. . . Well, at least I think they are lol.
I have done a LOT of thinking since I've found out that Cele is really 35. Since it has only been a week or maybe less since I found out the truth (honestly though, I already KNEW he was older) well, I have read all my comments that I have received on the topic and I've come to the conclusion and really liked one comment that I received: (don't worry, I like EVERYONE'S opinions/comments, just this one comment is true, just like all the others too, but this one I couldn't have said it better than myself!) :)
". . . most likely he is scared to tell you as many hispanics are in shaky footing with relationships at best and im sure he is scared. bottom line, he needs to be honest, and you need to realize that no matter what happened there, he is here now and move forward. if you catch him in any future lies, then that would be a different matter. like the commercial says WHAT HAPPENS IN MEXICO, STAYS IN MEXICO. no matter how much you babysit a person , all you can do in the end is trust till you have a concrete reason not to trust anymore. if he treats you good, and you are happy, go with it slowly."
I am going to think realistic. Most likely he does have a wife (or was married) and has kids. He's been on this earth for 35 years. That's a LONG time! And I DO believe that he is afraid to tell me. I was afraid to tell him that I was married. Luckily, he understood my situation but DID tell me that it isn't normal in his culture for a woman or man to be married (or even have a girlfriend/boyfriend) and be with someone else. He told me that each family does believe in different things, just like here, but in his family having a wife or husband and then another girl or guy on the side is just wrong.
I told him just like here in the states, everyone does their own thing, has their own beliefs. I told him I don't believe in cheating, and even though I am legally married on paper being with Cele or another man is definitely still infidelity. And I still feel bad about it, but at least the Catracho knows and I'm not like leading him on right?
This post will be quite shorter than the rest of 'em lately.
For now, since I am happy with Cele and I am being treated better than ever before than I have in my past, I'm just going to go day by day and continue on being his novia. Call me crazy or tell me I have no self-respect, but I do have self-respect and I am NOT crazy.
It has been a LONG time since I've been happy like this and I've never felt number one in someone's life (meaning a guy's life lol!) and so I'm hanging onto it.
What happened in Mexico, happened. He came clean about his age and swears up and down with straight answers that he's got no woman over there (no wife or girlfriend) and no kids. I asked him questions last night though about his past girlfriends, etc. and he had NO problem giving me answers. Didn't cry either, probably because I didn't sound mean or accusatory.
For now I'm believing him but I'm still watching and listening for signs. I won't be totally naive lol.
I'm just trusting him for now until I have concrete evidence that he IS telling the truth or that he is NOT telling me the truth. Regardless, I am going to be very careful and not get my hopes up.
Life is too short to not be happy; and with Cele, I'm happy. I enjoy spending time with him and talking with him. He treats me good and respects me (besides the lying about the age part). We have a lot of fun together and I feel like we "get each other" or understand each other.
I am not really thinking in "forever" at the moment since #1 I still need to get my divorce out of the way and #2 I just don't know if I will get married anytime soon again.
For now I'm living in the moment and living life, what is, is and what will be, will be. :)
I think it is very evident here that you have thought this through and given it great consideration and attention. I think you are making the best decision FOR YOU and that is all you can do. Congratulations on seeming to have come to some conclusion and gaining clarity and peace of mind!
Oh, and one more thing...I really love the quote you put on top of the picture of the 2 of you (really cute picture, by the way, the way he is looking at you is adorable! :)- were those your own words or did you get that quote from another source? I wrote that down in my journal.
Glad you liked my advice and im hoping for the best for both you and Cele !!!...DEBBIE
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