Above is a picture of the liver and gallbladder. In case you were wondering: #1 is the gallbladder, #2 is gallbladder removal, #3 is the cystic duct and #4 is the liver.
OH -- I should mention the kind of surgery my mom is having: She is having a cholecystectomy, which means they are totally removing her gallbladder because it is only functioning 28% (which is really bad) and she also has a hiatal hernia that the surgeon is going to lower and tighten. They tell her she will never be able to throw up again and will only burp a little bit but not A LOT like how regularly people do.
To never throw up again? Wow. That's nice, I guess. I have heartburn right now just thinking about it and actually, I've been having heartburn lately. I hope I don't have anything wrong with my gallbladder and I sure hope I don't have a hiatal hernia.
This is why I have to start eating right! Check out my new post on Walking Away The Pounds...gosh that needs a new name...and I think I've just might have thought of one. Still in the works though lol!
Well PLEASE say prayers for my mom and wish her luck if you'd like! :D
Love you very much mommy! :D <3
Wow- all the best to your mamá- she seems really supportive of you.
Well, of course she is, you are her child and as a Mom myself, I can relate! You love your child no matter what....you may not always agree with their choices in life, but you love and support him or her always.
OK- one more thought about the age thing...you seem pretty mature for your ripe old age of 23-lol. Y, not to put them down, but estos Mexicanos are not super mature in a sophisticated "rico suave" way, entiendes? They are pretty simple, humble people (and that really is una cosa bonita), so I do not think that the 12 year difference is a big deal. If it were a big deal, it already would have been one puesto que ya llevas mas que 6 meses con él. I mean, if you were 14 and he were 26 (like he said he was- lol), now THAT would be a bit odd (and inapropriate), but I think you 2 are gonna be JUST FINE.
I am so glad your mom is getting the medical stuff she needs done; she'll feel like a brand new women in a week!
Good luck:)
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