Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Last Post Regarding Me And Cele . . .

So, my Blogger friends! This is my last post that will talk about me and Cele.

I know what you are thinking "Good for you, Megan! You broke up with him! Ya kicked him to the curb! Etc.! Etc.!" :)

Au contraire.

You may call me "loca", "naive", or [fill in the blank], but this is my life after all, right? Exactly.

Though I have appreciated all the negative/positive feedback I have received lately.

So anyways, I am staying. With him. After having a LONG talk with my mother (who knows me best and who can feel certain vibes if someone is a good or bad person) and also a good friend of mine, well I can't make Cele tell Lucia over the phone, mainly because of his kids. I DO now believe that this is a type of thing to tell someone in person. And in a way, I kind of think he is right to do it all in person. Breaking up over the phone, text, email, or instant messaging...ANY form of electronic communication when it involves a breakup is just wrong. I wouldn't want to be broken up over the phone either, and especially if I had 3 kids by the guy.

And look at me, my poor husband who I broke up over the phone with. Well, all is said and done. Do I feel bad? Heck, each and every day I do. But I cannot change what has been said. I can only move forward. Plus, he knows I can't just jump on a plane go there. Besides, that would be $700 or more down the drain just to tell him 'it's over' and get back on the plane and fly back here. WASTE-OF-TIME. Though, I still feel REALLY bad. :(

Do I like this situation with Cele? Nope. Not one bit. But I am willing to make this relationship work. And please no negative feedback, as I will just delete it, because you can't tell me that you've ALWAYS left a negative-looking relationship and never looked back. You are either in one right now and you know it but continue to stay for your personal reasons OR you have been in one before. Either way, no one on this Earth, in this life, is perfect are they? And God forgives us in the end. :)

I know the majority of responses from most of you (not all) are to leave Cele. I've already made my decision and I told him that I am going to stick by his decision. Support his decision and believe his word.

And hey, it's not like MY life is clear from baggage. After all, I still have to finish this Immigration process AND get divorced! And I know that Cele would stick by me if the situations were reversed. I know he would.

Sure, he's lied. Three major lies, I know. I am intelligent to realize that. BUT people DO make mistakes and people DO lie for other reasons.

Cele did NOT lie to hurt me. He did NOT lie to do that, nope, don't believe it. He's a sweet and caring guy and I do believe that he loves me. No, scratch that. I KNOW that he loves me. I can feel it.

Do I know what is going to happen in our future together? No, no one does. Solamente Dios. This could after all, be another lesson for me to learn. If not, wonderful. If so, bring it on. I love a challenge and have learned SO much at SUCH a young age, but I wouldn't change ANY of it for nothing. I do not regret ANYTHING in my past. After all, at the time I wanted to do it anyways, right? :)

So for a while, you won't see any updates regarding me and Cele. I might post about him and I here and there, but for the most part I will be posting about things on my Soon-To-Be-Debt-Free blog and I will also be posting things on here about college (I start Sept 1st, woohoo!) and my job, etc. But nothing regarding me and Cele for a while, unless something DRAMATIC and quite interesting happens.

To wrap this up, Cele has already talked to his friends in Mexico and they are going to help him. Cele's plans are to go back to Mexico in the beginning of January for 2 months. During that time, he will be telling Lucia and his children his plans as well as breaking the news to his parents. I am not sure if I will be visiting him the second month, but we shall see. I do know that after he breaks the news to Lucia, the kids and his parents that I will finally be able to talk to his mom. That will be nice. But like I always say, time will tell with everything.

He is also going to take care of some other paperwork, the paperwork to the land he is buying and the house he would like to build. Right now he is paying on the land, but he is still not sure if he will build a house or something else. This is what he has told me, time shall tell . . . ;)

For now, with blog posts about me and Cele, it's the "Season Premiere". You know how they end your all time favorite show for the season? That is what this is. :)

Well, that's all for now. I appreciate any positive feedback (again, anything negative will be ignored). Please remember that as you post a comment, to be nice and understanding (lol) because you either have been or still are in a negative-seeming relationship.

Thanks! :)


Ojos Verdes said...

Megita, you are correct..I don't think there is anyone among us who has not been in a difficult relationship (or is still in one perhaps....). I mean, I stuck with Jorge, MNM for a long time even though I knew in my heart that there were some serious issues and that it was not going to be a long term thing. Bottom line, relationships are DIFFICULT, no matter if you are married or dating or just friends or WHATEVER....they are difficult and all have their dynamics and twists and turns. I guess that is what makes life interesting. You and only you are the only one who can make these difficult choices because you and only you are the one IN the relationship. You and Cele for sure have some challenges ahead of you. Buena Suerte con todo and pat yourself on la espalda for being your own person. YOU are the captain of your ship, chica.

debbie said...

you go girl.. i'm so proud of you for thinking of celestino's children..because the situation is alot harder when kid's are involved.. he's lucky to have you!!
love ya,debbie