I start work soon and I kind of am happy about that.
Yesterday I think I was just SO tired because in the morning Cele will call me like close to every HOUR until I get up lol. (Guess I'll never tell him that I'm worried about sleeping in late, haha, he took that too seriously!)
So anyways, I awoke this morning and checked my bank account. Woohoo! Money in there from my new job! I like my job now lol! I think I just had to see the money in the account to want to continue working!
Sooo with that announcement here's a few more:
1. I called AT&T and made sure that I was eligible for my upgrade, told them my plans regarding the LG Shine (El Sueño: Yup! I've decided to get it!) and I told them that I'm paying the rest of my late bill as we speak. I paid it and they told me as soon as I paid it it would come up automatically as paid and everything would be great. I clicked that "Pay" button and it WAS automatic as she told me "Yup! It now says you are eligible for an upgrade!"
YAY! So I quickly called up Wirefly and went through this LONG process lol to get my FREE (yes, I SAID FREE! Just $9.99 for shipping!) LG Shine!
Right now my order is undergoing Quality Assurance. I suppose that means they are testing the equipment and making sure it works good? Awesome.
I think AT&T already approved me too. Gosh, I love that word: APPROVED. Feels good.
UPDATE: The LG Shine is officially on its way! Woohoo! :D
#2. The book I recently got to order that I've wanted for like E-V-E-R came today! What a surprise since it was scheduled to come tomorrow! Woohoo! How excited and ecstatic I am to finally be able to read it! It looked SO interesting and NOW it's in my hands lol!
#3. Cele and I still don't know if it's true or NOT, but something has possibly developed between us.
Are you ready?
You're NOT going to believe this!
I'm telling ya!
*Deep breath*
I just wanted to freak ya'll out...who KNOWS what you'd be thinking ja ja ja. Cele received a phone call today as well as text message saying his phone number was chosen and has won $1000. He was ALL excited and says "If it's true, I'm giving you 1/2." How nice!
Do I believe it? I'm kind of leery because who KNOWS how they got his #. I am HOPING it IS true though. I can put that money towards my car I'd like to get...or just put the money in savings for emergencias.
We shall see tomorrow what comes of that.
Well that's all for now! I've got to go lavar los trastes. Cele taught me that. I always used to say lavar los platos but he told me since I am not just washing plates that it is correct to say los trastes. Hmm, who would have thought?
Ciao! :)
y dios mio, I thought you were gonna say you were EMBARAZADA- THAT's all ya need, huh? Well, since a few posts back you said that Cele had asked you how a woman got pregnant, that is a possibility, no??
MNM always told me that he'd be MORE than happy to make me a little Mexican bebé and really wanted an HIJO. I said NO GRACIAS-1 child is enough for me!
As for the $1,000- don't count on it. Anything that appears to be too good to be true usually IS.
Ja ja ja. That's what I KNEW people would think. I worded it kind of to be like that. I'm SO mean...lo siento amigas! :D
Yes, that's ALL I need. And yes, it is always a possibility. Cele and I are being safe of course, but we are leaving it up to God. We always say "Que sera, sera" y "Si Dios quiere".
As for the $1,000 -- we know it's too good to be true. I'm still checking out the txt msg and voz msg tomorrow when I see him though, but I already explained to him that it is MOST likely a scam. He was quite disappointed and said "You know TODO". I told him "No, I don't. I just know about these things b/c I've heard of these scams, that's all."
And you're right, anything that's too good to be true, usually is. I TOTALLY agree! Look at what I found out abt Cele! I KNEW it was too good to be true that he wasn't taken by some mujer or whatever/didn't have SOME KIND of baggage. And look, I (ahem, WE) were right? :)
Whoa Whoa Whoa- WHAT??? You are being careful but also leaving it up to DIOS??? That is a total contradiction! NOT that it is any of my business (no es mi asunto) but DO NOT GET PREGNANT, Megita!!! I know it is very romantic to think about, but a child is a HUGE responsibility, not to mention FINANCIAL obligation- kids are really, really expensive and if you do not have the $ right now for things like cell phone bills and a car- DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT CHICA. I had my son at 30 and only have ONE child and cannot even imagine more- now that is me, a lot of people do not like the idea of an only child, but bottom line- use those CONDONES and do not leave ANYTHING up to Dios.LOL. He already made 3 bebes and Mexicans do not seem to have any infertility issues if ya know what I mean-lol again.
WHAT I MEAN LOL is that we are being careful but CONDONES are NOT 100%, only not "haciendo el amor" is, so basically even though we ARE using CONDONES, we are STILL saying "Que sera, sera." If Dios WANTS a un hijo to happen between me and Cele it's gonna happen whether we are being safe or not.
No te preocupes chica! :D
First congrats on the job and the paycheck in your account; I know that made you feel good!
I've been looking at the LG Shine's too because I've had lots of cell phones and I love LG. All of my LG phones have held up really well.
The Mexican has an LG right now, I have a Motorazor (sp?), and then the kids and my brothers in law have Kyoceras ... I hate Kyocera. I had one once I had to replace four times before I was able to renew my contract.
And yep, I thought you were expecting ... MEANY! lol
Do be careful because OV is right, them kids cost a lot of pesos :)
Lisa: Thanks for the congrats! There are days I don't really like the job (only b/c some ppl I call are RUDE lol!) but then other days I'm sitting @ home and actually making pesos! lol
It's great! :)
Hey, so maybe we'll BOTH have LG Shines? Awesome! :D I'm getting mine on Tuesday -- I'm excited!
No way--Not expecting here. LOL I know you are right! I AM a meanie and those hijos do COST PESOS I'm sure of it! No doubt in my mind lol! That's why I'm being careful ;)
~Megan :o)
Hey ... you deleted Walking Away the Pounds? I was gonna put that in my links on Losing with La Gringa LoL. I just updated that one today and changed my template, yet again :(
I like the new template though and so far have lost 26 pounds, YAY!Let me know if you have another weight loss blog :)
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