I am going to be making this blog quite quick today because I still have to take my shower and fill out paperwork for this WAHJ that I already had an interview for.
So about "Inspiration": I HAVE to work on losing weight and I am NOT going to pick a goal weight b/c I know how I am. If I don't do good and lose a certain amount of weight in a week, I'll feel like it is all just a waste of time. So I am just going to concentrate on eating right first. Lisita, is my inspiration. She gave me a few tips last night (2 1/2 hour phone call lol! But it was GREAT to hear from you Lisita! *waves*) Anyways, I am going to try out those tips and keep track of my cal intake. I know that works b/c I did it on the Self Diet Club and I lost weight, not a lot but some which was FINE WITH ME lol.
Sure, my goal is to feel great in a bathing suit but I also want a new wardrobe and feel more confident about myself. The Chivito makes me feel special but my goal is to feel special ON MY OWN because what would happen if I didn't have him? Would I feel down about myself? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have to be happy b/c I am happy and I have to feel good about myself b/c well, b/c I feel good about myself and not someone or something else makes me feel that way.
I think I've probably confused you now, haven't I? I am typing this and looking out the window at an ambulance across the street so if my words aren't making sense, ya know why. B/c I am being nosy and thinking of what I want to write but not thinking clear enough I guess ya could say.

I think about a week ago he had some kind of party. Was it a birthday? A going away party for someone or a graduation party for his grandchild? Maybe someone else's birthday or anniversary? Or was it just some get together because his life could be coming to an end soon and they all wanted to see him before he passed on?
Either way it is sad. I am hoping for the best and that IF something comes out that door (b/c a stretcher was brought into the home) that it will be him and that he will be alive. Maybe he fell?
Well what will be, will be. Asi es la vida, eh? :o/
UPDATE: The old man came out on a stretcher but was moving his toes and was conscious. Thank God! Everyone left and followed the ambulance though, hopefully all will be okay. I'm one nosy mujer aren't I? :)
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