Updating you with the happenings in my life.
WARNING: I am VERY detailed and I write long blogs, vent, do not proofread and tend to ramble.
P.S. I hope you enjoy reading my blog! :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Mortgage Telemarketing
Can't get blood from a stone, right?
Anyways, so I did my training today and it's basically telemarketing. The pay is good, best I've had in a while and it won't be forever. I have another job in the works with Westat, remember I told you about them? I would be a telephone surveyor with them and the pay is good, I'd be an employee, has benefits too.
Anyways, nervous a little bit about tomorrow.
OMG!!! Well change of plans I think. I was JUST OFFERED ANOTHER JOB and start job training July 8th. I STILL might take this refinance job though since I DO need money right now. Then I can just quit at the end of this week. It is a thought. I REALLY don't know. I need the money though, so I probably will go for it.
ANYWAYS with this other job the pay is PHENOMENAL (spelling? lol) and I could be making $20 bucks an hour with both jobs and I'm an employee with BOTH companies! Woohoo!
During this interview the Chivito was calling EVERY d*mn phone in my house trying to get a hold of me. He tells me that he doesn't know WHAT comes over him. He tells me that he's NEVER cried over a woman before, not until now and what he really doesn't understand is that we've only been dating for 5 months, NOT a long time to be crying over someone. He just doesn't understand his emotions. I tell him I understand where he is coming from, b/c I do, and he appreciates that I don't get mad at him. I mean what for? I'm not going to get mad over that, no, no.
I am listening to Los Tigres right now, I listen to them while I sleep too. I love 'em and I had thoughts that IF the Chivito turns out to be who he says he is and I find out BEFORE we are together a year (if that happens lol b/c you never know) then I would get tickets somehow for Los Tigres and take him to see them...it's his FAVORITE group of all time. He'd love it, and I know he would!
Okay, anyways more updates later. I'm tired and nervous about talking to strangers tomorrow haha. Seriously though, I am. Send me some "good luck and not-be-nervous" dust if you want!!!!
Chivito and I In México?
OMG! Now he's dreaming about me and him in México? Wow. I didn't think I'd hear that one lol! I have mixed opinions on the whole thing of 'moving to México' but would consider it someday down the road IF and ONLY IF I knew for sure he was genuine: Meaning no baggage what so ever. Hey, IF he has lied about his age and gives me a good enough reason and has no other kind of baggage, fine. BUT any other baggage, say a divorce, married but separated, otra mujer but separated, kids but no relationship with the mother, etc. sorry but he has had MANY chances to tell me and I would have to say "Adios, adios, adios"
I am hoping I got lucky this time lol.
Like I always say "time shall tell"
Getting ready for some technical training at 4pm sharp. Going to go eat some lunch, do some dishes, some vacuuming and check out those links from Lisita! :)
Until then!
P.S. The Chivito's new cell is coming today. Checked the tracking # and it's on time and scheduled to be here by 4:30 or before. I want to open it lol...he's SO excited! Which reminds me......I need to write that contract up before I see him again.
What's everyone doing for the 4th? I have to take LOTS of fotos!
Thanks to monterd for the awesome foto!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Is It Really All That Terrible?
I whip that door open (not too fast mind you lol) and say "And may I ask what is wrong with that?"
He says nothing and my mom says something that I don't even remember as I write this. But I do remember saying something like "I always stay in my room. There is nothing really to do today."
I remember my mom saying something like "You do the same thing when the Chivito comes over!" First of all, IF I had a car (and license) and/or if Chivito had a car we'd be going places, but at this time we don't and we have to rely on my parents or public transportation to get us around. WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES IN THE WORLD WHO HAVE TO DO THAT!
I will get my license, eventually. This year it is my goal to get it. I sometimes get bored when me and the Chivito don't do anything BUT I am happy that I don't have to worry about him out on those roads. Too many problems w/ Hispanics getting pulled over and IF you don't have a license or even driving alone with some kind of permit here, OMG you are immediately put in jail...that is IF you are Hispanic. I swear this state is so racist. I wish I could find a state that wasn't like that and treated Hispanics just like me and other "legal" or citizen people.
Anyways, enough of my venting. I don't think it is terrible that I am going to be in my room for MOST of the day. That's what I do. I have ALWAYS done it. I don't WANT to sit in the living room while my padrastro plays his PSP and my mom watches Lifetime movies. I want to do something productive, like review my stuff for training tomorrow. Research prices on phones and headsets for Westat and also prepare my paperwork for tomorrow to be notarized by the lady here in the office.
What is SO wrong with THAT? Nada, in my opinion. My parents KNOW how I am. There are days where I like to be social then there are days where I just need time to myself, to refresh or "reboot" whatever the word is lol. Nothing wrong with that, many people are that way right?
Well, I'm off to go eat some lunch and look over stuff for training tomorrow!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Inspiration And An Ambulance
I am going to be making this blog quite quick today because I still have to take my shower and fill out paperwork for this WAHJ that I already had an interview for.
So about "Inspiration": I HAVE to work on losing weight and I am NOT going to pick a goal weight b/c I know how I am. If I don't do good and lose a certain amount of weight in a week, I'll feel like it is all just a waste of time. So I am just going to concentrate on eating right first. Lisita, is my inspiration. She gave me a few tips last night (2 1/2 hour phone call lol! But it was GREAT to hear from you Lisita! *waves*) Anyways, I am going to try out those tips and keep track of my cal intake. I know that works b/c I did it on the Self Diet Club and I lost weight, not a lot but some which was FINE WITH ME lol.
Sure, my goal is to feel great in a bathing suit but I also want a new wardrobe and feel more confident about myself. The Chivito makes me feel special but my goal is to feel special ON MY OWN because what would happen if I didn't have him? Would I feel down about myself? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have to be happy b/c I am happy and I have to feel good about myself b/c well, b/c I feel good about myself and not someone or something else makes me feel that way.
I think I've probably confused you now, haven't I? I am typing this and looking out the window at an ambulance across the street so if my words aren't making sense, ya know why. B/c I am being nosy and thinking of what I want to write but not thinking clear enough I guess ya could say.
So now onto the second part of this post: "An Ambulance". There is one across the street with its lights on. Showed up about a few minutes ago, maybe 10-15 and there's this old guy that lives in that house and he is about well ready to go to Heaven so to speak. I am hoping that this isn't that day but that's life. So here I am watching out the window waiting to see what will be brought out. A stretcher with his face visible? Or a stretcher with a body in a bag, like you see on the news or on movies. How sad either way and I pray that he is okay and/or that he will be okay regardless. No, I don't know this guy either. Just see him from time to time go out to get his mail. He walks very slow and looks a bit lonely from what I have observed.
I think about a week ago he had some kind of party. Was it a birthday? A going away party for someone or a graduation party for his grandchild? Maybe someone else's birthday or anniversary? Or was it just some get together because his life could be coming to an end soon and they all wanted to see him before he passed on?
Either way it is sad. I am hoping for the best and that IF something comes out that door (b/c a stretcher was brought into the home) that it will be him and that he will be alive. Maybe he fell?
Well what will be, will be. Asi es la vida, eh? :o/
UPDATE: The old man came out on a stretcher but was moving his toes and was conscious. Thank God! Everyone left and followed the ambulance though, hopefully all will be okay. I'm one nosy mujer aren't I? :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Catching A Cat For The First Time, New Cell, Training And More Training!
Why you ask? What will I be doing? I will be going to meet the Chivito because he gets off work quite early tomorrow morning and we are taking advantage of this day lol.
