Updating you with the happenings in my life.
WARNING: I am VERY detailed and I write long blogs, vent, do not proofread and tend to ramble.
P.S. I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Time Has Come To Choose . . . PART 2!
He can choose.
Either way I want to have faith that Lucia will find out.
I told him that I still want to be with him and I REALLY do NOT want to be this way, but I have to, as he is not doing ANYTHING to help or move this situation along. I also told him that it is NOT fair to this baby, NOT fair to his family nor Lucia, and it's NOT fair to me.
Lastly, I told him that IF he has NOT said anything to Lucia OR his sister by the 14 days, I am sorry but him and I cannot be together until something changes.
Just wanted to update lol! MAN THIS GUY CAN BE STRESSFUL!!!! :(
The Time Has Come To Choose . . .
*Make mental note to self (and for others!): The next time you get involved with a man who has another woman and claims SHE is to blame and that's the reason why he "loves" you, check with the other source somehow some way BEFORE believing him.*
The reason why *I believe* Lucia is the way she is, is because of Cele's drinking. I have to admit he is not into the party scene thankfully, but ya know something? It still is not good.
I am having a long talk with him today and giving him 3 choices to make. He can do all of them or 2 of them, but he MUST do one and he MUST do one before January 24, 2009.
Here are the choices:
1. Tell Lucia, his other "woman" in Mexico about me and him, that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that he is having a child with me. (I don't care HOW he does it, he just needs to do it.)
2. Tell his sister, who lives right down the road from him, about me and him and that he wants to stay with me (supposedly) and that we are having a child together. I also would like to meet her too.
3. Stop drinking OR AT LEAST stop getting drunk each time he wants to drink. (I can understand a few beers to relax, like a few times a month, but he does NOT need to get drunk each time he wants a beer. I'm talking he ALWAYS has to drink 6, 7, or 8 beers, but NEVER drinks more than 8!)
The decision is his. If he does NOT do at least ONE of these things BEFORE January 24, 2009 then I will have to decide from there. It will MOST LIKELY be over between us until he gets his shyt together.
I have told him that I have done this "drinking thing" before with my soon-to-be-ex and he had PLENTY of times to change, but he chose not to. The drinking became more important. NOW there is a child involved and I DO NOT want my child to suffer or be subjected to that type of environment.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now lol! Let me know what you think and if I'm being fair.
Note: Whether it matters or not, his drinking did not start until he started having less work. He used to work 7 days a week, now it is just 2 days a week, IF he's lucky! He opened up to me and told me that when he drinks his problems go all away but then after he is sober again, bam! His problems are back and reality has returned.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Update On My Little Bun in the Oven!
Wow! It was quite a long visit. I am going to say right away that I did not get to see my little "bun" lol on an ultrasound/sonogram. :( Was disappointed but have another appointment scheduled in January.
I got my blood taken, about 5 test tubes of it! Nearly fainted and they had to lock me in the chair, give me orange juice, and put cold washcloths on my forehead and neck lol! Thankfully, I found out that I was NOT the only one that did that!
I am going off my One A Day Prenatal vitamins today and getting my new ones, I think they are called, PreCare or something or other like that, well I'm getting those tonight and starting them tonight as well.
I still cannot believe and I am still shocked about this. Cele is not really taking it well, considering his situation with not working as much AND his other woman nor his immediate family knowing about me/the "bun".
It is not the most ideal situation, but honestly, what situation is? You can be rich and be stable by yourself or with someone else, and still, having a baby STILL might not be wise for you to do. And no one is ever ready.
Am I nervous? Yes. Am I scared? Definitely. Am I excited? At times, yes. Am I sick? The nauseous is ALWAYS there it seems now. REALLY thought I was gonna be one of the lucky ones lol! Knocked on wood too soon I guess! :)
Am I trying to be positive and stay optimistic in this situation? Of course, but it most definitely is NOT easy.
What about my motivation? Has it come back? NOT YET. I really want it back soon because I HATE having to push myself to get up in the morning, shower, eat, study, you name it: I have to push myself.
Other than that, the nurse did a pelvic exam and told me that my uterus is measuring 8 to 10 weeks. Last time I had my uterus felt it was measuring at 7 to 8 weeks, so it's growing lol!
I will be 10 weeks (give or take) this Sunday coming up. 2 more weeks and I'm out of the "danger zone."
We shall see what happens. Will try to update again. Xmas was nice by the way too.
Until then,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Do Not Want To Keep You All In Suspense....
I found out on Sunday, well....

that there is a little bun in the oven! I cannot believe it and it does not seem at all real to me. I am just ecstatic and excited and, well me and Cele both are. We both are very pensive and nervous though as we truly do not have a pot to pee in nor a window to throw it out of. But I trust in God's decisions and what will be, will be. For now, I am enjoying this beautiful time of a woman's life!: Pregnancy! Embarazo! :)
(I know, I know. It couldn't have come @ a "better" time with mine and his situation, huh? Well, it did and maybe God has different plans for me and him?)
I'm 7-8 weeks and wow! DO I FEEL IT! lol And yes, I know most people wait until they are 12 weeks or above, but I am the type of person that I share exciting news and whatever happens, happens. As that is life! Hoping and praying for all the best of course though! Prayers and blessings are certainly welcome!
As are all comments too! I appreciate positive comments of course, but understand the reason for not-quite-positive ones too! Just throw 'em @ me lol!
Thanks and I will update again! :D
~Megan :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Much love,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Why So Many Questions?
The usual questions:
What are you doing?
Are your parents home yet?
What's that noise?
What are you going to do today?
What will you do after you do _____?
Are you going anywhere today?
Did you eat breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
Are you going to have a snack/dessert?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
How was your day and what did you do?
Are you mad or bothered by me?
Did you work/study today?
Have you talked to your husband or _____ at all?
Have you talked to your mom today?
Okay, so those are the main "snapshot" of the questions I am usually asked. And man, does it drive me NUTS!!! I used to think and was convinced it was because Cele was insecure and wanted to know my every move, but I am convinced otherwise: Well, we'll discuss it after.
Let's take a trip down memory lane. Actually as I look back on it, it was definitely no "memory lane!" Try a "fire pit down Hell's lane" haha! Yeah, I'm talking about Daniel. I remember the majority of our time spent together (here in GA, not talking about in NC and the "honeymoon stage.") well anyways, the majority of his time he was working and I was of course at home.
I remember being at my computer all day, usually studying and looking/applying for jobs, and he'd come home from work and expect me to warm up his dinner and then ask how I was and say hi. Then he'd hop online and play Solitaire or watch his STUPID Primer Impacto, Noticieras or soccer stations. Ugh, nice relationship! I still don't know why he wasn't kicked to the curb because really he was a piece of work, a roommate and certainly not a "lover" or even boyfriend material! Ah, live and learn I guess!
So my point out of all this is, is that I am not upset when Cele asks me those questions, do I get a bit bothered and feel nuts? Yes! But it is not because I do not care about Cele, because I love him so much, but when the lite bulb when off I realized it is because I am not used to being asked questions and Cele only asks questions because he cares! Daniel never cared and was a self-centered prick, a$$hole, etc.! It is SO obvious now.
I think even a part of me feels like all this treatment is "foreign" to me and that I do not deserve it because I am so used to being treated like shit.
That's all I had to say. On another note, I started my two classes today. English Composition 102 and Humanities 101. Received my final grade pt. averages for last semester: B+ in ENC 101 and A- in SOS. I thought for SURE it would have been reversed but hey, I'm not complaining and plan on doing MUCH better this semester because I want A+ in BOTH classes lol!
That's all for now. Still trying to pound the computer and earn some bucks to pay bills. That's about it.
I'll check back and update if something new later in the week!
~Megs :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just A Quick Update For My Readers
I have many work at home jobs that I have been doing. Here is just a list and I'm not getting into detail b/c it is just too much lol. So message me if you want to know more but some things I cannot and will NOT disclose as I have signed contracts and I do not want to lose my job! :)
1. iDictate -- Transcription whether medical or general; no voicemails like below though.
