So I just finished my training yesterday with my boss, and I am SOOO nervous because I start my job today! OMG. :0 (that's supposed to be a shocked face lol)
So they had me on the schedule from 3-9, but I just checked it again and it says 4-9. Hey, that's okay. More time to get nervous right? Ha ha ha. :) Wish me luck!

I think we're growing apart or something else is going on. I don't know yet, but it's either me that has changed my attitude towards him, or him towards me, or both! *shrugs*
This sucks. :( We were fine on Saturday. We spent the WHOLE day together. I don't know. Maybe it's me. I've got mi amigo telling me that Celestino's got a wife back in Mexico and probably 2-3 kids, because ALL Mexicans do (and no, he doesn't like me like that, he's getting married soon lol!) but I can't agree with THAT statement because I know people who have had luck and had no baggage with their Mexican men...
Then I've got others (and I mean this in a good way lol!) saying to me: You've gotta talk to his mom.
Well I asked Cele for the number and he told me that there is NO direct phone to call (he doesn't talk to her directly), it's a caseta that he calls. Looked that up and it turns out it is like a phone booth. He went on to tell me that when he calls the caseta, he tells someone to go get his mom, then they hang up. The person gets his mom and Cele calls back and talks to her. He also told me it gets disconnected a lot.
He then tells me that IF his mom had a direct phone line, he'd give me the number. But unfortunately it doesn't. He goes on to tell me that "Hablamos con mi mamá un día". We will talk with her one day? WELL WHEN??????
I know, I know. I'm a woman of determination and I get impatient, ESPECIALLY when it comes to THESE things. Things that I could POSSIBLY find out that could break my heart
And ya know how we are on the same phone plan now right? He pays his 1/2 and I pay mine?
Wellll...he tells me that he will have the money on Saturday, the bill is due today...I'm NOT complaining about THAT though b/c I don't even have MY share for the bill. He tells me that he doesn't have enough money because he just bought land. I said "Where?", "In Mexico" he goes. OMG. He tells me he just started paying on this land.
I know he is going to be building a house soon after the land is all paid off. So I ask him "Will you build a house for your parents, or just you or...?" He tells me "I don't know, Megan." then he goes on to say how I have changed.
My mom was thinking that maybe this house building was for me and him but he says he doesn't know b/c I've changed. Hmm. It's a thought, BUT a TOO-good-to-be-true thought. :/ I wish it were that. I wouldn't mind moving there...if all was good and I was prepared! :D
And I just called him up to say "Enjoy your meal" and he acted kinda nervous or something and then the phone "disconnected" and he hasn't called back. NO WAY am I calling him back. I just wonder if he might be seeing someone else?
I HATE to throw those accusations out there, but I STILL don't know this guy. He could be even MORE slicker than that jerk José. José REALLY knew how to play the game and Cele might too, who knows?
I think that's what I am terrified of. I just want to have LUCK this time. Him and I connect really well and we have the same beliefs, values, morals...everything just about. <3
Maybe it's all in my head and I'm just TRYING to find something wrong with this relationship, maybe preparing myself for the worst b/c I have had bad luck with many Mexicans (Latinos, etc.) already?
Yep, it's all in my head.
Yep, it's all in my head. He just called back. He said that the signal wasn't very good in the cafeteria. OMG, I SO remember those days when I worked there. He told me he finished up his lunch and is now walking back to the golf course.
He asked me if I thought he hung up on me. I said "Yes, I did." and he goes on to tell me about the signal thing (what I wrote above) and told me that he's sorry. *gushes* I love it when he speaks English lol. I tell him it's NOT his fault since I remember the signal thing when I worked there.
He also asked me "Do you miss me like I miss you?"
I told him "Cele, you don't even KNOW how much I miss you!"
He goes "If it's the same as I miss you, then yes, I do."
Then we go on to talking and I tell him that I want to get a car so we can see each other more. We then say that this is SO difficult. And it really is. Just seeing each other once or twice a week really sucks. I really miss him :(
He wishes me luck on my work today and then tells me he'll call me later. The BEST part about this relationship though is when he says he'll call me or he'll see me, HE DOES IT. No ifs, ands or buts about it. HE DOES IT. Even though I haven't talked to his mom (yet) I have faith that I will.
I mean I got his age out of him right? JUST THINK: If I had pushed him for his age months and months ago, I would have already known! But then my readers wouldn't have had a good novela lol! :D
Well I am going to go eat breakfast and shower and then watch some T.V. I AM SO NERVOUS!!! about working today.
But then I think "Megan, 12 hours from now you will be done with work and sleeping, ready to start tomorrow all over again."
The whole caseta thing confused me at first - but I've seen it with my own two eyes! LoL, and its a pain in the butt! In Jose's case, he would have to place a call to the small store where the casetas are located and set up an appointment. In the mean time, someone would go find his mom and tell him she had an appointment to receive a phone call. He would then call back and they were allotted 20 minutes! Crazy huh?
You could also make calls to the USA, but they are super expensive.
His Mom finally ended up getting a cell phone right before she came to the USA, but the cards for the cell phone were really expensive, too. :)
Relax, relax, relax. =D I bet he is building the house in hopes of one day moving down there with you, he's just afraid to say anything because he doesn't know how you'll take it!
Unfortunately, he's not building the house for me and him. Check out the new blog. Cele has FINALLY come clean!
I have had a few of them with the "baggage" and it sucks!!! But, I also have one now, that has NONE!! I got lucky, this one is legal here, and has been here since he was 14, so no wife or kids in Mexico, although until I actually went there and saw for myself I did question it a few times just out of habit! He has also been a little too Americanized compared to the rest of em for that reason though, and that gets kinda confusing sometimes, LoL!
Anyway, I already read your new blog, and left ya a comment on there too!!
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