some sort. Cele looks significantly older than 26. I have a mexican friend who is 25 and has done hard manual labour outside most of his life. I just received some recent photos of him and when I compare him to Cele, I just can't help but think that there is NO WAY that Cele is 26. Granted, people do age differently and I could be wrong but I really don't think so. The fact that he keeps trying to avoid showing you the ID and puts it on you not trusting him and crying etc. makes me very suspicious. It makes no sense that all he would have to do is show you his ID in order to clear this up and not have any more discussions about it and he's not very willing to do that. I hope for your sake that I'm wrong about this but I guess time will tell. I hope I didn't offend you with this. I do enjoy reading your blog!!
Hey..nothing to do with your post but Carlos #1 and I are back together and happier than we have been in a while. I think him realizing I could be with someone else made him open up his eyes to how bad he has treated me. His mom called and wants us both to go to GA-your city and live there. My lease is up in 2 months Megita and I think I will be moving. I told him I already had a couple of friends from there that dated Mexican guys and he was really excited. I will be going to visit first before to much longer and we have to get together so you can show me the ropes!
Mi amigita Megita,
It is pretty obvious from a third party standpoint that Cele is LYING to you about his age. Now you just have to make the decision of whether or not he is worth it.
My suegra once told me "amor verdadero no tiene edad" because Carlos is younger than I am.
I think if he was older we would have a lot less problems but I love him enough to try and deal with it.
Nope! Not offended at all and I am glad you enjoy reading my blog, thank you! I KNOW he is older, I can just feel it! Especially with everything that he has said to me and like I've been saying (as well as you and TODO EL MUNDO haha) if he weren't hiding anything he'd whip that I.D. out and show me. Obviously he is hiding something, whether it be his age or name. I truly believe it is his age and I PRAY TO GOD that THAT is it! I really have fallen for Cele and he is the best novio yet! :)
Thanks for your comment!
~Megita :D
Well, I can't wait for an update!!! Photo-wise - I think he looks a lot older than 26! I think he looks older than Jose (33)! But, some feautures on him just might "pop" a little more in pictures, making him look older... YKWIM??
Good luck!!! I have a story regarding age and lies and my husband I might have to e-mail you!! :)
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