2. Quicktate -- Transcription but of voicemails only.
3. Mturk -- Not really a job per se, just mainly to grab income when I need it lol.
4. Text121 -- I really like this job A LOT. It's easy and they pay well. It is a texting job.
Now for pending interviews or training:
1. ACD Direct -- I have training scheduled with them Dec 1st.
2. Idapted -- Interview with them tomorrow, at 10pm. It is teaching Chinese students English, which is quite cool and thank God they are not Hispanic students because me talking to guys? Umm, I would be in trouble hahaha. Just kidding ;)
Still applying to work at home jobs and outside jobs. Going to the city tomorrow to fill out apps, get 'em notarized and hand them in to apply for two county jobs. We shall see what luck I have.
That is pretty much it. On my vacation or break from college right now until Dec 1st. I will start English Composition 102 and Humanities 101 then. Books are already on there way--thanks to Mommy! She'll be paid back though, for sure!
Next year's plans: Buy a laptop as I have always wanted one and also a desktop. Might even buy a new bed. Not sure yet, but DEFINITELY a laptop. They are just too handy lol.
That's all for now. Cele and I are doing well. I notice he always wants to know about what kind of products I use. Kinda scares me, but maybe it is because he's loco for me? I mean for example, I use Caress soap right? Well, I go over to his house one day and now HE is using it. Another example to convince you? Ok. He knows that I take vitamins, so we went to Wal-Mart to pick him out some. They are One A Day Men's, ok fine, they are good, almost like mine. Want to know what he says? He tells me that these are good for now BUT when he comes to my house again he would like me to take him to the GNC store to buy the EXACT vitamins that I bought b/c he wants those. LMBO. Too funny.
How about one more example to convince you? I drink Lactaid because I cannot really stomach regular milk too well, right? Well, guess what kind of milk he drinks now? Yep! You guess it! Lactaid.
I'm not really complaining because he really doesn't fit the profile of a stalker lol, but can you imagine if he was? Uh uh, I'd have to move out of state for sure! ;)
It is kind of flattering though, as I have NEVER had any guy do that before!
Other than that, things are good. 10 months passed on the 24th. That's how long we've been a couple! Crazy how fast time goes. Still haven't started on his scrapbook, but will soon. :)
Hope everyone reading this is doing well! :)
Talk to you again soon!
Until then.
P.S. Lisa, girl sorry I did not call you back! I hope you are not offended. I wrote ya a msg on Twitter, not sure if ya got it though. Whenever you wanna go out, just say the word, and I'm giving me and Cele the green light, so to speak. He already says he's fine with it, so it's allll good! :D Miss you!
Monday, November 10, 2008
So Where To Begin?
Cele and I are still together. Seems the more I see him, the more I wanna be with him. Ha! Is that really a surprise? I don't think it is lol. Little things can get on my nerves sometimes, but ya know what? He's SO much better than Daniel (the Catracho husband) as far as the respect part and gentleness part and sweetness part . . . need I go further lol? :) *sigh*
So what can I enlighten you with? 10 months for me and Cele the 24th of this month. I STILL haven't started on his surprise yet either. It has to be done by January 24th. That's the deadline I gave myself and I also told him it would be done by then too.
He's not leaving for Mexico any time soon. He's waiting for me to get divorced first, then he's on his way to Mexico and telling Lucia that he is happy with me and wants to be with me. He is first talking with his parents, then Lucia and the kids.
Am I holding my breath? Well, as much as I want to believe this hombre, I am not putting allll my eggs in one basket. I'm separating them into separate piles: 50 in one basket and 50 in the other. Ya got me? Know what I'm saying lol?
He hasn't been talking to Lucia as much though, which is nice! I get soooo jealous lol so obviously there's something there, eh? :D
On a different note. I received my midterm for college back! Woohoo! I cannot BELIEVE it but I got 100%! Totally unexpected! I thought I would have gotten a 90 or a bit more, but NO ERRORS! Awesome! My other midterm I received a 90 something I think, not remembering correctly.
Did I tell you I lost my job? I trained for another at home job...was supposed to start today actually. I decided not to. It was a job w/ incoming calls back to back w/ no break in between and only a 15 minute break within a 4-hr sitting on my butt-kind-of shift! AND to top that off, if I had to go to the bathroom I would have to ASK whoever was in charge FIRST to see if I could go! WHAT?! *the kind of Yahoo icon that has a shocked face* Uh uh. They are crazy. That's nuts! What if someone had that kind of condition where they had an overactive bladder? What would happen then? After all, isn't that WHY they would want an at-home job? :/
Let's see...oh! Another think about college: I already registered for two more classes. I am on WEEK 11! Cannot BELIEVE that I've been in college for 11 weeks! How many months IS that?....OMG it's almost FOUR months?! How is that possible! Wow, time sure flies. Cannot believe it is almost 2009 too!
I sure will be having a great Thanksgiving, Xmas, News Yrs, another great Valentine's Day....I love holidays with Cele. He's just SO much fun and down-to-earth and well, after all he is a Taurus.....
Speaking of the other Taurus, Marcial, well I am going to be completely honest: Me and him talk on and off. Nothing serious though. Wellll I am talking nothing serious. He on the other hand is making allllll these plans saying he is looking for a job for me and is going to get an apartment for me and him and we're going to start a family, etc.etc.
Sheesh. I tell him to basically "slow it down." He knows I see Cele, but he really doesn't know how much and how serious it is. We never really discuss it and basically me and him are friends.....*shrugs* I feel really guilty about it though, talking to Marcial on and off I mean. There are days where I block him on my phone. But then I take him off b/c I feel bad. Heck, maybe I like to keep my options open in case it doesn't work out with me and Cele. I always like to be prepared I guess. *shrugs*
So Cele and I had a nice weekend together. We actually played two kiddie games! Crazy fun, I tell ya! First one we played was Perfection. Ya know that game with the pieces and timer and ya gotta put each piece in its designated spot before the 60 secs are up? Yup! We played that. Had a blast actually. He loved it. Especially since he never had seen something like that in his life. God, I adore him. That game was nice since we played it together and it kind of showed me (a little bit, since it really was just a game) what it would be like if me and Cele had to work on something together. We did quite well.
Okay, so second game was the Game of Life. I've never seen the "greedy" side of him before, but it was all in fun of course and we had crazy fun with that game too! He won and got to "retire" at the Millionaire Estates. Little stinker!
I got some pics though of him playing the Game of Life though....so that will be nice to put in his scrapbook. That is his surprise by the way, in case ya'll were wondering or if I never mentioned it. :) I am giving it to him on our 1 year and ya know what the crazy thing is? I am not really afraid afraid of mentioning our 1 year because I just know we'll make it then. It's something that I do not doubt. So weird.
Before all the game playing though, I took Cele to my fav Mexican restaurant here on the island, Cancun Cafe II. He really liked it! Mis padres no saben esto pero....tomamos esa noche: I had my first fresa margarita and he had tres Coronas! We were quite "crazy" when we got back to my house lol. We even talked about going out to Charley's again and he wants to, and as long as it doesn't get "mucho loco" as he always says, then we will stay. But the second it gets too "mucho loco" for him, we're outta there. Hey, fine with me. I explained to him that I need to go out at least 1-3 times a month to my little "fix." lol!
Wednesday is a busy day for me. I am going downtown and taking clerical testing in order to apply for two jobs. Then Thursday (if I do well on the clerical testing) I will be going back to the same place and getting what I need to notarized and submitting those applications. Wish me luck!
And on Thursday night, I have an interview for a company. Working @ home of course. I always like to keep my options open . . . ha ha ha guess when it comes to all things, eh? Even the men! Haha. Sorry. That wasn't that funny, was it?
So classes end on November 22nd and then I'm on break until I start my classes again, which will be on December 1st.