I am a bit nervous about riding the bus since I've never done it before.
But like my Chivito says "First time for everything"
Well, there is NOT much more that I can say except I had a training class today and conference call. It wasn't what I expected. Had NO reason to be nervous.
I am not interested in the job unfortunately. Will have to update my Eggs List since I really thought I'd like the job but the thought of answering incoming calls and not knowing WHAT the llamada will be about makes me nauseaous and makes me feel put on the spot.
I have two other eggs where I will be doing the calling. Pretty simple work too for damn good money. Something I need right now.
What else can I tell you? Ah yes, how about this hospital bill I owe and if I can't spit $50 or more at the collection company before July the hospital is going to take me to court. I told the Chivito that and he told me "Megan I will support you and give you $50 next week so you won't go to court"
What a sweetheart! That was SO sweet of him to offer that! Of course I said "Thank you so much!" and took him up on his offer. After all, I put him on my cell plan, actually we have a family plan now. It is cheaper and he's getting a new cell too. He is SO grateful, appreciative and not to mention excited! LOL
I asked him if he wanted to know what came with his cell phone package and of course he said 'yes' so I said "Okay you will be getting a charger--" He cuts me off and goes "Oh mi amor that is just TOO much" HAHA he's too cute I kept going and by the end of the phone call he acted so appreciative and greatful lol. I like that about him though. He doesn't expect things to be given or handed to him on a silver platter. He acts surprised, grateful and appreciative.
Of course mind you he will be paying me 1/2 of what the bill is and I will be paying the other 1/2. Wonder if I should write up a contract of some sort in English AND Spanish just in case? Let me know your thoughts please b/c I don't know! *shrugs*
Well I have another training class tomorrow and probably a conference call around 4pm with a different company -- the one that pays MUCHO money lol. I don't know how the Chivito is going to feel when I do it tomorrow. I am going to be chatting online with AIM Pro (get it by the way, it's great!) and also probably on the phone by conference call. Oh well, guess that will be his welcome to the WAH world if we end up living together someday.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Results Of Jury Duty
I went in the courthouse to the jury assembly room and almost was let go early without any money ($10, hey it's money right!) but I told them I wanted to stay instead of leave. I had a choice and so hey, I wanted to see what happened. After all, I DID get up at 5:45am just to do it! So I stayed, updated my information with 'em, got my $10 (woohoo) check, and watched a video, then was lined up (I was an extra juror, #18) with 17 other jurors and went into the courtroom.
Met the judge, the 2 lawyers and the criminal (some lady who was crying b/c she was being tried for drunk driving). The lawyers asked us all questions in order to select which ones they wanted on their team, 3 for each I guess. I wasn't picked and was told "thank you' and then I was told I could leave, well SO MUCH FOR THAT!
Let's see what else? Ah yes, I waited from 10:45am until 1:00pm for any sign of my padrastro coming to get me out of there...I REALLY need a license lol huh?! So I decided to call up the Chivito, he got off @ 1pm and my step dad and I talked and so I told him that I wasn't waiting anymore, I HAD to get out of there.
So I walked a few blocks to the river (and felt my heels bleeding b/c the shoes were uncomfortable). The Chivito said he'd be there by 1:20pm, he got off work at 1:10 though and missed the first ferry. Caught the 2nd one and there he was and the second he saw me that smile of this would NOT get off his face haha <3 style="font-style: italic;">hombre was crying and really sad. He told me that he has NEVER cried over any woman.
Do I believe it? Maybe. Still have to be careful since I STILL have to get to know him better. He tells me that he hopes we live together soon because he doesn't want to dream about me anymore, he wants me actually by his side and NOT in his dreams. lol! I told him all in due time.
Okay, so I'm off to call AT&T.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
OMG Jury Duty!
1. I will have to cancel my interview w/ Alpine -- I don't care, not all that interested in paying for a darn background check anyways!
2. I get paid -- AT LEAST I better!
My first time ever serving jury duty. I'm a little nervous but what will be will be.
Has any of my readers done jury duty?
*Thanks to jimmywayne22 for the pic!
ICE: A Little Too Close To Home This Time
What happened is that they (they are both brothers) went down to Jacksonville, Florida to do an 8-day job on Saturday and were arrested yesterday. How sad. I told him how sorry I was. He told me that it wasn't my fault and that there was nothing he could do about it anyways...that's how the U.S. is.
It's disgusting! I mean no, I don't know WHAT his primos were doing, maybe a "bad" job I don't know. But I doubt it.
I know ICE is just doing their job....they better not take anything of mine again! I am SO ashamed and disappointed in this country. It disgusts me.
I was reading on some woman's blog, don't remember where, but she lives in Costa Rica and sometimes in Utah and she said:
"If I overstay here in Costa Rica, all I do is receive a fine. I am not put in a detention center with my family until a big empty plane is ready to take me back to the U.S."
How true is that?! I swear to myself I refuse to retire, much less die on U.S. soil.
*Thanks to Flipped Out for the picture.
Flying In Like Bullets
So about a 1/2 hour ago I just had a phone interview with another company that I applied with. Their company is Westat. Awesome. The interview went quite fast. She asked me "Why do you want to work from home?"
Oh God...breathe, breathe....lol so this is what I said:
"Why do I want to work from home? Well...I have always wanted to work at home. I believe I would be great working for your company especially @ home because I am very disciplined, responsible and honest..."
It went something like that. I might have said "hard working" as well. She told me that if I didn't have any questions (after explaining what the company does, etc.) and she told me that she is going to forward my information onto to the Staffing Manager (which I've heard is a good thing) AND that I will hear something from them by email w/in 2 weeks.
OMG! I have ALL these jobs coming @ me now! Talk about confusing! Another lesson learned: "Just because you are desperate for work, don't apply at EVERY company imaginable that you come across. Just the ones that interest you at that time."
*Making mental note and adding to the life lessons I've learned*
Okay, done making the mental note. LOL
So more news: This Friday I start training for another company. I am not going to get into too many details regarding it because it's not happening just yet. Don't want to jinx anything.
Though I can TELL you that I have an interview tomorrow @ 3pm with this company called Alpine Access. ANOTHER work at home company! It's like these companies are speeding towards me like bullets haha!
I'm not complaining just feel like this is all unexpected. Mi Chivito told me though "Megan, when ya want a job SO bad, no one calls ya. BUT just when ya give up THAT is when all the calls come pouring in." He's SO damn smart. Smartest guy I've ever dated. He reminds me of my mom because she is SO smart too. Hopefully the Chivito will end up being a keeper...so far so good though! :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
New Transformation
Back to my main post: New Transformation. I didn't just clean my closet, I went all out and rearranged my room. I will TRY to find a pic of my room before but I can't promise you, I will do the best that I can. It still is a BIT cluttered but I've come to the conclusion that NADA in life is perfect. No person, no house, no room...definitely not mine anyways haha! The picture above by the way is my definition of a "new beginning" since it is a sunset and therefore a new day is beginning. Like with my room I feel it is a new beginning of some kind. :)
Here are the pics of my "new" closet.
. . . and peek inside, shall we?
Ta-da! Yeah right, if ONLY it were possible!
What you see above IS still my closet but with just about everything
outside of it.
Here's what it looks like now: Kind of embarrassing but oh well, NO
closet is perfect, right?
Still a bit cluttered but look below!
My feet are IN my closet! I am STANDING in it! Milagro!
