If I could afford it right now, probably just to be doing something I would consider it. But I've got bills to pay and I can't depend on my parents' money for "chores" each week. The money sure comes in handy each week but I don't like the feeling of being dependent on someone. It's like I'm in middle school or even high school again and I hated that feeling for the most part. (I put chores in quotes since I'm an adult and getting paid for like 3 things to do around the house each day!)
I feel kind of bad, as I always seem to feel with rejection. I feel bad that I'm going to be considered a "no show" but oh well. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Did I tell you I have an interview this Wednesday? It's with another at home job. The pay is good and there are benefits! You get paid hourly and I'd be an employee. NOT an independent contractor. I mean honestly who wants to PAY the government here instead of them paying back when each tax year rolls around? Not me, I'd rather be handed money instead of being the person to hand them the money! Ha! Asi es as my little cabrito always says.
Cabrito? You are probably wondering why in the world I would call my boyfriend, the Chivito, that? Well me and him have this thing, I don't know how it started, maybe with my allergies? Anyways, I wiggle my nose (like a rabbit) when my allergies act up really, REALLY bad. He now calls me his coneja or conejita. His rabbit or little rabbit. And one evening him and I were talking about animals and I didn't understand what cabro or chivo meant, so he demonstrated it and made the noise that it makes. OMG how freakin' adorable! So I call him my cabrito (or chivito) every now and then and he makes that noise a lot now b/c he knows I'll laugh at it and he loves making me laugh. My little lamb haha.
*Singing* "Megan had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb."
So that's how it all started in case ya'll were curious LOL. :D I adore him so much.
There is also another company in the works, they emailed me today and want me to start training on the 27th of this month. It is kind of like Diamond Prize Center, but not entirely. From what I know, there is an hourly rate and it IS outbound calling. BUT training is paid...did I tell you that with Diamond it is not? If it was ya could have fooled me b/c I could not find ANY information talking about it. With this other company, training is paid for, not much but hey, it's money right? AND their hourly rate is HIGH. Though I would be an IC. (independent contractor). We shall see what happens.
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