Oh -- did I tell ya I applied @ my fav. store, Barnes and Noble? Well, the first interviewer was a be-otch. The second one? A flake. Both were kinda snobs as well as the employees who worked there. I got accepted and they offered me a position. I turned them down and lied and said I went with another job. I told her that I would give her my answer on Wednesday or before, since I had "other interviews pending." Ya wanna know what she told me when I called her to turn down my offer on Wednesday? "Oh well I've already moved on."
Be-otch! Hey, B&N will be my favorite store still. I'm just glad I don't work @ it b/c it probably would have turned into a store I would have NEVER walked into again lol!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Quick Update!
Cele and I have been together 9 months! Wellllll...9 months and 1 day, today! LOL
What more can I tell you? I plan on moving out, either on my own or Cele will move in with me, in about 6 months if all goes as planned.....
Cele is waiting to go back to Mexico to tell Lucia about me and him AFTER I get divorced. Hey, he wants to make SURE I'm divorcing Daniel and can ya blame him? I sure don't.
Cele's uncle is going back to Mexico tomorrow morning. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Mauro and I pray you arrive there safely and return here safely as well. He is supposed to come back next year sometime, prolly around the time Cele returns for 2 months. Butttt that ALL depends on how long the divorce will take.
I still think about Daniel off and on, but hey, I'm only human. And I weigh the Pros and Cons and still Cele seems like a perfect match.
What else can I tell ya? I saw a psychic for the 1st time ever in my life and let me tell ya, SHE IS GOOD! I will update about that later.
2mro I'm seein' my Cele again, so I must rest up for another day of fun tomorrow!
I adore him SO much. He is so gentle, romantic, sweet, considerate and protective. I just love him SO much! It's crazy. Especially since I REALLY did not think me and Cele would get this far. It's terrible to say this, but I REALLY thought Cele was gonna just be a "rebound" to get over Jose.
Well, looks like the Heavens above had a little bit MORE planned for me that I had planned on and hey, I'm SURE AS HECK NOT hatin' it! ;)
That's all for now! Oh--College is going good. Almost finished with my 2 classes. Already took my midterms. Grades are pretty high.
AH--I also lost my job with NRT Insurance! Applying like there's no tomorrow, so basically my "job" now is working for iDictate, a transcription company. It's not HIGH paying money, but it's okay. I also take surveys and get paid 3 bucks soooo I'm doing okay. I applied with other companies so let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
I must say though that I truly enjoy NOT working for NRT anymore. They are jerks. But hey, live and learn and like the saying goes: "1 door closes and another one opens."
Friday, October 3, 2008
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya see, I had one of my urges that I acted on impulsively and I do NOT know why but for some reason in ALL of my relationships, it always comes back to this one guy. He even told me before "Megan, how come it always comes back to us? We always stay in touch one way or the other and it always comes back to us. Why is this? I think someone up there wants us together."
And I think it could be true.
But I have a problem. I have a HARD time letting go. I have been very confused lately and so as impulsive as I am sometimes, well I called him. I called me ex.
He didn't answer . . .
THE FIRST TIME! After about 5 minutes of calling him and no one answering, I received a call back. But it only rang twice. So I called him back. No answer again. That's fine. Whatever. Maybe he realized it was MY number and hung up quick thinking "I surely don't want to talk to her." I mean it HAS been FIVE months since we last spoke!
About 5 minutes after thinking those thoughts, well my phone rang. I answered it and it was my ex's friend! He goes "Megan! It's been a LONG time since we've chatted! How have you been?"
I told him "Hi, I know! A long time! I have been good. You?" And then he goes "I have been good and Marcial (that's my ex) is in the bathroom and he will call you back after."
Then in the background I hear many Hispanic guys and white guys shouting "Oooh it's Megan," and "Hiiiiiii Megan." I even heard someone shout in Spanish "Marcial loves youuuuu!"
Sheesh. I was stunned. I didn't realize that EVERYONE at Marcial's workplace KNEW about ME! What a shocker!
So me and Marcial's friend hang up and about a 1/2 hour later Marcial calls me! I am surprised because I really did not think he would.
But he did. And we talked for a LONG time. I told him that I heard people in the background of his work shouting my name and that I was surprised about it. He told me "Oh yeah, they know about you. I talk about you."
Talks about ME? Wow. Stunned still lol.
So needless to stay, to make a long blog post shorter. . . . . After talking to Marcial, all the old times and REALLY good times we had came up. He told me that he always feels like something is missing in his life. Like there is a hole in his life. I feel the SAME way! It's really weird. He also told me that sometimes he is alone and cries a little and is sad because he feels really lonely. He told me his friends always tell him he is stupid for letting me go. :)
I know he still loves me and before talking to him, well I didn't think I had feelings for him still, but the truth is? Ugh, I do. And I also have some feelings for Cele as well. Am I "in love" with two people? I don't think so. If I were to weigh the Pros and Cons though, my ex is the better match. And yes, I know. "Megan, he's an ex and exes are exes for a reason."
Welllll technically, we didn't break up because he or I did something wrong. I moved with my parents to here. To Georgia. Marcial even brought up how we would STILL be together if he had not have been stupid and had come with us to Georgia. We invited him to live with us! But hey, ya live and learn right? And it's obvious he is kicking himself for it. Anyways, he told me "So Megan, how many kids do you think we would have right now?"
Okay, now onto poor Cele! :'( *sniffles*
OH GOD! The BIG NEWS. Something TOTALLY unexpected and I have NO idea what I am going to do! Let's just say that this is something that I had NOT planned on!
And no, I'm not having an hijo lol! (I know I scared you all before haha)
Lucia, you know Cele's woman back in Mexico? Welllll she finally has an idea that he is with someone else. Me.
They talked recently and she told him that she had a dream that he was with a gringa. He immediately told her "Oh yeah? Well, it's highly possible that that dream is really a reality."
She goes "Why would you say something like that?" And he goes "Because you don't know how to love me."
As far as I know, those were the only words that were spoken between them. I asked if he cried, and he told me no. That he "felt great telling her."
But this is NOT what I planned! It FIGURES it has to happen this way. I realize that I am officially confused and thinking about my ex again and he goes and tells her THIS!
OMG. I don't want to hurt him. I feel like I am obligated to pursue this relationship now, because he could lose me and her.....I don't want him to be alone at the age of 37. I would feel like it was allll my fault.
So I still am just taking day by day. My ex wants me to come up there to NC. He told me "Just make plans, save money and come see me."
Then he informed me "When you come I am NOT letting you leave. You will have to stay here." LOL. We both laughed. He is so funny.
Ah heck, enough about both of them. I don't know WHAT I'm doing. Maybe I am just going to cool it with EVERYONE and be by myself for a bit. But HOW on earth can I break THAT to Cele? Poor, poor Cele! :(
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just A Bit of Awareness
(305) area code appears and of course, with all the "wrong #s" I've received lately, I answer it, knowing quite well that it will most likely be another "wrong #".
And viola! It is. His name is Hector. But he tells me the truth, which is nice. He tells me that he got my # from Juan.
Ah! Good 'ol Juan Rivera. Ugh. I told him quickly "Well, my # is circulating quite a bit down there in Miami!"
I told him this in English and he goes "Miami, yes, Miami." I knew he had no idea what exactly I had just said in English, so I translated what I said into Spanish.
Then he goes "No, no. Only I have your #."
Really? "Then how did you get it?"
"Juan Rivera gave me your #," he says. "Well, then you are NOT the only one that has my #, then are you?"
Ha! Silencio. I love it. :) He knew I was right. So like I always do when I'm peeved, I went on and on.
I tell him "So, let me get this straight: Juan has my #. Rafa has my #. And now you, Hector, have my #. Wow. I bet many men down there in Miami are going to have my #. What do you want Hector?"
He told me "What's your name?"
"My name? You want to know my name? You should already know it."
He tells me "No, I don't know it. Juan just gave me your #, that's all."
"Well, Juan knows my name, you can ask him for it then!"
More of our convo:
Him: I saw your picture and let me tell you, you are a princess, a beautiful doll.
Me: Oh, why thank you very much. That's sweet.
Him: How old are you?