Of course I WISH my closet's floor looked like THIS (below)
Okay enough about my closet. Want to see what Cotton was doing during the WHOLE time I was cleaning the closet? He's SO adorable! (He was sleeping on his "papi's" shirts that my step dad found and brought home for me to give to Celestino -- I told Cotton "These shirts are going to go to your Daddy" and the WHOLE time after I said that, where was he? Sleeping on the two shirts I gave the Chivito. He's a VERY intelligent cat. You must think I'm crazy huh? To call the Chivito "Daddy" when talking about my cat Cotton. He is all for it though, he laughs and thinks it's cute so fine with me lol!
Can ya find him? Gosh I love him to pieces lol!
And now for the LAST part of doing my room. Three pics of my new room. It took me 2 to 2 1/2 hours to move everything and it went quite quick, quicker than I had expected!
Sooo that's it! I still have to try and find pics of how my room was before though. In the closet pic you can see to your left though how the desk was. Now that's where I put my dresser and my desk is, well obviously you can see for yourself! In the corner at an angle. It's still a bit cluttered like I've mentioned before but I feel it is more space, like it's more open. Fine with me especially for when I find and get that WAHJ!
*WAHJ = Work At Home Job
*Sunset picture, thanks to sarah_peters1 on Flickr.
"Going To The Chapel And We're Gonna Get Married"
Where you ask? Shellman's Bluff. This small and I mean S-M-A-L-L church. It seemed SO big inside though. :) It was beautiful and the pic to the side of this was what it looked like. Quite small, eh?
My parents and the Chivito and I all traveled about an hour and 1/2 to eat at this place that was this restaurant but it was inside two trailers side by side one another. It wasn't an extravagant place but it was SO quaint and the food was SUPERB! I couldn't tell ya what the name was b/c I don't even remember lol! It was one of those days where everything was going great and perfect. No stomach aches, no moodiness from anyone, no bickering, no getting lost...no stress. *sigh* It was just the perfect day. I have been asking for some signs from God and have asked Him if the Chivito is genuine and could he FINALLY be the right one for me. Before going into the restaurant I stood outside next to my Mom and the Chivito and a Monarch butterfly (my grandma's favorite type of butterfly) flew right in between us and I felt like maybe it was an approval from my grandma saying that the Chivito is a genuine guy and that I don't have to be afraid of getting hurt. At least THAT is how I interpreted it. Who knows honestly. And the thing with the priest just blurting out "I'm a priest and if anyone wants to get married today I'll perform the ceremony" It was just weird. Usually those kind of things don't happen.
I also must add that sometimes I feel that my grandma sent me mi Chivito or sent me in the path of him so we'd meet because he is SO delicate with everything he does. The way he eats, the way he pets Cotton, the way he hugs me/etc. That is how my grandma was, very delicate and did things like with perfection. Gosh I miss her. She was the BEST grandma. She was just awesome. :( Anyways, it's like maybe she sent him to me because the Catracho for example he was always rough with me. A GOOD example would be his OBSESSION with my cheeks! Argh, drove me INSANE and really ticked me off. He would pinch his fingers together and push them on my cheek and make a circular motion. He must have thought I enjoyed it...ha! I don't think so! It made my jaw quite painful! :o/
Okay enough! So after eating we all got back into the car and went to do some sightseeing and came across the smallest church. It was quite a site! I have more pics on my MySpace if you are interested in seeing more. :)
On another note:
Is it normal to sigh each time you get off the phone with someone that you are absolutely smitten with? I've never experienced that before in my life. And I don't sigh on purpose either, it's like I get off the phone and I just HAVE to sigh. It's a happy and satisfied sigh though, not unhappy or stressed sigh. I just wondered if anyone of my readers has experienced that kind of thing before, b/c I sure haven't! :) It's funny: The Chivito does it too, but while we are on the phone. He tells me it is because he loves me so much or sometimes he'll sigh and he'll say he doesn't know why he is sighing but he always does when he is thinking of me. Awwww.......
Hey, I'm not complaining though. ;)
I was the type of person to never believe in divorce. I thought people who divorced were just awful people, but I tell you, you can't say ANYTHING until you walk in the shoes of the person or AT LEAST go through basically the same thing. A good lesson learned there. Now I try to keep my mouth shut and try not to say "Oh, I'll never do that" because you know what? I also said that I'd NEVER date a married man!
Ooops, didn't follow through with that either. I knew that guy was married (Jose, for all you who don't know by now lol, but I call him The Viejo because he is an old man and I despise him!) but I continued to see him. Sure I fell hard but I should have put myself first and I should have stood by that "rule" at least. We all learn our lessons though. I know I have.
*Making mental note: NEVER date a married man, even if he says he loves you and is happy with you and wants to take you to Mexico and send pics to his mom there to show how happy he truly is* haha
Anyways, I feel for the Catracho I married. What I did and have done to him and am continuing to do to him is wrong. Even though he knows that I am interested in pursuing this relationship with the Chivito, it is still wrong. I remember a couple phone calls back (he calls me once a month to let me know/or ask if there are any updates with the waiver) he told me that he was shocked when he found out I was with the Viejo and now this guy, mi Chivito. He couldn't believe it when I told him and wondered basically if I was lying since I was "the one who always puts others first, especially in our relationship" and I was the one who is "so against cheating".
I told him the same. I was shocked at my behavior as well. I still am from time to time. There is section in the Bible though that I want to write down that helps me get through these tough times:
"But if the husband or wife is eager to leave, it is permitted. In such cases the husband or wife should not insist that the other stay, for God wants his children to live in peace and harmony."
I was searching one day for something in my closet when my Bible fell off my bookshelf and landed with the pages open. I grabbed a binder clip and clipped it to that page. It wasn't until a few days later that I was in my closet again looking for something and came across that Bible with the clip in it still. I opened it up. Turns out I had clipped one section that was called "Daniel" and the other which was "Corinthians". I couldn't believe what I was seeing especially out of ALL the pages to clip lol!
That's when I decided to read the section of the Corinthians where I clipped it. The words above in italics is what was written on the other side of the clipped page. Weird huh?
If THAT'S not a sign, I don't know what is! I don't know if that was basically a sign from God saying that I deserve to be happy and find happiness (as well as the Catracho too) and maybe that was him giving me some kind of "permission"? If anyone has anything to say about this, feel free to chime in at anytime. I appreciate and respect ANY opinions! :) I say "permission" because I was feeling really guilty and nauseous each time I spent time with the Chivito and then after I would talk to God and tell Him how badly I felt and to forgive me for doing this to the Catracho. That I just wanted to be happy. Shortly after, I found that page and the nausea? It is going away and I don't feel that guilty anymore like I used to.
I've got to be honest here. It still eats me up inside but I realize it is because I have a heart and a good one, even though what I have done and am doing wouldn't really be considered "good".
Regardless though I know God is a loving and forgiving God and even though as days go by I still feel like I will be punished somehow someway, I know that He still forgives me even though I may not nor ever forgive myself.
Diamond Prize Center
If I could afford it right now, probably just to be doing something I would consider it. But I've got bills to pay and I can't depend on my parents' money for "chores" each week. The money sure comes in handy each week but I don't like the feeling of being dependent on someone. It's like I'm in middle school or even high school again and I hated that feeling for the most part. (I put chores in quotes since I'm an adult and getting paid for like 3 things to do around the house each day!)
