Okay, so for anyone that is wondering, the update with my mom will come soon. I took some pics but haven't put them in my computer . . . yet. She is feeling a
tiny bit better though but is still in pain.
Okay onto Cele: OMG. Where do I start? I think he has mental problems or is slow or something. I don't want that to come across as "mean" or what have you, but he just seems to have a LOT of problems and
how come I always find the ones that have problems lol? Am I supposed to "save" them or something? Whatever.
So last night I talked with my Mexican amigo who told me that basically I am easy when it comes to Mexicans. Not easy in a sexual way, but in a way that I fall for these guys
too quick. And he is right, well kind of. I am fallen for too.
Anyways, getting off topic. So mi amigo tells me what I need to do and I'll post on that later on in another post, as it is not really regarding
this post.
So Cele and I talk last night and he is sober mind you when we talk. I had just gotten off the phone with mi amigo, so I guess I was a little wound up and felt like I was "on a role". I
hate it when I get that way because I usually end up hurting people with my words that I don't
want to hurt.
Cele tells me that he doesn't want to lose me. I tell him: "Cele, you aren't going to lose me. But I will tell you this and this is the
last time that I am bringing it up to you:
Now keep in mind Cele that this is just for example: IF you have ANYTHING more to tell me, no matter what it may be, tell me NOW because IF I find out that you have lied to me about ANYTHING else, you will lose me."
He starts crying and tells me "Megan, I don't understand
why you can't trust me. I love you very much but -- maybe we shouldn't continue this relationship if you can't trust me."
I tell him "Cele. I was just saying
for example, please don't cry."
He continues crying and says "Megan, I already told you why I lied about my age. It was very hard for me to tell you b/c I really thought that I was going to lose you. When you say things like I am still lying to you it makes me feel bad. I get really hurt because I only lied to you about one thing, my age, and you already know why. I
do understand why you feel this way and you have every right to, but it still hurts me knowing that you don't trust me."
I start to cry. So now we are both crying like babies lol. He tells me "Don't cry. It hurts me to hear in your voice that you are sad and crying."
We eventually
both stop crying, say "love you" and "forgive me" and then we hang up, he says he will call me later.
He calls me maybe an hour later and I
immediately know that he has been drinking and I'm a bit pissed because we did have any agreement, and basically he broke it. I keep quiet until he tells me that he has been drinking.
And he does. A few minutes into the convo he goes "Megan? If I tell you something will you get mad?" I say "No, tell me." I already
knew what he was going to tell me. Funny, how it hasn't been 6 MONTHS yet and we already basically know how we are.
He goes "I've had a few beers." I tell him "Cele, I already knew that you had been drinking, but
not just a few beers, more than
that." He tells me 6. OMG! This hombre is nuts!
We talk some more and he starts crying again and saying things like "Megan, I am not going to leave you, so don't worry." I tell him I'm not going to leave him either and not to worry.
Then there is more talking,
most of what I can't remember.
OH HANG ON, I forgot a part! We were talking (when he was sober, mind you) about children. He goes can I ask you a question? Sure, why not?
I will tell my readers this: This is the weirdest question that I have EVER heard especially coming from a 35-year-old and you would THINK he would know the answer! I mean
no he doesn't have the
best memory and has even told me that, and it's
true, he doesn't. But not to know the answer to this? OMG.
His question? You ready for this?
"Megan, how does a woman get pregnant?" Now before everyone says this is a red flag or whatever let me tell you that we
were talking about a woman's health, my health and pregnancy. He just didn't ask me out of the blue, there were topics that we talked about that lead into this question :) and I had NOT mentioned ANYTHING about lying to me about him having children, a wife or girl back in Mexico either, this was before I said "You are
not going to lose me unless you have lied . . ."
Okay, I am literally stunned and shocked at what I am hearing. He is THIRTY FIVE YEARS OLD and doesn't have the
slightest bit idea of how a woman gets pregnant?! OMG.
So I tell him and I mention the word "Ovulation" and he goes "Uh, what is that?" He goes "You probably think I'm stupid but I'm not a woman and I don't remember what I learned in school"
So I explain to him as much as
I know of the process of how a woman conceives. Throughout the convo he goes "Mmhm, that sounds familiar now that I've heard the word. I think I remember hearing it in school now that you mention it."
I am still shocked at this.
Which brings me to my next question: Is it
possible for a 35-year-old guy,
especially from Mexico where usually the men marry SO young, is it
possible for him
not to have any kids?