Me: 23.
Him: 23?
Me: Mhm.
Him: Where you live?
Me: In Georgia.
Him: I live in Miami.
(*Uhh duh, I already gathered that, thanks to Mr. Juan Rivera!*)
Him: Can you send me your picture and I send you mine?
Me: Umm I thought you already saw my picture?
Him: Yes, but I want one. And I'll send you mine.
Me: Sorry, I can't do that. I have a boyfriend.
Him: Aw, you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes.
Him: But we can be friends?
Me: Friends? What is up with this friends thing? No, we can't. My boyfriend is very jealous.
Him: He's really jealous? Where's he from?
Me: He is from Mexico.
Him: Ah, Mexico.
Me: Yup. And let me guess, you are from Guatemala?
Him: Yes.
Me: Mhm.
Him: Can't we be friends?
Me: I already told you, no we can't. I have a boyfriend. And it wouldn't be right.
Him: Just FRIENDS though.
Me: Listen, if I didn't have a boyfriend, then it would be different.
Him: Send me your picture then, please?
Me: I'm sorry, can't do that either.
Him: Okay, well take care.
Me: Thanks, you too.
Him: Bye.
Me: Bye.
Him: Bye.
Me: Bye.
So as I am thinking of my relationship with Cele, I think subconsciously I already know that it is not going to work out. And I don't believe it is because of him, well maybe, but I don't know.
You are going to laugh when I tell you this, but I have a small box where I have all the #s of what I like to call my "future prospects." I have even gone as far as thinking of calling up my ex-boyfriend, Marcial. Just to see what he is up to.
Is it for attention? No way. But when we last spoke, he told me something that I will never forget: "Megan, why is it that we never have lost touch? I mean something always brings us back together. Someone wants us to be together, Megan."
I'll never forget those words. I have always thought of Marcial as my "Jack." lol Think Titanic if you have NO idea what I mean!!!! ;D
But if I was so "stable" or sure about Cele, WHY would I think this? Only a relationship where I was sure, well I wouldn't be keeping #s of guys I don't know (besides my ex) for "future prospects" in a small box like that...UNLESS I subconsciously knew that it wasn't going to work out.
I have been thinking on whether I break up with Cele now or before he goes to Mexico or just keep on. Guess it's my fear of thinking "What if?" and not wanting to have that in the back of my head.
I have even had thoughts of repairing my relationship with the husband....yep, I've spoken to him lately, and it was NICE for a change of pace lol. We kept it civil and he still asked me if I was seeing Cele. Sure, I am, but who knows what will happen, I tell him. We didn't argue either, which was nice. But deep down I know I can't "reconcile" with him. I still feel our relationship will always be toxic b/c of the hurtful things that have happened between us. Trust would DEFINITELY be an issue.
I love Cele, I really do. But there are times lately where I just want to be ALONE. Away from everyone. There are times where I think "I need a man who doesn't have baggage."
There are EVEN times where I want to dig out this old # that I have from this fine sexy Latino, Luis, and call him up, just to see what he is up to. IF that # is still in service lol! Who knows! It has been like since 2003! So like 5 years?
There are ALSO times where I want to look up my first boyfriend. Felix Madero Medin. I'm SURE he is with someone, but he is the only ex that I truly respect. He is the only one that came back to apologize.
He had actually came that night to ask me to marry him. To get back with him and then we'd get married and have kids.
He also told me flat out that he needed papers. Well, hey he was honest. He could be back in Mexico for all I know though!
My mom says this relationship is heading no where either and that he is NOT going to leave Lucia. Man, does THAT hurt hearing those words. I could cry right now.
Sorry for the language. I'm just SO depressed about this. Well, I think it has come to that time again. For an ultimatum lol! Gotta love those.
I'll give him enough time to tell her, IF he choose to, and it will be until January 1st 2009.
He has until THAT DATE to tell her. And if he doesn't, well then that means that he isn't sure about me and him nor abt leaving her. Sooo I figure Adios!
Another thing, re: his kids! He claims he doesn't want to lose his kids, well really? He LIED to me about those kids. He kept it a secret for SIX months and he doesn't want to lose 'em? If he can lie to me for 6 months about having NO KIDS, SURELY he can tell Lucia and his kids over the phone that he "plans" to stay with me, right? They surely don't mean THAT much to him or he would have came clean in the beginning!
So.......wish me luck with este tipo!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm Still Alive! LOL
I'm alive and well. Still kickin' ROFL. :D
Things are going semi-okay. Lately, I have been feeling depressed and just, well having no motivation what-so-ever. :(
I do not know what is wrong with me. Feeling a TINY bit better today. Maybe because I got out of the house this morning. Before this morning, I have literally been "chained" (haha) to my home! I work at home, study at home, and hardly EVER get out of the house unless it is to see Cele, which is like 1-2 days a week!
Lately, him and I have been spending our time A-L-O-N-E on Sundays, which is really nice. I really enjoy spending time with him.
He notices a change in me too. One minute I'm happy, the next I have a "serious tone" as he likes to call it. My mom says I could be bi-polar and I say "No way."
I think it could be because 1 or 2 things (or both of 'em together):
#1: I NEVER get out of the house anymore. Like I said: Working and studying @ home almost 24/7.
#2: Cele's situation.
#3: Both of those mentioned above.
I try not to think about Cele's situation, but literally, there are times where I feel that I either want to end things with him and have him straighten his "shyt" (b/c that is EXACTLY what it is) out, or I want to continue the relationship w/ him and see what could possibly happen.
I am trying not to think black and white with this situation. I really am. I am trying to be what I have read, a "grey thinker." Ha! Easier said than done.
So I think that is why my moods are up one minute and down the next. I saw this commercial yesterday . . . three women were discussing how their moods have changed, they are more happier, etc. and it's all because of Sam-E Complete. Well, I am going to try it for 1 month and see how it affects me. 1 month couldn't hurt me, right?

Anyways, onto news about college. Doing really good in my classes. First paper I wrote I got an 88% and the second one? Ready for this?
Work is going good. I have another WAHJ in the works and I start training for the job next weekend. I get to finish up some assessments Friday through Sunday and then the BIG stuff starts. I am hoping all works out so EVENTUALLY it can work out where I can get my own place ;) OR get some money coming in! :)
AND I just received live feedback from my boss, she says I am doing a great job: My dials are up, my quotas are very good and I am following the script to a T. How lovely! I really love my job! :)
Well, that's all for now. OH! And Cele and his uncle will be moving out of his trailer SOON towards the end of this month and MAYBE (not sure yet!) I might start spending the night there on weekends, just to get a feel and see if Cele and I could possibly get along living together and whether I'd get sick of him or not HAHA! Hey! You never know! :)
Until then . . .
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm Back!
Nothing happened with Hanna, thank God. :)
It bypassed us and was quite close but luckily and thankfully we just got rain and no thunder nor ANY type of storm at all. We were LUCKY!
As for Ike, poor people in LA. How sad. Muy triste and I wish them the best and I am praying that no one dies or is severely injured.
On another note, this new weight loss plan that I am on is working wonderfully. :) I am proud to say that I have already lost some weight and it has only been since Saturday since I started my new way of eating. (I haven't even worked out either.) Though I plan on doing that soon.
I am not posting how much I have lost YET though. After all, it is ONLY because my body is in shock & also b/c I am eating a lower amt. of calories as well as losing the water weight.
An update to me and Cele: We are doing SUPERB! I totally adore him STILL and realize, yes, he has his little flaws or whatever, but MOST of us do. He is a SWEETHEART and I know that he loves me. It is SO obvious with these little things that he has done. I won't share 'em here though (unless you ask me to and/or are curious) but they are a TAD bit personal, but in every single way A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.
As for work with NRT, it's okay. I like it and I dislike it. Just like with any job. I did complete job training with another WAHJ and I did a voice test for ANOTHER WAHJ!
The 1st one if I pass the bilingual test, I can make up to $13 an hr! For the other one, it is on the phone but calling and scheduling interviews. I did that A LONG time ago so I've already got experience.