I feel kind of bad, as I always seem to feel with rejection. I feel bad that I'm going to be considered a "no show" but oh well. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Did I tell you I have an interview this Wednesday? It's with another at home job. The pay is good and there are benefits! You get paid hourly and I'd be an employee. NOT an independent contractor. I mean honestly who wants to PAY the government here instead of them paying back when each tax year rolls around? Not me, I'd rather be handed money instead of being the person to hand them the money! Ha! Asi es as my little cabrito always says.
Cabrito? You are probably wondering why in the world I would call my boyfriend, the Chivito, that? Well me and him have this thing, I don't know how it started, maybe with my allergies? Anyways, I wiggle my nose (like a rabbit) when my allergies act up really, REALLY bad. He now calls me his coneja or conejita. His rabbit or little rabbit. And one evening him and I were talking about animals and I didn't understand what cabro or chivo meant, so he demonstrated it and made the noise that it makes. OMG how freakin' adorable! So I call him my cabrito (or chivito) every now and then and he makes that noise a lot now b/c he knows I'll laugh at it and he loves making me laugh. My little lamb haha.
*Singing* "Megan had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb."
So that's how it all started in case ya'll were curious LOL. :D I adore him so much.
There is also another company in the works, they emailed me today and want me to start training on the 27th of this month. It is kind of like Diamond Prize Center, but not entirely. From what I know, there is an hourly rate and it IS outbound calling. BUT training is paid...did I tell you that with Diamond it is not? If it was ya could have fooled me b/c I could not find ANY information talking about it. With this other company, training is paid for, not much but hey, it's money right? AND their hourly rate is HIGH. Though I would be an IC. (independent contractor). We shall see what happens.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tackling The Closet
Well I've stalled long enough....here is my closet right now.
Are you sure about this? Click the "X" to get out of here. You still have time lol. :o)
Okay, brace yourself. In a few moments you will be seeing a TERRIBLE mess. You may not even ever want to read my blog or talk to me again. Are you SURE about this, are you SURE you wish to continue?
Okay then, I gave you many chances to back out of this. Here we go....
Nice isn't it? Please ignore the messy desk to your left and the messy dresser to your right. Actually how about you just click off my blog and pretend you never saw ANY of this? Sound good? Hey, let's just blame it on a tornado. I've had enough dreams of 'em lately...anyone knows what the means???
Monday, June 16, 2008
Opportunity Ave, Next Right
The job hunting is going surprisingly quite well, considering I've applied with many companies (19!) and so I have all these blanquillos (eggs) in a basket. 2 have been cracked already, meaning no green light, no go with those companies. Which is fine. Leaves me with 17 more blanquillos.
Mi Chivito taught me that word, blanquillos. Pretty funky word, I'd say. Better than saying huevos. Whenever I hear that word, yes it may be a bit immature but I crack up. It's funny since it can used as a slang word. The Chivito told me you can say huevos but it's much more polite to say blanquillos.
Anyways, onto the job search. I thank God that I found this forum, http://www.workplacelikehome.com/. If I hadn't, well I don't know where I would be. Definitely wouldn't be having 17 eggs lined up. A couple more of those eggs, about 4 of them out of the 17 are in the process of something more.
~1 company I received an interview request and waiting for a call
~1 company I received an interview request but have to schedule it for a later time
~1 company I passed the tests and am in training
~1 company I was told I'd be a perfect fit and have an interview scheduled for this coming Wednesday @ 9am but unfortunately thought more about it and it won't work out, well as far as the transportation goes. :o( Stinks since it's 2-3 minutes away from the Chivito's house! Right ON his road LOL!
So that's 3 companies then. But out of the 17 4 responded so far so that's nice. We shall see what happens. I am keeping track of each company I apply for and they are all written on my white board on my wall lol.
Ah two more things in the "news": A possible broken toe and a job for tomorrow night.
As for the broken toe, not sure if I broke it, sprained it or bruised it real bad. I was running to answer my cell phone and I hit the toe next to the pinky one right on the side of the wall or door, don't remember which because it happened so fast. I have it taped, or 'buddy taped' as I have read lately and I put some ice on it tonight. It hurts but I can move it a little bit just when I go to bend it all the way it feels like it is hitting a wall and that's when it hurts and I can't move it any further because it's painful. I can walk okay though, kinda limping lol. Other than that though, I'm fine.
As for the job tomorrow night. It's @ 5pm. Some girl who knows my step dad (everything is okay between him and I again, as well as with my mom, we have our problems, what familia doesn't -- I only blog about it because I really have no one else to talk to, I don't blog to make my parents look bad, just to let you all know lol) Anyways, this job is for 2 hours and I'll be with 2 other people cleaning a lawyer's office. $66 bucks! Hey, I need the money so I said 'What the heck, why not?' Hopefully the toe cooperates with me so I can clean good though! Ha!
That's all for now.
*I didn't name any companies due to the fear of jinxing myself.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day and Eggs, More Like Rotten Eggs
So honestly, WHAT THE HECK MAKES MY SITUATION ANY DIFFERENT? I'm NOT leading the Catracho on. I haven't. I came clean with just about everything. We are broken up and have gone our separate ways. He KNOWS I am seeing the Chivito, even knows his name.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mitsubishi Decision
Yeah, it may only be a dream now (it's $35,000!), but this is a NICE little car! and all dreams can become reality right? If I'm lucky and work hard I'm sure they are! ;o)
Check out the nice pic of it below compared to the Eclipse I wanted lol, I'd say that the Lancer comes in 1st place.
Well, I don't know. The black Eclipse still has my heart. I like the features of the Lancer though. Oh well, I've still got P-L-E-N-T-Y of time to decide LOL!
A Very Sad and Sudden Story
By DAVID ESPO and LAURIE KELLMAN, AP Special Correspondent
WASHINGTON - Tim Russert, who pointedly but politely questioned hundreds of the powerful and influential as moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," died suddenly Friday while preparing for his weekly broadcast. The network's Washington bureau chief was 58.
In addition to his weekly program, Russert appeared on the network's other news shows, was moderator for numerous political debates and wrote two best-selling books.
President Bush, informed of Russert's death while at dinner in Paris, swiftly issued a statement of condolence that praised the NBC newsman as "an institution in both news and politics for more than two decades. Tim was a tough and hardworking newsman. He was always well-informed and thorough in his interviews. And he was as gregarious off the set as he was prepared on it."
NBC interrupted its regular programming with news of Russert's death, and in the ensuing moments, familiar faces such as Tom Brokaw, Andrea Mitchell and Brian Williams took turns mourning his loss.
Williams called him "aggressively unfancy."
"Our hearts are broken," said Mitchell, who appeared emotional at times as she recalled her longtime colleague.
Bob Schieffer, Russert's competitor on CBS' "Face the Nation," said the two men delighted in scooping each other.
"When you slipped one past ol' Russert," he said. "You felt as though you had hit a home run off the best pitcher in the league. I just loved Tim and I will miss him more than I can say."
The cause of death was not immediately clear. The network said on its Web site that Russert died of a heart attack, but Michael A. Newman, Russert's internist, later said that resuscitation was begun immediately and continued at Sibley Memorial Hospital, to no avail. An autopsy was pending, Newman said.
Russert, of Buffalo, N.Y., took the helm of the Sunday news show in December 1991 and turned it into the nation's most widely watched program of its type. His signature trait there was an unrelenting style of questioning that made some politicians reluctant to appear, yet confident that they could claim extra credibility if they survived his grilling intact.
He was also a senior vice president at NBC, and this year, Time Magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Russert had Buffalo's blue-collar roots, a Jesuit education, a law degree and a Democratic pedigree that came from his turn as an aide to the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York.