I am starting to think it is. He is SUCH a "cry a$" as my step dad calls him that I think the woman that he was with for almost 2 years left his a$ to marry someone else because he is so "sentimental" as he calls it.
AND OMG HE IS. Now I have NO problem if a guy cries or is sensitive, it's just the stuff he has been telling me.
Not knowing how a woman gets pregnant? Come on.
Do I believe that? Not sure, yet. He acted quite interested as I told him how a woman conceived and kept apologizing that he didn't know too much. OMG! Did I mention when he was over at my house and I was peeling potatoes he watched me and asked me "Wow! What is that?" (referring to the potato peeler in my hand) I said "It's a potato peeler." He was
mesmorized and it wasn't fake either, I thought he was joking. He asked me questions like "How much does it cost in stores?" and "Where could I buy it do you think?" I never thought to let him try it out, but I think I was just STUNNED that a 35-year-old didn't know what a potato peeler was.
Maybe he came from a poor home and I mean hey, he
is much older. I guess I just thought he would have more experience. He didn't graduate either. Dropped out in 8th grade to help his family earn money.
Anyways, I bited the bullet and asked on Yahoo! Answers last night:
"For those with experience or even knowledge, what are signs that a man is married back in Mexico? I am dating this guy and he says he is single, has no kids and is 35. I just don't know if this is even POSSIBLE. Anyone know anything on this topic or maybe know any man who is 35 and is not married with no kids? Thanks and PLEASE no racist or immigration-related comments! Thank you in advance! :)"
I received many answers that were not just what I wanted to hear, but really opened up my eyes. The ones that opened up my eyes are in yellow. :)
Answer #1: " my uncle actually two of my uncles are in there forties with no kids and never been married its sooo possible"
Answer #2: "Believe it, he's single!! He hasn't been looking or just doesn't know where to meet anybody. And probably doesn't have the time. And if you believe in a higher power maybe it was just time that he met someone that just clicked with him."Answer #3: "It is very possible for a man to be 35 and not married or have kids. Nothing wrong with it. He just has not found or wanted the right woman."Answer #4: "I have some Mexican in me (and very proud of it, BTW) so I can't make racist comments. I think you should really try to get to know this guy first. Go back to his hometown in Mexico and visit his family. It is very possible that a 35-year-old guy is not married and has no children, why not? Maybe he just chose not to be in a committed relationship before he met you. If he has a wife back home, just mentioning the idea of visiting his hometown will -surely- make him nervous. Watch his reaction and to also ask him questions about his life, what he's done so far, what his family does and where they live, etc."Answer #5: "meh, give him time.. he will get comfortable and show his true colors and it will become obvious why he was never married."Answer #6: "Of course its possible. Not everyone gets married.
Answer #7: "Ya, some people just haven't found who they want to marry yet. He could be telling the truth, it depends how believeable he is and if he is a good liar"Honestly? I don't know what is going to happen between me and Cele. It is great the way he treats me and I really
do care about him.
Lo quiero, lo amo. Just taking it day by day and going from there. It could be a mistake but I won't know either way. I am also going to concentrate on building up my credit, getting my license and taking out a loan to get a car. Forget about moving out! I need to get my license and get out on the roads and drive lol!
maybe Cele and I can try and have some dates and see how
that goes instead of just chilling at my house all the time.
I am going back to sleep. I only got LESS THAN ONE HOUR of sleep last night because Cele was being SO immature. I told him so too. I must have sat on that phone calling out his name and asking if he was there for about a good 20 minutes. No response. So just in case he was listening, I told him: You are being VERY RUDE. This is NOT like you but it is because you are drinking. We had an agreement and you told me that you wouldn't drink anymore unless we were together. You are also being VERY IMMATURE. For a 35-year-old, well I can't believe how you are acting. You need to grow up. I am hanging up this phone because you are NOT saying ANYTHING to me and it's rude. AND I need to get some sleep.
So I hung up. 10 minutes later or less, he called me back three times. The third time I answered it and the guy is IN TEARS!!!! OMG. Not
again. So I thought to myself:
No wonder he was alone and says he doesn't have anyone else back in Mexico. NO WOMAN IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would put up with this! Needless to say I was PISSED! :o/
He asks me through his tears why did I hang up on him? I didn't want anything to do with him anymore?
I told him that I was sorry but it was rude for him to not answer me and not say anything. I told him I still want to continue this BUT we had an agreement and he broke it and I was pissed.
I told him that I needed to get some sleep and THAT was THAT.
Everything is okay now, but we are going to have A LONG A$ TALK when we see each other IN PERSON again, probably next week because I am DONE taking buses at least
I think for now.