I spoke with a client this evening, actually about 20 or 10 minutes ago.
I asked for her husband, Mr. Barnacles* and she told me that he wasn't there.
"May I ask who is calling?", she asked me.
I told her that I was with NRT Insurance, a part of Coldwell Banker and the reason for why I was calling: It was regarding homeowners insurance. Regarding the home that he is purchasing through us.
OMG the silence on the other end was awful.
I thought maybe she was taking notes or something, but then she said "This is his wife. I was not aware that he was purchasing a home."
Since I get these "wrong # calls" a lot lately, well I told her that maybe I had the wrong Mr. Barnacles*. She told me that he was the only one in that area.
Oh God. Did I just get myself into trouble here?
She asked me who I was again and I told her my name, etc. etc. all of my information.
I even asked her if she wanted to know the purchasing address, as I felt it was her right to know. I gave that to her and she told me "Oh I know exactly where that is."
She sounded like she was about to cry, and NOT happy tears, mind you.
So the question is: Did I just ruin a surprise or some sort? Or something much worse? Is he cheating on her and getting a condo ($250,000 mind you!) to screw around in or for a mistress of his?
Or are they splitting up and she had NO IDEA.
Either way I feel awful. But as they say, EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
I really am still hoping that I had the wrong Mr. Barnacles* but after speaking w/ my boss about this sticky situation, well, it looks like I don't :(
*Name changed for privacy.
Either way I feel sorry for her because her husband is being dishonest about a HUGE part of their life that will not only affect her credit but his credit even if they do/are split up.
It is not likely to be a surprise but even if it was I would ring Carlos' neck for making such a huge decision without me.
Yeah, that is a biggie- perhaps even more so than the mentiras Cele has told you....although a woman and 3 kids back home is no "little white lie"
I hope your emotional and physical health is holding up estos dias.....
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