One of his books, "Big Russ and Me," was about his relationship with his father.
On Sunday's program, Russert was to have interviewed Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a national co-chair of the McCain campaign, and Joe Biden, D-Del., an Obama supporter, in a debate format as surrogates for the two presidential candidates. The network said plans for Sunday's show were now uncertain.
Praise flowed quickly from those who knew Russert across the television interview room.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Russert was "the best in the business at keeping his interview subjects honest."
"There wasn't a better interviewer in television," Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential contender, told reporters in Ohio.
Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Obama's rival for the White House, hailed Russert as the "pre-eminent journalist of his generation."
Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, said Russert was "one of the smartest, toughest television news journalists of all time. ... I can say from experience that joining Tim on 'Meet the Press' was one of the greatest tests any public official could face."
Carl P. Leubsdorf, president of the Gridiron Club, an organization of journalists, said in a statement, "It was a measure of the degree to which Tim Russert was respected in the journalistic world that he was the first broadcaster elected to membership in the Gridiron Club after the rules were changed in 2004 to end our century-old restriction to print journalists."
"He was an enthusiastic member and a willing participant in our shows. His fellow Gridiron members join with all of those who knew and respected Tim in mourning his untimely death."
"It is my sad duty to report this afternoon" that Russert collapsed and died while working in the network's Washington studios, Brokaw said when he came on the air.
"He'll be missed as he was loved — greatly," Brokaw said.
The network said on its Web site that Russert had been recording voiceovers for this Sunday's "Meet The Press" when he was stricken.
Russert had dozens of honorary college degrees, and numerous professional awards.
He won an Emmy for his role in the coverage of President Ronald Reagan's funeral in 2004.
He was married to Maureen Orth, a writer for Vanity Fair Magazine. The couple had one son, Luke.
There are some pictures of him you can view, etc. HERE
R.I.P. Tim Russert, you will be missed. :'(
12-Hour Power Outage
We had no bad weather coming, so what on earth could it have been?
I ran down the hall to my parents room and looked out their window. Yup, totally dark. No lights anywhere. Not even from la luna.
My parents asked me what was going on and I told them that the electricity went out, that we had no power. My mom was a bit ticked off for me waking her up and she said "Megan, we wouldn't have known about this if you had been sleeping!" So I said "Well, your alarm wouldn't have gone off and you both would have been late for work if I hadn't been up." Silence.
They knew I was right. There was no use in arguing anymore LOL.
So what caused this power outage? There have been two rumors so far:
#1. A woodpecker. (late at night???)
#2. A guy crashed into a transformer, was ejected from his vehicle and hit the power lines (or whatever they are called) and he was then electrocuted and died.
I did hear a horn that beeped longer than your average beep right before the power flickered and went out. Hmm. Well, I don't know about you but I prefer the woodpecker rumor! :/
Thankfully power was restored around 12:30pm today. It didn't just happen to our island, Wilmington, though; happened to the island next to us, Whitemarsh, as well.
So weird. I am interested in knowing how this happened.
It really makes you appreciate power when you've got it though. All of us really take it for granted sometimes don't we?
May I also note that today is Friday the 13th? Hmm.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What I Felt Was Going To Be A Good Day
Well, at least until 5 o'clock.
Boy, was I dead wrong.
I woke up this morning around 10:35, took my shower while listening to Grupo Montez de Durango and singing along to a few of their tunes.
After my shower, I opened up the front porch for the cats, but Helena was already out on the porch! I asked her "OMG have you been out here all night?" No answer from her of course, she just looks at me like she's trying to decipher my words lol. I looked towards my parent's room and I see the screen open. Ah ha, so my step dad must have opened it this morning before going to work.
So I bring my iPod clock radio into the kitchen and listen to some more Grupo Montez while cooking my breakfast.
While my eggs were cooking, I walked by my parent's room and saw the TV on and someone playing a game. OMG, I wasn't alone.
My step dad took the day off today. I knew he was supposed to take my mom to her Dr's appointment, but I was under the assumption that he would take her, bring her to work, come back home, go to work, then go pick her up. Boy, was I wrong.
At first it was an okay start of the day. I sat down with my breakfast to watch a movie that I had taped, The Faculty, and soon after my step dad comes out and greets me cheerfully.
Nice. A positive day, just what I like.
I was wrong, AGAIN.
I hear our home phone ring a couple of times and of course knew it was my mother. A little after 1pm I decide I am hungry for lunch.
My step dad is in the kitchen and mentions to me "Why don't you go upstairs and talk to them?" Meaning the guys upstairs putting in the carpet...of course they are Hispanic.
I tell him "I've got a novio."
"What's a novio?" he chuckles.
I tell him it means boyfriend.
Everything seemed okay from there. I was petting Cotton on the counter and my step dad was cleaning (or spraying down) the oven with oven cleaner...my mom had asked him to do that.
Anyways, we are talking some more and I mention the awful dream I had last night. He asked me what happened. I told him I had a dream that the Chivito had to go back to Mexico. He goes "Well, maybe he has to" Then I explained to him it didn't have anything to do with Immigration or anything like that.
So to explain it better, at that time a song was playing (not loud, you could barely hear it at all) by Los Tigres del Norte and I pointed to my iPod clock radio and said "I had a dream last night that this group singing right now wanted my Chivito to join their music group but he had to go and live in Mexico for a while in order to do it."
You want to know what my Pr*ck of a step-father said to me?
"Oh that's just an excuse to go back to Mexico in order to see his wife."
Man, he's got balls to say something like that. I don't remember WHAT happened after that. I know that I called my mom and told her. She isn't surprised because he's a pr*ck just about all of the time.
THIS is why I HAVE to find a job, save up a bunch of money, get a trailer and move into it and have my Chivito move in with me. I'm NOT saying right along, but eventually would be nice. My household would be POSITIVE and I'd be away from all this negativity.
My mom told me at first maybe he was joking. Nope. Not even close. He said it with such coldness and prickyness (if there is even a word) that I just cried. Then she had mentioned that maybe it was because he didn't feel like cleaning the oven. Right away I said to her that he had no right, I could see if I had done something wrong but basically we both have been minding our own business up until the chatting in the kitchen.
I wanted the Chivito to be with me SO bad at that moment. But I won't tell him what my step dad said because I wouldn't want him to think bad of him or feel uncomfortable around him.
I don't like when my step dad says things to hurt me. I don't like living here. Maybe it seems like I am complaining but I'm not. My family always thinks that I AM the one who is ALWAYS negative and in a bad mood. Why?
I'll tell you why: Because I am NOT happy in this household. I don't know if it is the negativity that Joe (that's the stepfather) gives off or sometimes that my mom's in a bad mood (maybe because she is unhappy in her marriage?) I don't know. All I know is I can't wait to get a job and save up money. Because I'm gone.
The only thing that will be left of me will be a trail of dust...because that's how fast I'll get out of here when I have the cash and when the time is right.
I know this won't be for a while, but I am anxious for that day to come.
Does that sound bad? I mean my mom is great, she really is. I just feel (and ALWAYS have felt) that she can do better. I wanted to say SO bad when the guy was like at their wedding "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." OMG I wanted to say something so bad. But I didn't. It was my mom's day. She loves him or whatever. So I kept that trap of mine shut.
Oh well. I'm going to have to stay in my room for the rest of the day to avoid all this drama.
