Whew! Just got off the phone with my college and I will be registering this week for my classes and will be starting September! Woohoo!
And guess how much financial aid awarded me? OMG $14,000! And get this: In March and June of next year, I will receive the remaining, which is....
OMG. Too much money. What will I do with it all? :)
I have a few ideas. The first idea is a responsible one:
#1. I will save it and apply for financial aid again next year (b/c you have to apply each year) and then I will wait and see what my award letter says. IF I have enough (once again) to pay for another year of college, awesome! I'll use some of the $7,000 for my books (unless I have other cash that I can use, and if so....then idea #2 . . .)
#2. I'm throwing that $7,000 in the bank and saving it and still taking out $100 each month to put towards it. I'm starting to save money NOW. I think that's the SMART idea to do instead of blowing it all on something that I will only have memories of. Why not be ahead of myself?
Then eventually maybe I can get myself a car OR my own place. I'd like to save for my own place, actually. But time will tell what will happen to that money I get.
I might just have to give it to my college if I don't get enough money in my next award letter. Which is fine. Still leaves me with $1,000 or $2,000. Hey, it's still money to save! But $7,000 would be great. :)
Whatever happens, happens though.
So I start college in September. My first classes are English Comp 101 and Living in Information Age, quite interesting lol.
Overall, I'm quite happy :)
Thank you SO much El SueƱo! I'm SO excited! :D
~Megita :o)
That is awesome!!! Go for a Spanish major-lol.
And- no olvides, all of that dinero is a LOAN and will have to be paid back (with interest) someday :(
You go mami! I agree with OV, go for the Spanish major, LoL. I think buying a car would be the smart thing to do unless the work at home thing is really bringing in some decent cash. I would try to save as much as possible without dipping into the loan money for sure because, unfortunately, it is a loan.
Too bad it's not free though! LOL
P.S. Congrats and good luck :)
congrat's megan.. we're all so very proud of you, good luck
love deb
oh megan, we're all so very proud of you, and yes, the day will come to pay it back, but as far as I remember, you don't have to until you have a good paying job. I think finding a good car is wise to do..joe will help you find something good and dependable. if you think about it, the timeing is perfect.. use it wisely, which I know you will..
love debbie
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