I just want to say thanks. Yes, OV: I know that money is not considered "free". I might just give it back, not sure yet. But I need to start somewhere will saving lol!
We shall see, as I always say.
But to the people that are supportive and happy for me: Cele, my step dad Joe, OV, El Sueño, Lisita (I'm sure I'll see a comment soon!) and all my other Blogger amigas, well thank you!
It means a lot.
My mother just called me back and I told her the great news and that I was registered for all my classes. She didn't even sound the least bit thrilled. I know she might not be feeling well and I know she might hate her job, but you know what? She could have even faked being happy for me! I am really kind of sad now. I feel like maybe what I am pursuing is disappointing her. I know it sounds stupid, but that's how I am feeling.
It just is unbelievable that Cele, who I have known a little over 6 months acted MORE happy for me than my own mother, who gave birth to me. And my step dad, who I really don't get along with ALL the time and who is NOT even my biological father, he was happy for me too.
I just am really surprised with my mother's reaction. :(
I don't believe I said anything wrong to her. Maybe I did and I don't know it? I just don't understand it. If I had a child I would have been saying "OMG that's wonderful!" or even something like "How exciting!"
She's still a wonderful mother and I wouldn't change my choice of a mother for anything, but her reaction to it all really surprised me. :(
UPDATE: My mom called me and well the reason she was the way she was is because she hates her job.
She wants to move to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! I don't know WHAT I'm going to do NOW. She is NOT talking like in a year, she's talking like RIGHT ALONG. OMG I'm SO sad right now and I'm in tears! What am I going to do? Cele and I would break up. :'o(
As much as I hate Georgia and Savannah at times (okay, fine! A LOT of the times b/c the gente are just rude and slow) well. . ..
I don't want to leave.
I can't leave.
I WON'T LEAVE without my Cele! :'o(
(so either HE comes with us OR I stay with him)
Awwww... Meg, I'm sorry. :( Is she really serious about the move or is she just kind of frustrated at the moment and complaining??
I've told my mom news before expected her to be excited and have got the complete opposite reaction, so I know how you feel. :)
I'm sure you and Cele would work something out! Take care.
Maybe try telling your mamá that her reaction upset you and give her a chance to explain?
I wish I could help you out but the relationship I have with my mother is, well, I stopped consulting with her a lonnnng time ago. I hate to say it but my mother never had a 'what's best for my children attitude', it was always what's best for her.
Mrytle Beach is an amazing place and I would LOVE to live there. I know this is a hard decision for you though.
If your mom is serious you only have two choices; move or stay behind. Maybe this will blow over and she's just thought about it because of her job. On the other hand if you hear that she's gotten a new job ... be worried :)
P.S. I'd wait until I heard more about it to be worried though.
hi megan,
your mom will help you to figure out any problems if and when they move, she wouldn't leave you for anything..
love ya,debbie
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