As for college! OMG I finished and turned in my FIRST writing assignment last Sunday. It was close to 700 words and my fingers are crossed that I pass it and do good on it -- since I am NOT the best writer.
I love all my classes though, well I only have TWO but they are awesome!
Life is sure good and it just seems to get better and better! I am losing weight, losing my debt, gaining my B.A. in my favorite subject, and have a great guy. <3
That's all for now. Just wanted to quickly update you all.
And uh Ojos Verdes? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BLOG? I miss reading your juicy love stories and updates about your life! :( Hope all is okay with todo!
And I hope all is okay with ALL of YOU! :D
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Think I Officially Need A Sign . . .
Why do people enter my room when they KNOW that my hours for working are from 4pm until 9pm with an hour break if I choose, in between those hours?
I think I officially will be making a sign saying that I am working and please DO NOT come in and to call my cell phone (which is on vibrate for emergencias) if they need me and leave me a message.
What to do, what to do? Thank God I don't have children yet! My gosh! :/ *shrugs*
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Last Post Until After Hanna

This will be quick since I am going to work in about 20 minutes.
As most of you know (I think) Hurricane Hanna has turned into a Tropical Storm once again but it's projected path is right towards us or near us.
I am very worried and my parents, Cele and I have been keeping track of its projected path and any new info that comes up.
We might be evacuating (minus Cele -- *cries*) tomorrow evening or Thursday. It is supposed to turn into a Category 2, which could put our home and island under water. We could lose everything.
This is just awful. Cele just called me up sounding so sad. I told him that we could lose everything and we might have to go to live in another state, like NY or somewhere b/c we would have NO WHERE to live.
He told me that me and my parents could come live with him and his uncle. I MIGHT take him up on it, depending on WHAT EXACTLY happens, BUT my parents wouldn't.
Cele started crying saying that as soon as we find out if we are evacuating or not, he wants to come see me to say good bye. He doesn't know what is going to happen between me and him and he started crying SO hard. Which then made ME start crying.
This is NOT fair. I am thinking many thoughts:
(here is a messed up translation in Spanish of que kiero hacer)
Que kiero hacer es . . . quedar con mi hombre. No kiero ir con mis padres, no kiero dejar mi hombre. Lo quiero y lo amo mucho mucho, con todo mi corazon.
Pero mi madre va enojar conmigo. Pero sé que toda va estar bien con mi madre y con mi padrastro. Ellos no necesitan preocupar por mi.
Solo sé que kiero quedar aqui con mi hombre. No importa que pasa.
Am I wrong to think and feel this way? What would YOU hacer en mi situacion? Cele is much safer where HE lives then where WE live.
Que piensas?
That's all for now! Must start work! Hey, and I started college yesterday. English Comp 101, it's hard but VERY interesting!
I love you ALL and please keep us ALL in your prayers!!!!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it has something to do with Lucia, as well as POSSIBLY those "wrong #s"
Someone is watching Cele quite closely and even he agrees.
I called up Cele and couldn't get a hold of him for a lot of rings until he picked up. I could tell he was crying.
What's up? I asked him.
He told me "Nothing." and I said "Cele, I KNOW you. Tell me."
So he tells me that he just got off the phone w/ Lucia and they argued A LOT. Problems back in Mexico. He would have just left it at that but you know good 'ol Megan, so I pryed him for more answers and didn't let up.
He told me Lucia knows. WHAT?! She knows WHAT?
She knows that Cele was at the dance club.
OMG. That was THREE months ago. In June. She JUST found out?
He told me he was crying because they yelled really bad and he cried b/c he was so angry. He asked how she knew and who told her. She would NOT give up the information.
So put 2 and 2 together: The phone call I get with a lot of questions and THEN Lucia finds out the next day.
Cele told me that Lucia's brothers live in Atlanta, GA. Guess where that phone number is from that called me yesterday? Ha! In Milleridge and guess where THAT place is located!?
Yup! Right outside Atlanta. Quite odd if you ask me.
I don't know but I have this feeling Lucia is going to find out A LOT more and soon find out that Cele is with me because like I told Cele: When you tell a lie, it ALWAYS comes out. It always finds a way to come out whether it is a day from now, week from now, month from now, years from now. And because Lucia KNOWS that he was at the club, well let's just say that I'm SURE she's going to have someone be watching him.
It will leak out soon that he's with another woman. Me. And when it does, I'm sorry but I AM THROWING THE PARTY OF THE CENTURY lol!
I KNOW that sounds terrible! But I've been WAITING for something like this to happen! It is TIME SHE KNOWS!!!!!
(And if ya ask me, I think the Heavens up there agree w/ MY beliefs and are workin' over time lol) :)
That's all for now! I start college tomorrow! Woohoo!
Everyone have a GREAT Labor Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. You know what's weird? Those guys from Miami have NOT called me at all after the last time I told them that I was with a guy, 37, and he's got a woman in Mexico w/ 3 kids and he says he wants to be with me and NOT her, but who knows what's gonna happen.
Rafa was calling me A LOT after I told him that and now the calls have stopped.
I don't know . . . :/
I did receive ANOTHER call from Florida, Florida Keys actually. It was a Hispanic woman's name.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Think It MIGHT Be Break Up Time . . . Possibly
I'm gonna make this a painless and quick blog entry, b/c I really don't feel like blogging.
I told Cele recently that my husband (the Catracho) well he called to update me about the Immigration process, but my mom talked to him, not me. And that's the truth. I did NOT talk with him by phone.
He asked me "Give me his # so I can call him up and tell him to stop calling my girlfriend."
Uh hello! He's NOT calling to get BACK with me! He is calling to update me about the Immigration process! After all, it DOES concern me since I signed all these papers (as well as my parents too) and invested ALLLL this moolah in it.
Well fast forward to this evening. He asks me again in person for the #. Uh uh. Nope. Not giving it. You give me the # to Lucia and then I'll give ya the # to my husband. LOL THAT sure as heck wasn't happening so he was SURE AS HECK NOT getting the Honduras #!
Fast forwarding a bit more, Cele is on the bus going to his house after spending time with me. I am in Kmart with my parents and immediately after hanging up with Cele, I get a phone call. I answer it. It's the area code for where I live so I call it back.
It's this Mexican-American guy, who AT FIRST I thought was Marcial. Remember him??? My ex who supposedly "wanted me back" but for a change in his life. I said "Who is this?"
He told me that his name was Arcter. What the hell? Excuse my language but what kind of name is that? NEVER heard of it!
So fast forwarding a bit more . . . He speaks English, no Spanish w/ this one and I ask "How did you get my #?"
The convo goes a bit like this:
Him: I saw you at that club, on 17.
*Thinking of how I went to Charlie's, it's a club, and it's on 17, which is Ogeechee*
Me: What club? What's the name of it?
Him: Umm, I don't remember what it was called.
Me: Charlie's? *Yes, I know. My mistake of giving the name up to him.*
Him: Yeah, I think that was it. Anyways, I saw you at the club that night and wanted to get to know you. I really liked you. So, I asked my friend for your number and who you were.
Me: What? Who is your friend? (Since he did have a Spanish broken accent, I said....) Well, the only one I know that would have this number is Jose Melquiades.
Him: I don't know no Jose Melquiades. I don't hang out with Mexicans, I only hang out with Americans. The guy who gave me your number is American. His name is Spat.
Me: Who? Spat? I don't know him. How does he know my number? Do you even know my name?
Him: Yes, it is Megan.
Me: Wow, I don't know who you are or how in the world you got my number. I don't even know a Spat.
Him: You don't know me, I got your number from my friend.
Him: So what's up? You got a boyfriend?
Me: Yes, I do. I am with someone.
Him: Aww, that's a shame. I wanted to take you out tonight.
Me: Well, I'm sorry. I've got a boyfriend.
Him: Oh. Hey you got a camera phone?
Me: Uh yeah.