On another quick note, I received an email today from a job that I sent my resume for data entry clerk at home. I had to submit some more info to them if I wanted to take this online test and of course, I made sure that there was no extra cost involved like paying for a job lol. There's not and I would probably start work in August. Which kinda stinks BUT is okay because August will be here before I know it.
Anyways, for your viewing pleasure below is a picture of when my step dad flipped me off. (he didn't know I was taking his pic w/ my cell phone)
It's the only picture I really have that shows his "true colors". How nice, isn't it? *rolls eyes*
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Another 'Journey'
Well, after that Saturday night and Sunday my mom told me I have 2 weeks to find a job...
If not?
No, I'm not kicked out. Of course IF my mom ever kicked me out I'd just move in with the Chivito (he'd love for me to LOL) and then I'd get a job at one of the restaurants near his house or something. It'd all work out.
I have to say that's what I love about my Chivito. He is SO darn positive. Before him, sure I had my positive moments but ever since I met him and whenever I'm around him, well he brings out the "Positive Megan" so-to-speak. I honestly feel we make a good pair...
Okay, getting ahead of myself with that since I still don't know exactly how old he is, etc.
Anywho, I am going to make this post as short as I can since the last post regarding Saturday night...well, it was L ------- O --------- N --------- G wasn't it?
I don't ever want to write a BIG post like that again. I know some of my readers couldn't read it all, probably too detailed and a bit boring maybe? Well, for me I just wanted to get down each and every thing that happened. I'm like that, especially when I don't want to forget things! :o)
Anyways, I faxed some financial aid paperwork to TESC today and plan on giving them a call to see if that's all they need or if more is needed. I HOPE they don't need my W2s because I really misplaced them and well, I don't think I can get anymore, can I? If so, help me out smart people! Tell me where I can get some more LOL! ;o)
My financial aid advisor tells me that they really want to get me started and registered with my classes by July since that is when the next term starts. If not, then I will be starting in August. I am crossing my fingers for July though so I can get started already!
I am ready to learn already! Sheesh! :D
On another note, the title of this blog says " Another 'Journey' ". Basically it means that while I am waiting for this college stuff to happen, I am in the process of doing something else.
What you ask?
Looking day and night for a darn job!!!
Ugh, I was up from 7:30 this morning looking for a job. Actually, I am trying to find an at home job. I tell you they ARE out there. I just had to know where to look. And I found a great forum.
It's great and extremely informative! I have already applied with...5 jobs I'll say and I've already done 2 voice auditions. I already received an email that offered me to interview with them BUT UNFORTUNATELY you have to have an analog phone (no Vonage or other VOIP phone, no cells, no Skype, etc.) Just a regular phone that is connected to the wall. Think "the old days before all this other technology"
Many people think that at home jobs are ALL scams and a real job is considered where you work outside the home with people. Well let me tell you, I believe there are your scams and then there are legit companies out there that ARE REAL and will REALLY pay you and you will WORK but it will all be in the comfort of your own home.
If anyone disagrees, I encourage you to open your mind and check out that forum I mentioned above. :o)
So that's my second journey. The only reason why I am looking for a job at home is for a couple of reasons...
#1 I am going to be studying at home soon.
#2 I don't HAVE to have a job where I work with the public, I actually prefer to work independently usually when the choice is mine to decide.
#3 Transportation issues. I have no license (yet...) and my mom works and I would have to base my hours on hers. Uh uh, I don't want to do that.
So wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me to get that WAH job!
(WAH means Work At Home, in case you wanted to know.)
Above portrait made by: Abiring
Powered By: Portrait Illustration Maker
Monday, June 9, 2008
Freakin' Fun Fiesta @ Charley's Last Saturday Night
I think I will do this blog into Parts. Part 1, 2, 3, etc.
Let's start with Part 1. (and of course the last part will be all about Charley's leading all the way into Sunday morning until Sunday night) Saving the BEST parts for last haha! :D
Where do I begin? Honestly. It was a rough evening before we all met up at Charley's. How about I start with Saturday, but the in the day? Sound good? Awesome.
Okay, so it all started when I was half asleep and the Chivito called me in the morning to tell me that he just got off work and was on River Street waiting for a bus to take him to Whitemarsh Island so we could go pick him up. He calls me back about an hour later and I thought he was already on Whitemarsh. Turns out he was still waiting for the bus to come. He told me he had also fallen asleep a bit on the bench...hehe. So I get on the Catch A Cat website to find out the times of when his specific bus is supposed to come. I look at the time and tell him that he's got a few minutes and hopefully that bus will show up.
Sure enough, about 1 minute or less after I said that he goes "Oh, it's here. The bus is here."
(This is the second time I've gotten it right. Looks like I can read the bus schedule after all hehe!)
Now before I continue on any further, let me take you back to before he called me to tell me that his bus wasn't there yet. I had gotten up and honestly didn't think I was going out that night. I felt kind of sluggish and well, I didn't want to get sick, etc. So I went into my mom's room and woke her up and told her that I wasn't planning on going out that night. She was happy and relieved because she worries SO much about me, so now she didn't need to worry.
I had a bit of an attitude that morning. First, there were no eggs in the house. I always have 2 eggs to start my day out. But this one day, NO EGGS! I was so ticked and it was obvious...I feel bad about it now, though at the time I could have cared less. So I ended up having 4 waffles. Yup, you read it right: FOUR waffles! Hey with that Mrs. Butterworth's syrup you have to understand exactly where I'm coming from right? Yummy!
So after the waffles I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to color my hair and I needed her help. She mentioned to me that when she was my age she had no problem coloring her hair by herself...well, I am able to color the roots and the front, just have trouble coloring the back since it's a LOT longer than hers.
Of course as she puts it, I had a small "temper tantrum" about that. And I admit, I was stressed and impatient and possibly a brat, but it wasn't a bad "temper tantrum". The problem with me is with most things, when I want something done, I want it done right then and there. Of course, I am by no means impatient with everything.
So I heard my mom taking her shower and said "The heck with it. I'm not waiting. I'll see if I can do it myself." And I did, well I thought I did. I missed a lot in the back and Mommy came to the rescue. I know it's considered her job to rescue me but I don't like it for the most part. Makes me feel like I am uncapable and dependent, especially for something considered so simple.
Enough of the hair coloring drama. Let's skip the part where my mom came to the rescue and finished the rest of my hair (she's SO good at that stuff...did I mentioned she even trimmed like an inch off my hair recently? She's awesome.)
Okay, where was I? Ah yes. I remember. Let's also skip the part of where I rinsed my hair in my shower (that I cleaned recently, I took pics but forgot to put 'em up) and also let's skip the parts where I couldn't believe HOW MESSY the hair color was and how it stained my walls and how I thought all my hair was going to fall out after rinsing it...etc. Let's skip all that and get to the part where the Chivito calls me.
So he calls me and he says he is on Whitemarsh Island. My parents are a bit ticked with me and say that they are "going for a ride" which is really code for "We are getting the heck away from Moody Megan" :D So I tell my mom that I will send a taxi to go get him and him and I hang up and I start to call the taxi. (Savannah Yellow Cab is our company, they are so cheap by the way and sometimes have discounts!)
I finally get a hold of someone and my mom comes running back into the house and says "Nevermind, Joe (my step dad) says we'll go pick him up. We're going now so call him up and tell him to watch for the car"
I tell the nice dispatcher that plans have changed and thank you anyways and call the Chivito back up. He must think that mi familia is crazy. Seriously. We change our minds (well los padres do) all the time. I'm surprised that me and him have been together almost 5 months!
