That is the question.
I have a possible other job opportunity that is still available. I am not sure what to do.
I need your help Blogger friends! :)
I don't know if I mentioned this a while back, but before I "thought" I had "broken" my toe there was this job right on Cele's street that had a job opening and I received a call almost and they told me that I would be the "perfect fit". I scheduled an interview and viola! I ran to get my cell phone the day before and thought I broke my toe. I called and told them I had to cancel because I broke my toe. She said "Feel better and call us when you are back up on your feet."
Well, I checked the ads today on the Staffing website and OMG the position has been posted again. Hmm. Should I go for it? Shall we weigh the Pros and Cons with this Work At Home Job I currently have with this Work Outside The Home Job that I am thinking about?
Okay, let's weigh them then! :)
Let's call my current job, with NRT Insurance, #1 and let's call the possible outside job #2.
PROS for #1:
-I get to sleep in, catch up with household chores, etc. that need to be done before starting my shift.
-I don't have to worry about gas money
-It is $12 an hour!
-Many people would LOVE to find a legit work-at-home job.
-Weekly pay.
-I could study in the day, then work in the evening.
CONS for #1:
-I only work from 4-9 with an hour break in between that is not paid for.
-The work is monotonous: I have a script that I must stick by and can't really change it up. Have to stick to it word by word and I am talking about the same thing all the time: Homeowners insurance.
-This job is okay, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
PROS for #2:
-It is near Cele's house and I'd get to see him just about everyday or even everyday.
-The pay goes up to $10 (I'm sure that's based on experience)
-I know how to take the bus now lol!
-More hours than I have now and I assume my check would be a lot MORE!
-I'd get paid every week, since it would be through a temp agency.
-IF my parents ended up moving and I didn't want to go, I could live with Cele and I'd already have a job that I could walk to! :)
-I'd be doing data entry, my passion!
CONS for #2:
-The lowest the pay is, is $8 an hour.
-Taking the bus and maybe having to pay my mom for gas money (she said she'd bring me there personally OR take me to the city to catch the bus from there to work)
-What if I got sick of Cele? LOL I mean is that even possible though?
-I would have to study at night because I would work in the day.
Can't really think of anymore Pros or Cons for either one. If you've got any, pass 'em on here in a comment!
Oh--And you do know why I have a pic of Shakespeare on this post right? If not, read William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.
I say go for #2!!!!! if you get to spend more time with el novio, perhaps that is what you guys need to see if i is gonna work. PLUS- working outside the home me parece mas interesante- variety is the spice o life.
Hey girl! As for the job go for what makes you happy. If you work a job that you hate then you will be unhappy and it will totally effect your professional life as well as your personal. Take it from someone that knows. Choice what you feel is best for you and everything else will fall into place.
I agree with OV - working outside of the home with make your days more interesting and if you''re getting to see Cele more often, even better!!! I would give the new job a try. You might love it!!
I'm getting paid less than I've made per hour in a couple of years, and that part of it kinda stinks, but then again the call volume here is slow and I get to be on the internet all day! The pros here out weigh the cons. :)
#2...If you're getting more $$$ on each check (even if not per hour...as long as it averages out to be more!)...get to see Cele more often, and gettin out of the house more....Tell me...How in the world could that possibly be WRONG?!:)
Hey, after all the advice I have been giving YOU, Megita, I could now use some of my own- check out my latest post and tell me what you think. All opinions are welcome- necesito consejos. GRACIAS.
If you're really serious about school, and I think you are, I would choose the best job to correspond with school; both of the jobs sound like they will blend just fine as far as school goes :)
It doesn't sound like you'll really be taking a paycut unless bus fare is really expensive. And if data entry is personally more pleasurable than insurance telemarketing ... DO IT! Being closer to Cele is just an added perk :)
Good luck!
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