Him: Send me your picture (*WHY would he want my pic if he "already knows" what I look like?*)
Me: Umm, no I'm not sending you my pic. That would be cheating on my boyfriend. Sorry, not doing that.
Him: Well when you break up with your boyfriend, give me a call. So save this number.
Me: Umm, I don't plan on breaking up with my boyfriend.
Him: Well, you don't know what's going to happen. Life changes.
Me: Yeah, that's true. But I'm not planning on breaking up with him.
Fast forward to when after the call ends and then Cele calls me and I ask if he is near his street (because he has gotten off at his bus stop and is walking home) and I start to say that name of the street and he goes "Charlie's?"
WHOA! What? I tell him "Charlie's? Why did you say that?"
He goes "That's the name of the street, isn't it?"
I say "No, it's Sh*** L****." He goes "Oh, okay. I forgot."
Fast forward to later LATER on where I call Cele up when I get home and then we hang up, my mom tells me that maybe Cele is the one who put this guy up to all this to see if I will be honest with him and tell him that some guy called me.
So I call up Cele again and tell him. I am VERY surprised to hear that he acts all calm about it and asks questions like "What did he tell you?" and "What did you tell him?" "How long did you talk with him?" etc. etc.
Cele tells me that he doesn't know the guy and that I need to change my number. Yeah, yeah. But it's hard b/c I LOVE my #. I mean it's my #. My own unique #. LOL
I really don't want to change it. If I get a "bad" call like the previous ones I've blogged about, I've got a Reject Call List and so far, I've got 3 on there. I can add as many as I want and IF they call me, their call is AUTOMATICALLY rejected and goes to voicemail. Whether they leave me a message is up to them, not me. :) I LOVE that feature and didn't even KNOW that I had it on my LG Shine! :D
So anyways, the fact that Cele is USUALLY very jealous and concerned (and I can hear it in his voice) when it comes to his jealousy, well THIS time he wasn't. Quite weird.
So I have come to the conclusion:
#1. Either it is him and he wanted to see if I would tell him and it's his way of "testing" me.
#2. He did this to make me change my # b/c his REAL motive is to NOT have my husband (The Catracho) call me anymore.
#3. It's Jose and he's up to his old tricks again. Messin' around with me. Pendejo.
#4. OR This is REAL and some white guy HAS my number and now this twurp has it and GOD KNOWS who else! (even people in Miami, ugh).
IF IT IS Cele. Well, the outcome will NOT be good. That will mean that he doesn't trust me and is a bit controlling in a way, and THAT-WILL-BE-IT.
Time shall tell, as with EVERYTHING else. :/
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Another One!
WRONG! We are talking and then he starts asking me questions that, ahem, Juan already knows! Turns out it is someone TOTALLY different that just sounds like Juan!
He goes "Don't be mad, but my friend gave me your number."
I'm like "Who? Juan Rivera? He gave you my number?"
He's like "Umm, who is Juan Rivera?"
I tell him what happened and he goes, no a friend of my friend Carlos gave me your number.
What the hell? Who the heck is Carlos? (Yeah, yeah I know, hell and heck, what's the point in even writing heck right?) LOL
Turns out this guy's name is Rafa. Rafael Corio. And it's the truth b/c after talking with him I checked my caller I.D. and there was his name.
This guy is from Guatemala as well and is 21! Well, supposedly. I think he's lying b/c I asked him how old he was and he told me "Ahhh, you tell me first."
Ha! I told him I've already played THAT game once. You tell me first.
He told me "Ahhhh, I'm 21." And I lay right into him (stern but in a nice tone) "Well, how come it took you a second to think how old you are."
He laughed. I'm SURE this guy is in his 30s. Probably. Who knows? Maybe more? Maybe he is 21. But he's a Hispanic and NO OFFENSE but with ALL the experience I've got, ha! I know better to think that he is REALLY 21.
He goes "Aww 2 years less than you."
Ha! Too funny!
He also tells me that he's not married nor has a girl, but he does have 1 child with a woman. He asked me a suspicious question that not even Wrong # Guy knew, he goes "Well, you're married, right?"
I didn't know HOW to answer that question b/c HOW the HELL did he know that??? (Unless, my husband is messing with me and knows these guys....) Hmm.
Or maybe these guys know me and I don't know it yet? Whatever. I tell him my situation and then he says something weird like "Oh, well our situations are the same too!" He acted all excited that we supposedly had something in common. I asked him what he meant by that and he told me that we're "escondidos". What the HELL does that mean? I left the convo on that one and started a new one . . . needless to say I was too lazy to grab my diccionario, which was sitting right next to me. I only grab my dictionary if Cele needs help ;) LOL When I translate it now it means "hidden"? Whatever. Someone help me out please!
He also tells me that he thought I was Mexicana. He thought I was Mexican? Jeez, is my Spanish that good? I tell him "No. I'm an American." He goes "Oh, you're a Citizen." Yep. I'm a citizen. I wanted to say 'What's it to ya?' but I was nice, as I always am. LOL
He tells me "Well, that's good that you know Spanish then."
Soooo I guess my number is being circulated in Miami. Good to know ;)
P.S. This guy Rafael has called me about 100 times already. I hate to be mean but it just does NOT feel right talking with anyone while I am with Cele. Soooo I put him on my Reject list and deleted his # and info from my cell and other phone.
I also deleted Juan's pic. He's wasn't THAT cute. LOL
Ojos: I don't know WHERE La Gringa is. I think she started back up working at school though. So maybe she is all busy with that? I DID talk to her recently, about a week ago.
Wow! You've got some drama and "one thing after anothers" too! Ha ha! It IS fun! IF I was single :( There are days I'm happy with Cele and other days I want to "do my own thing" and be left the HELL alone! :D
I really don't know why I wrote ya back here lol. :)
Debbie: Hi! *waves* So I ended up doing what you said, but he's got baggage just like Cele. I'd MUCH RATHER stick w/ my Cele. This other guy, can't believe it! My # is going from hand to hand (or text to text, who KNOWS how they do it lol!) in Miami!!!!
P.P.S. I was even thinking that maybe it's Daniel, ya know the Catracho I married?, havin' people he knows in Miami mess around with me....or MAYBE he wants to see if I will go for the green light w/ one of these guys to see how serious this relationship with me and Cele is? To see if he's got a chance w/ me still? WHO KNOWS!!!! (his aunt is there right now, actually) So kind of weird just outta the blue I start getting these calls.
Wrong Number . . . One Final Last Time
I was kind of rude to him (lol) and told him I had to begin work...while I was chatting w/ Juan, Cele was calling!
Talk about one thing after another ALL at the same time! Computer probs, have to print a new script for work, ran out of ink, had to borrow my mom's ink from HER printer, rebooted my computer, Wrong # Guy called me twice, and then Cele calls!
I did end up calling Juan back and apologizing for being rude. He asked me what I do for work, how much $ they pay me, and if I could send him a pic to his cell. I already sent it. He said he will send his.
He also has a woman back in Guatemala along with 2 kids. Nope, NO THANKS! Already dealing with THAT lol. I'm keepin Cele ha ha ha!
Hey, at least I know and at least he was up front with me about it.
Juan says we can be amigos. Isn't that what they ALL say and then they end up fallin' for ya the next day? Sheesh. :/
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Tragic and Sad Story
Man dies after falling on knife
06:36 AM EDT on Monday, August 25, 2008
By NewsChannel 36 StaffE-mail Us: NEWS@WCNC.com
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-- Charlotte homicide detectives are investigating what police are calling a tragic accident.
Officers were called to an apartment on Flagstaff Drive around 3:30 p.m. on Sunday for a reported stabbing.
Police say Miguel Angel Rivera Lemus of Charlotte was running errands with his common-law wife. They stopped at the apartment to pick something up, and accidentally locked their car keys and their two young children in the car.
Lemus went into the apartment and grabbed a butcher knife to try and pry open the car window. As he was going down the stairs out of the apartment, he fell on the knife, stabbing himself in the chest.
He was able to crawl back into the apartment and told his wife to call 911. Lemus was taken to Carolinas Medical Center where he later died.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Final Review of the LG Shine
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wrong Number . . . Again?