(I did kind of warn him in the beginning though that my mom tends to change her mind a lot, so I told him to be prepared for that. He asked me "Are you the same way?" I said "No. Usually when I want something I will do anything in my power to get it. When I want something you will usually know it. That's how badly I want it.")
I don't know if that is a good trait or a bad trait of mine. It tends to go both ways, I think. My mom hates it when I get something in my head. Once it's in there, I don't tend to let up. I've always been that way. Sometimes it's little things and other times it is big things, and then when I finally achieve my "goal" or get what I wanted? Well, the "high" so-to-speak fades away and then the excitement is all over with and sometimes I will ask myself "Why did I want this thing SO badly?" I am like that with books. I buy 'em but I don't read 'em. I could make a killing and sell all my books but a part of me wants to keep 'em. I guess in "fear" of that I will actually need 'em someday! Ha! I doubt it very much!
Okay, I am getting WAY off topic now.
Back to Saturday. After telling the Chivito that my parents were coming to get him because I had to dry my hair. I did just that. I won't bore you with the details of me getting ready, since I am a detailed person to begin with. ;o)
So the Chivito shows up and I'm wearing my new shirt and I'm a bit nervous. I always feel that way when we see each other the "first time" again after a week has gone by. Guess it's normal. I wonder sometimes if he feels that way, maybe not since he is an hombre lol! ;o) Pero, quien sabe.
Okay so he arrives and my mom comes back in to say goodbye. Then Cotton, my "hijo" runs out the door and to the side of our apartment. That was fun getting him back into the house. I felt bad because I had to pull his tail a little to keep him from running away.
So moving on. Me and Lisita, my awesome amiga who I love to death (as well!) we talked on and off throughout the day but before she even called, remember I told my mom that I wasn't going to go out, well I had already wanted to. I really wanted to meet my Blogger amiga! (and I'm so glad I did! She's a sweetheart as well as everyone else that came with her!) :Dhh
Okay, so let's take a hop skip and a jump...
(I literally just did jump because I heard a thump and thought it was a roach...sometimes when they fall from the ceiling they tend to make a thump no matter where they land)
Like I was saying, we're going to skip a few details (me and the Chivito eating, listening to music, etc. etc.) and go to the --
YUP! It was a roach! Just killed it though but not before saying some bad palabras. Okay, getting off track again.
Let's go to Part 2 of my blog post.
You know what? Yes, I know I should be working so then going out and partying would be considered a priviledge but like me and the Chivito discussed tonight: "It's done and over with. Lo que paso, paso." And he is exactly right. That's one trait that I really love about him. He is very easy going and a positive person, someone that I know that I need in my life. I kind of feel we balance each other out in some way. I don't know. Maybe that sounds a bit corny since we've only been going out not even 5 months?
Back to Part 2. So after talking with Lisita and having the Chivito comfort me (and almost cry because I did) I asked him one more time if he was sure he wanted to go out. He told me "Yes. Seguro." I also asked him if I was being selfish because he had to work tomorrow and get up at 4:30 in the morning. He told me "No." I also asked him if he thought I was spoiled. He said "No" as well. :o)
So we pulled into the parking lot and the taxi guy swiped my card through his machine and goes "It's not working" OMG! Excuse me? It turns out that it was just a problem with his machine and not my card. Another reason to thank Dios.
The convo went a little something like this:
Me: Hey, Lisa! We are here. Where are ya at?
The conversation continued on with us both saying "What?" and her saying "Come to the end of the bar". The music was SO loud LOL! But it was still awesome and I hung up with her and me and the Chivito got in there and met her at the end of the bar.
It was $20 for him to get in! And guess what??? G-R-A-T-I-S for me lol! Us mujeres rule, that's probably why ROFL! :D
If my readers have stuck with me for this long, I bet you are all ready for Part 3.
Okay, so I look towards the end of the bar and there's mi amiga Lisita! We immediately recognize one another and she motions for a big hug. We both hug and say our "nice to meet yous" as well as I introduce her to the Chivito and she introduces me to her hubby, Juan, her friend Pamala, her husband's hermano Manuel and his novia Becky and another couple which I didn't really see much of and that I don't even remember there names right now (sorry!) (I think they were dancing a lot on the dance floor LOL and that's why I didn't see 'em so much!)
I didn't drink that much, not as much as when the Chivito and I went downtown to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on River Street. At Charley's, my first drink was a screw driver. Lisita had recommended it so I tried it and Mmm Mmm it was G-O-O-D! It wasn't with orange juice though, it was even mejor. Hit the spot right away.
I was going to have the Chivito buy me another one but decided to ask to see if they had my drink lol! Smirnoff Ice. The first time I went to Charley's they didn't, but this time, well THEY DID! I had two of 'em and the 1st one, well I hate to say it but I chugged it like it was agua or limonada haha! It was SO good.
Did I tell you that before me and the Chivito left my house to go to Charley's I had to go out into the livingroom to get my purse because it had my I.D. in it. I made a joke to him that I was "going into fire" and to wish me luck. I was already dressed to go out and it was completely obvious that I was actually going and my mom didn't say a word to me. I didn't say anything to her either.
I came back into my room and I hear a door slam and the Chivito looks towards mis padres room and tells me that the door is shut a bit. I knew it was my mom and when the taxi came I didn't want to make her more upset by telling her that I was leaving to go out soooo well, I just told Joe to tell her why I didn't say goodbye and we were off. I know, that was wrong of me. :o(
Okay, back to Part 3.
I told them chances are IF he IS in his 30s or even close to 40, he's probably got some kind of baggage. They tell me "not necessarily." I want to believe that but it is hard to seeing what happened with the pendejo José. He doesn't even DESERVE to have an accent over the "e" of his name in my blog. Oh well, onto more details of Saturday night.
Meanwhile, while we were having our girl talk, the Chivito and Lisita's hubby were chatting nearby leaning on the truck parked next to us. The Chivito mentioned that two hombres had come up to him and Juan and asked something about the women in the truck (meaning us) and that Juan was bothered by it just like the Chivito was and the only thing that was said was "they are our wives" or something like that. So I was the Chivito's wife for one night, how nice lol! :D
After getting cool and our girl talk, we all walked back to the bar and danced and drank some more. The Chivito kept asking me if I wanted my beer again but I said "No, agua is fine." I could feel the Smirnoff affecting my stomach a little bit because I hadn't eaten that much for dinner that evening and I REALLY didn't feel like throwing up lol.
And I know IF my mom reads this part, she will, well WHO KNOWS what she will think of my Chivito.
So I came right out and said "Umm you told me that you didn't smoke." Thinking back to our girl talk in the truck when Pamala and Lisita had said something like "If he's lying it will come out eventually whether 6 months from now or a year from now." Of course, I was ticked.
He realized it too and grabbed me hard and said "OMG forgive me Megan, I'm so sorry. Forgive me." I was still mad but calmed a bit down after he told me that the only way he smokes is when he is drinking socially, like at a bar or club. So I let it slide and am thankful that he doesn't smoke ALL the time like at home.
Soooo I guess that would consider him a social smoker? The less socializing he does then, the better. LOL Just kidding. ;o)
I know in my heart I will NEVER smoke, and THAT is all that should matter FOR ME. (picture courtesy of hegarty_david on Flickr)
Anyways, enough of that topic. Let's fast forward to the last part of the night, which would be Part 4.
