Sunday, August 31, 2008

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, so after the call on my cell last night, I didn't think much of it until today.

I think it has something to do with Lucia, as well as POSSIBLY those "wrong #s"

Someone is watching Cele quite closely and even he agrees.

I called up Cele and couldn't get a hold of him for a lot of rings until he picked up. I could tell he was crying.

What's up? I asked him.

He told me "Nothing." and I said "Cele, I KNOW you. Tell me."

So he tells me that he just got off the phone w/ Lucia and they argued A LOT. Problems back in Mexico. He would have just left it at that but you know good 'ol Megan, so I pryed him for more answers and didn't let up.

He told me Lucia knows. WHAT?! She knows WHAT?

She knows that Cele was at the dance club.

OMG. That was THREE months ago. In June. She JUST found out?

He told me he was crying because they yelled really bad and he cried b/c he was so angry. He asked how she knew and who told her. She would NOT give up the information.

So put 2 and 2 together: The phone call I get with a lot of questions and THEN Lucia finds out the next day.

Cele told me that Lucia's brothers live in Atlanta, GA. Guess where that phone number is from that called me yesterday? Ha! In Milleridge and guess where THAT place is located!?

Yup! Right outside Atlanta. Quite odd if you ask me.

I don't know but I have this feeling Lucia is going to find out A LOT more and soon find out that Cele is with me because like I told Cele: When you tell a lie, it ALWAYS comes out. It always finds a way to come out whether it is a day from now, week from now, month from now, years from now. And because Lucia KNOWS that he was at the club, well let's just say that I'm SURE she's going to have someone be watching him.

It will leak out soon that he's with another woman. Me. And when it does, I'm sorry but I AM THROWING THE PARTY OF THE CENTURY lol!

I KNOW that sounds terrible! But I've been WAITING for something like this to happen! It is TIME SHE KNOWS!!!!!

(And if ya ask me, I think the Heavens up there agree w/ MY beliefs and are workin' over time lol) :)

That's all for now! I start college tomorrow! Woohoo!

Everyone have a GREAT Labor Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. You know what's weird? Those guys from Miami have NOT called me at all after the last time I told them that I was with a guy, 37, and he's got a woman in Mexico w/ 3 kids and he says he wants to be with me and NOT her, but who knows what's gonna happen.

Rafa was calling me A LOT after I told him that and now the calls have stopped.


I don't know . . . :/

I did receive ANOTHER call from Florida, Florida Keys actually. It was a Hispanic woman's name.

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