I hear it ring again. And again. And again. Obviously it is someone that my mom or step dad do NOT want to talk to.
Or could the ringing phone just be on the movie my mom was watching at that time?
Nope! Guess who it was?
Juan. The "wrong #" guy. OMG. What's a chica to do?
Yes, I adore Cele but it's hard when there are a few cons (or whatever the word is) and I'm still SO young and this guy was nice and it was something new . . .
Oh God, this is terrible but I would like to call him and well, maybe get to know him. I mean maybe we could chat through email or something?
But then the "Good Megan" comes out and says 'Uh uh, Megan. You know what would happen. It always does. You will talk to him, end up giving your cell phone # to him and you will get caught, hurt Cele OR NOT get caught and you will be confused ALLLLL over again and it will NOT be good."
Then the "Bad Megan" says to me "C'mon, Megan. You are young and you are with this 37-year-old who has THREE kids and has this OTHER woman in Mexico and he's been with her for TWELVE years. Just call him up. It's NOT like you and Cele are really exclusive exclusive, because after all, he does have another woman back in Mexico. Just call this wrong # guy and see what's up. Live life!"
Oh God. What do you all think? I mean ya only live once. I can't help but wonder if there is something even better out there . . . w/ possibly less baggage? Oh, I DO love and adore Cele though. He's SUCH a sweetheart. And he adores me. It's obvious he does, to me, to my parents . . .
But I just find it ODD that out of ALL the #s this Juan, well his amigo called MY number and out of all the races out there, he's from Guatemala, he's from the race I prefer the most.
It's just SO weird. I would LOVE to find out his birthday just to see if Astrologically we click. lol
To call or NOT to call?
That is the question! :/ I'm NOT making a move until I get advice from ya'll though. My mom knows me best and SHE thinks I should call him. Because she thinks that it is weird and odd also that he ended up calling MY #. And he's EIGHT HOURS away from me so it's not like he'd be showing up at my door or anything like that.
Argh, what to do?! OMG Cele would F-L-I-P O-U-T! :/
UPDATE: What am I thinking? I'm here talkin' to Cele right now. I can't call this Juan guy. I won't. Ah, the little tests life gives ya, eh? I am going to PASS THIS ONE!! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Wrong Number Turned Into Something A Bit More

So as I was just hanging up with Cele this evening around 10pm, someone called our house phone.
My step father answered and no one on the other line said anything, so he hung up. They called back again and the same thing.
Well, I decided to call back this number and it rang about 10 times when someone finally answered it.
Me: "Umm, you called my phone?"
Guy: "Me speak Spanish. No English."
He was about to hang up when I said "Como?" to make sure he knew I spoke his language.
He tells me in Spanish that his friend had called the wrong number.
I say "Okay" and then he goes "But I can call you again if you'd like?" Oh my God, these Latin boys are charmers aren't they? :)
He goes (in Spanish of course) "Oh, you speak Spanish?"
Me: Yes.
We started talking and let me tell you this has NEVER happened to me before. He told me that his amigo was just messing around with his phone and was punching in all kinds of numbers. One of them was mine.
Lucky me! LOL :)
Anyways, the conversation progresses and we talk for about 15 minutes. Towards the end of the convo, his friend goes "Man, I can't believe I just dialed a wrong number and you are talking to her like you know her."
LOL It was too funny. Really made my night.
From what I know about him, his name is Juan. He is from Guatemala. I told him I had a boyfriend and he goes "Leave your Mexican boyfriend and be with me" and then we both laughed. It was crazy! lol
He is 30. Lives in Miami, Florida. I told him that I live in Georgia and he told me that he had never heard of it. I told him it's about 8 hours from Miami and he acts all disappointed and says "I'm too far to come see you then."
He asks if he can send me his picture and if I have a webcam. So I'm sure he's got the computer thing down a bit.
He asked me if I was going to continue with my boyfriend and I told him "Yes, but if I don't have a boyfriend (if we don't work out) then I'll give you a call."
That's how it ended. He said "Okay! and he acted all excited lol. Too funny.
Well that really made my noche. That was the first time that had EVER happened! Quite fun! :)
Use The Stars To Get What YOU Want
Well, here's the article, thanks to SpiritNow.com!

The first thing you need to do is get an ephemeris or look one up online. These are basically just tables or charts that tell you what the positions of the planets are, but are very important in astrology. This is crucial because using the stars to get what you want is based very much on timing and the position of the planets as well.
Mostly, this is about learning when to act and when to not act. The first thing you need to be aware of is the position of the moon. When the moon is going from new to full is the best 14 day period during which to pursue anything that you possibly need to. When it's going from full to new, it is known as a dark moon. This is not the best time to manifest results, especially if you are trying to do it metaphysically.
The next astrology planet you want to watch is Mercury. When Mercury is retrograde for twenty or so days, as it regularly is three or four times a year, then this is not the time to act. During these periods, it is best for you to settle down and work on things in the background. It is not the time to pitch projects or go after a romance, as it is less likely to work out. Romances, job hunting, and apartment hunting tend to go much better when Mercury goes forwards.
The best time of year of you to manifest anything and accomplish what you need to do from an astrology standpoint is when the Sun is actually in your sign. This is the first thirty days after your birthday. This is the time to act, make proposals, and pitch things as the Sun is in your first house and you will be the focus of positive attention.
The worst time of year for you to manifest anything is in the thirty days before your birthday. Many people find themselves besought by setbacks and they feel less lucky and more tired. This is because the Sun is in your twelfth house of endings and trials.
Using astrology, the best time to try and get more love into your life is when Venus is in your sign. Focus on another aspect of your life if you see that Venus is retrograde. These retrograde periods occur about every one and a half years and are not conducive to relationships.
The best time to manifest money is when Jupiter or Mercury are in your sign. Mars is another planet that can help with finances. If you see these planets are in your sign, then that is the period of time in which you should look for a job, make pitches, or try to better your career.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Last Post Regarding Me And Cele . . .
Though I have appreciated all the negative/positive feedback I have received lately.
So anyways, I am staying. With him. After having a LONG talk with my mother (who knows me best and who can feel certain vibes if someone is a good or bad person) and also a good friend of mine, well I can't make Cele tell Lucia over the phone, mainly because of his kids. I DO now believe that this is a type of thing to tell someone in person. And in a way, I kind of think he is right to do it all in person. Breaking up over the phone, text, email, or instant messaging...ANY form of electronic communication when it involves a breakup is just wrong. I wouldn't want to be broken up over the phone either, and especially if I had 3 kids by the guy.
And look at me, my poor husband who I broke up over the phone with. Well, all is said and done. Do I feel bad? Heck, each and every day I do. But I cannot change what has been said. I can only move forward. Plus, he knows I can't just jump on a plane go there. Besides, that would be $700 or more down the drain just to tell him 'it's over' and get back on the plane and fly back here. WASTE-OF-TIME. Though, I still feel REALLY bad. :(
Do I like this situation with Cele? Nope. Not one bit. But I am willing to make this relationship work. And please no negative feedback, as I will just delete it, because you can't tell me that you've ALWAYS left a negative-looking relationship and never looked back. You are either in one right now and you know it but continue to stay for your personal reasons OR you have been in one before. Either way, no one on this Earth, in this life, is perfect are they? And God forgives us in the end. :)
I know the majority of responses from most of you (not all) are to leave Cele. I've already made my decision and I told him that I am going to stick by his decision. Support his decision and believe his word.
And hey, it's not like MY life is clear from baggage. After all, I still have to finish this Immigration process AND get divorced! And I know that Cele would stick by me if the situations were reversed. I know he would.
Sure, he's lied. Three major lies, I know. I am intelligent to realize that. BUT people DO make mistakes and people DO lie for other reasons.
Cele did NOT lie to hurt me. He did NOT lie to do that, nope, don't believe it. He's a sweet and caring guy and I do believe that he loves me. No, scratch that. I KNOW that he loves me. I can feel it.
