Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wrong Number . . . Again?

LOL This is too funny. So here I am with Cele and we're chillin' in my room talking and stuff. Suddenly I hear the phone ring.

I hear it ring again. And again. And again. Obviously it is someone that my mom or step dad do NOT want to talk to.

Or could the ringing phone just be on the movie my mom was watching at that time?

Nope! Guess who it was?

Juan. The "wrong #" guy. OMG. What's a chica to do?

Yes, I adore Cele but it's hard when there are a few cons (or whatever the word is) and I'm still SO young and this guy was nice and it was something new . . .

Oh God, this is terrible but I would like to call him and well, maybe get to know him. I mean maybe we could chat through email or something?

But then the "Good Megan" comes out and says 'Uh uh, Megan. You know what would happen. It always does. You will talk to him, end up giving your cell phone # to him and you will get caught, hurt Cele OR NOT get caught and you will be confused ALLLLL over again and it will NOT be good."

Then the "Bad Megan" says to me "C'mon, Megan. You are young and you are with this 37-year-old who has THREE kids and has this OTHER woman in Mexico and he's been with her for TWELVE years. Just call him up. It's NOT like you and Cele are really exclusive exclusive, because after all, he does have another woman back in Mexico. Just call this wrong # guy and see what's up. Live life!"

Oh God. What do you all think? I mean ya only live once. I can't help but wonder if there is something even better out there . . . w/ possibly less baggage? Oh, I DO love and adore Cele though. He's SUCH a sweetheart. And he adores me. It's obvious he does, to me, to my parents . . .

But I just find it ODD that out of ALL the #s this Juan, well his amigo called MY number and out of all the races out there, he's from Guatemala, he's from the race I prefer the most.

It's just SO weird. I would LOVE to find out his birthday just to see if Astrologically we click. lol


To call or NOT to call?

That is the question! :/ I'm NOT making a move until I get advice from ya'll though. My mom knows me best and SHE thinks I should call him. Because she thinks that it is weird and odd also that he ended up calling MY #. And he's EIGHT HOURS away from me so it's not like he'd be showing up at my door or anything like that.

Argh, what to do?! OMG Cele would F-L-I-P O-U-T! :/

UPDATE: What am I thinking? I'm here talkin' to Cele right now. I can't call this Juan guy. I won't. Ah, the little tests life gives ya, eh? I am going to PASS THIS ONE!! :)


Ojos Verdes said...

Well, my thought is- if ya want more Latino DRAMA in your vida than you already have (and hey- sometimes the drama can be FUN) go for it and call him. Mi motto- SOLO TENEMOS UNA SOLA VIDA Y HAY QUE are very young and there are so many peces en el mar-lol. Don't fool yourself about him being 8 hours importa....he will come and visit you if you so desire. Maybe get him to e-mail you some pictures- I mean, you have no idea what he even looks like. It would be fun to find out, however....I had a Guatemalan novio once...I spent a month there while I was in college and he was my Spanish instructor- what better way to learn the language :). I always have to laugh when people ask me; "so- how DID you learn to speak Spanish so well?" If they only knew that it had very little to do with sitting in class!!!!

debbie said...

there's nothing wrong w/just getting to know someone.. it doesn't mean that it would come between you and celes. sometimes you have to follow up on strange situations like that. i'd ask for a picture and go from there ya know.. nothing wrong with that..
love ya,debbie