Then another guy (as I'm hanging all over the Chivito, mind you) he asks me "What's your name?" I go "Why?" and he is taken a back with how rude I am but I am just in NO MOOD for people trying to flirt with me ESPECIALLY since my man is standing RIGHT next to me and I'm hanging all over him? Don't these hombres see this??
Then the guy goes (OMG! Can't he take a hint?!) "One kiss for your husband?" This was before Lisita and all of us were planning on going outside and I remember saying to the Chivito "C'mon, let's go." and this guy goes again "One kiss for your husband?" I tell him "No, I don't think so. I don't know you." and then I started to just ignore his comments and he goes something like "Ooooh." like maybe he felt a bit rejected and that I was being rude.
Soooo towards the end of the night as me and the Chivito were dancing our last dance for that evening...or should I say mañana lol?...the lights went on and I kind of felt a bit exposed lol...but we kept dancing.Then the music stopped and the DJ said to have a good night and be safe or something or other like that and that was that. Time to say goodbye. I didn't want to the night to end...probably why I ended up staying the night with my Chivito *sigh* I love him SO much. I really do. That's Part 5 though, you will have to wait for that because it is late, 12:52am and I HAVE to go to sleep!
We all left the club and got into the truck. On the way to the Chivito's house (after using Lisita's laptop to get directions to Chivito's house -- I admit it, I was lost lol!)
So anyways, I call up my mom after the Chivito tells me that he wants me to stay with him. (he told me in the club too towards the end of the night) So I call her up and basically flat out ask her. I mean I didn't just want to do it and THEN tell her after I had been standing by the Chivito's house or whatever. I at least wanted to get permission first.
She told me "Do what you want to do. You do it anyways. Do what you think I should do." I'm sorry but you NEVER tell ANYONE that. Because of course the reason why I am calling is because I think that I should stay with him. Because after all, that's what I wanted to do.
And I did. After my mom saying she loved me and hanging up ticked, I stayed.
I had to. I didn't want the noche to end but eventually it did. We didn't go to sleep until about 5am though and Lisita had dropped us both off before 4am I think it was.
So when we pulled up in the truck, there was a girl standing out there and she looked, well "prostitutish". Turns out, the Chivito told me it was the girl's friend who is dating his amigo that lives with him. Oh how nice. I thought trouble was going to be started because the Chivito, his uncle and friend made it IMPOSIBLE for the girl . . . (not the one who dated and stole money from the amigo -- long story, I'll get to it tomorrow on a different blog post...)
Anyways, the guys blocked the door tightly so no one could enter. Added some kind of padlock too and they all started coming in and out through the back door.
The Chivito tells me that she always does that and is constantly walking around and banging on everyone's trailer asking for something. Hmm...wonder what she wants? :o/
Okay, so FINALLY we get into the Chivito's trailer and his uncle goes "You going to work tomorrow?" and the Chivito goes "No, I plan on sleeping in. Not going in tomorrow. Are you?" His uncle says the same thing and says "the boss won't be in again anyways, so what's the point?" Then he calls up their ride and cancels him picking them up.
The Chivito opens up his bedroom for us and immediately, OMGsh how sad! The boy has NO pillows! He sleeps on these hoodies that my stepdad gave him (he found them) and I think to myself..."What did he sleep on before my stepdad gave these to him? How sad." (When I got home the next morning I told my mom and she had two extra pillows that she gave to him -- he was SO grateful and when we talked last he told me that he is laying on his nice and new comfy pillows LOL!) How cute!
Okay, so he keeps telling me over and over that he didn't think I was really going to stay with him and he apologized for not having certain things that I might have needed: an extra toothbrush, comfy pajamas, a fan, and especially pillows. I told him not to even think twice about worrying about it, I was just so happy to be with him.
We fell asleep about 5 o'clock in the morning and I found out another interesting thing about him: He sleeps with the TV on. Helps him sleep. He asked me if I do too and I told him "No, but it's okay." He immediately shuts it off and basically says that he wanted me to get a goodnight's sleep. Hey, I didn't argue though I was a bit concerned if he could get to sleep. He and I fell right to sleep that I didn't even notice lol.
We awoke around 9 o'clock in the morning and immediately I reach over and call my mom from my cell. She told me if we wanted to go to the beach with them, for us to be there early and ready to go. I decide to call the home phone number, hoping that my stepdad would answer. He is somewhat more easy going when it comes to me disobeying rules (or whatever) than my mom is. Of course, he didn't answer. I kept trying the number until 10:30 when finally my mom answers. I was hesitant to talk to her because I felt bad about staying the night with the Chivito, but it was done and over with. Couldn't turn time back.
She told me many more things like no more "allowance" after her 2-week notice that she was giving me. So I had to find a job QUICK if I wanted my bills to be paid and be able to keep my cell. (and I'm currently in the process of looking for a job -- people around here think they are SO darn EASY to find. Really? That's why it sometimes takes people more than a few months to secure one, right? Please. IF they were easy I'd have already found one! Sorry, guess I'm venting now.)
So I hang up with her and the Chivito asks if I am hungry. Yes, a little bit I am. So we go out into the kitchen and he makes me eggs, warms up some tortillas and asks me to try some Mexican queso that he bought from a tienda. OMG. It was probably the B-E-S-T breakfast that I have EVER had.
His eggs were just P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The tortillas? Awesome. And the cheese? OMG, to die for.
(While the eggs were cooking, the Chivito was rummaging through his refri (fridge) and kept saying "I'm so sorry I don't have a lot of food for you, Megan")
OH PLEASE! What he had made for me was GREAT! I made sure to thank him for TODO after we were done eating. I told him it was the best breakfast I had ever had. I also asked where he bought the tortillas and cheese because I wanted to buy some sometime too.
After breakfast, we lay back down and chill for a bit. We decide around 11 o'clock I think it was to call Carey, the taxista. Carey told us when we got into the taxi that he thought it was a prank call and some was pretending to be the Chivito! Haha! THAT is how much English the Chivito knows! (When he speaks English it is just so cute lol)
The taxi ride was VERY long and a bit expensive since Carey doesn't work for Savannah Yellow Cab anymore. He works for some company called Adam's something, don't remember it exactly. And man, can that guy talk. He's a nice guy and all, especially since he is for the undocumented immigrants....
But, WHY does he always bring up if the Chivito is strong and if he lifts weights? Is he checking him out? Chivito and I have talked about it and maybe Carey likes Latino men and could be gay? We don't know. Maybe he just loves Latinos like I do HAHA.
Whatever it is, the Chivito has told me that it is just WEIRD for Carey to say stuff like that and that he only likes riding with him when I'm there with him LOL.
So we get dropped off at my house (after he makes a wrong turn, which costs the Chivito even MORE money) He shook his head in disgust because he knew he would have to pay more. :o/
Anyways, my parents are gone to the beach and will be home around 1pm. Him and I eat some leftover Chinese that was in my fridge and that's about it. He stays till the late eveing (until about 8pm) and eats dinner and has his favorite, ice cream cake!, with us. Then we ALL drive him home lol.
It seems like it gets harder and harder each time we say our goodbyes. I miss him SO much even though it was on Sunday when I last saw him.
We shall see what happens between me and him. I pray that IF he is lying about his age or whatever, he AT LEAST is not married or has kids. I would be devastated. :'o(
Gosh, I've really fallen for this hombre haven't I?
P.S. I REALLY should have brought my camera because as you can see I had to look for pics on the web in order to keep my story illustrated and not just words. The thought passed my mind about bringing it, but I didn't, and I regret not doing so. :'o( *sniffles*