Do I know what is going to happen in our future together? No, no one does. Solamente Dios. This could after all, be another lesson for me to learn. If not, wonderful. If so, bring it on. I love a challenge and have learned SO much at SUCH a young age, but I wouldn't change ANY of it for nothing. I do not regret ANYTHING in my past. After all, at the time I wanted to do it anyways, right? :)
So for a while, you won't see any updates regarding me and Cele. I might post about him and I here and there, but for the most part I will be posting about things on my Soon-To-Be-Debt-Free blog and I will also be posting things on here about college (I start Sept 1st, woohoo!) and my job, etc. But nothing regarding me and Cele for a while, unless something DRAMATIC and quite interesting happens.
To wrap this up, Cele has already talked to his friends in Mexico and they are going to help him. Cele's plans are to go back to Mexico in the beginning of January for 2 months. During that time, he will be telling Lucia and his children his plans as well as breaking the news to his parents. I am not sure if I will be visiting him the second month, but we shall see. I do know that after he breaks the news to Lucia, the kids and his parents that I will finally be able to talk to his mom. That will be nice. But like I always say, time will tell with everything.
He is also going to take care of some other paperwork, the paperwork to the land he is buying and the house he would like to build. Right now he is paying on the land, but he is still not sure if he will build a house or something else. This is what he has told me, time shall tell . . . ;)
For now, with blog posts about me and Cele, it's the "Season Premiere". You know how they end your all time favorite show for the season? That is what this is. :)
Well, that's all for now. I appreciate any positive feedback (again, anything negative will be ignored). Please remember that as you post a comment, to be nice and understanding (lol) because you either have been or still are in a negative-seeming relationship.
Thanks! :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pleasantly Surprised or Shockingly Splitting Up?

I spoke with a client this evening, actually about 20 or 10 minutes ago.
I asked for her husband, Mr. Barnacles* and she told me that he wasn't there.
"May I ask who is calling?", she asked me.
I told her that I was with NRT Insurance, a part of Coldwell Banker and the reason for why I was calling: It was regarding homeowners insurance. Regarding the home that he is purchasing through us.
OMG the silence on the other end was awful.
I thought maybe she was taking notes or something, but then she said "This is his wife. I was not aware that he was purchasing a home."
Since I get these "wrong # calls" a lot lately, well I told her that maybe I had the wrong Mr. Barnacles*. She told me that he was the only one in that area.
Oh God. Did I just get myself into trouble here?
She asked me who I was again and I told her my name, etc. etc. all of my information.
I even asked her if she wanted to know the purchasing address, as I felt it was her right to know. I gave that to her and she told me "Oh I know exactly where that is."
She sounded like she was about to cry, and NOT happy tears, mind you.
So the question is: Did I just ruin a surprise or some sort? Or something much worse? Is he cheating on her and getting a condo ($250,000 mind you!) to screw around in or for a mistress of his?
Or are they splitting up and she had NO IDEA.
Either way I feel awful. But as they say, EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
I really am still hoping that I had the wrong Mr. Barnacles* but after speaking w/ my boss about this sticky situation, well, it looks like I don't :(
*Name changed for privacy.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thinking Of Telling Him . . .
I am really stressing over this. And I know I shouldn't, but I really didn't think that I cared about him this much. I mean, sure I had fallen for him. He's a sweetheart. But he's not MY sweetheart and I can't stand him having basically TWO NOVIAS (gfs)! It is just NOT right! :/
I am SO nauseous and of course I had a scare . . . you know what I'm talking about! :/ Gracias a Dios que no! That would have been quite something though, another stressful thing to add to my plate. Would have been my own fault though.
Hmph. >:/
I am very peeved about this (I'm trying to stop swearing lol. I feel if I swear, I'll just attract negative things into my life) Plus, I don't like swearing. I have been told it makes me look like a mean person, and ya know what? I'm sure it does :/
Anyways, I'm thinking of just telling Cele "Look, I love you so much and I really want to be with you. Yes, I still need a divorce like you told me on the phone today, but basically I still have already proved to you that I want to be with YOU and NOT ese tipo en Honduras...b/c HE KNOWS ABOUT YOU AND ME. It is obvious to me that you are not going to choose me, that you are going to stay with Lucia. It is obvious because IF you wanted to be with me at all, even just a little bit, you would have already told Lucia. So I really don't want to say this, but maybe it is better that we end this now instead of prolonging it any longer. I really do not feel good because of this. It is affecting my health waiting for you to make a decision when it is already obvious what your decision will be."
I don't though. There are times I feel good about this and there are times where I just want out. Well, like they say "When the going gets rough, the rough get going"...something along those lines. Maybe I'm that kind of person?
It's only like 14 or 13 more days until he has to decide. Maybe I should just let him have his time to decide. I just want to get this done and over with though. The more we prolong it the worse I could feel, ESPECIALLY IF he ends up picking LucĂa. *sigh* Asi es la vida. :/
What do you all think? Leave the ultimatum the way it is or try and feel him out to see if he could choose a BIT SOONER than the 1st?
But selfishly I really want to put ME first. I am suffering bad here. Having diarrhea (lol sorry if tmi, but ya'll are my readers lol and ya'll love me....right???) and I'm also have nausea REALLY REALLY bad. I didn't think this would affect me THAT much.
I must be really crazy over him. I can eat though and I CAN sleep, no it's not like that "can't eat, can't sleep" ordeal. Uh uh, gotta eat and I gotta sleep!
But this is REALLY stressing me out. I don't want to wait until the 1st. I want to know the decision now and if he chooses her, we part ways and I can concentrate on getting ready for college. (I've got school shopping to do! Yay!) :)
BUT IF he chooses me, then he can call her, tell her and I can be there for him, he can cry on my shoulder, etc. and I can STILL get ready for college and do my shopping.
What do you all think? Leave it the way it is and learn to be PATIENT? Or tell him how I am feeling, how this is affecting me and mention us parting ways now?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Introducing . . .
(I keep forgetting to post this blog!)
I received my LG Shine about 2 weeks ago. Totally smitten with it, it's awesome! Here are the pics that I took that day of receiving the box from FedEx:

It's a good buy and I'm really glad that I researched it as thoroughly as I did.
Here is a little bit of what I think of this cell phone:
-It's a nifty-looking phone, quite pretty. The name matches it well, b/c it really does shine.
-Doesn't scratch up that much.
-The back of it is made of stainless steel.
-Feels very sturdy.
-I can hear really good on it.
-I have NOT had a dropped call since I switched from the Motorola RAZR V3i to the LG Shine.
-It has awesome features (some of my favorites: Notepad, Tip Calculator, Tasks, Calendar)
-The keypad automatically locks when you close the phone after 30 seconds or less. (you have the option of having it not lock though).
-It's also a mirror! (when the screen goes dark) LOL ;)
-I received it for FREE w/ just $9.99 shipping/handling!
-The camera takes good pics in bright daylight and as well close up.
-You can change the font color on your phone (when dialing) and you can also change the background to applications (I'm NOT talking about the wallpapers either).
-Have to charge it every night or the battery gets low quite quickly!
-Not a very good selection of ringtones.
-Has a joystick button that sometimes clicks on the thing I didn't want.
-Not the best wallpapers.
-The wall charger seems a bit plastic and fragile-like; my Motorola charger was more durable.
-Camera is NOT the best when taking fotos in dark places. It has a flash but to me it doesn't work that well....might have to read up on it a bit lol. (I NEVER read my manual I just "dive in" and start playin' around w/ my phone until I get accustomed to it!)
RATING from 1-5 STARS (1 being poor choice and 5 being awesome choice)
Yes! But check it out first! A cell phone like this MAY be great for me, but may NOT be great for you!
It's a good buy and I really like it. My FAVORITE thing about it is it has the Notepad feature where I can write down a grocery list, etc. and then there is a Tasks feature where I can put certain things that NEED to be done that have a deadline and I can put a certain task at a certain type of level of importance.
Overall, great buy! :D