Where you ask? Shellman's Bluff. This small and I mean S-M-A-L-L church. It seemed SO big inside though. :) It was beautiful and the pic to the side of this was what it looked like. Quite small, eh?
My parents and the Chivito and I all traveled about an hour and 1/2 to eat at this place that was this restaurant but it was inside two trailers side by side one another. It wasn't an extravagant place but it was SO quaint and the food was SUPERB! I couldn't tell ya what the name was b/c I don't even remember lol! It was one of those days where everything was going great and perfect. No stomach aches, no moodiness from anyone, no bickering, no getting lost...no stress. *sigh* It was just the perfect day. I have been asking for some signs from God and have asked Him if the Chivito is genuine and could he FINALLY be the right one for me. Before going into the restaurant I stood outside next to my Mom and the Chivito and a Monarch butterfly (my grandma's favorite type of butterfly) flew right in between us and I felt like maybe it was an approval from my grandma saying that the Chivito is a genuine guy and that I don't have to be afraid of getting hurt. At least THAT is how I interpreted it. Who knows honestly. And the thing with the priest just blurting out "I'm a priest and if anyone wants to get married today I'll perform the ceremony" It was just weird. Usually those kind of things don't happen.
I also must add that sometimes I feel that my grandma sent me mi Chivito or sent me in the path of him so we'd meet because he is SO delicate with everything he does. The way he eats, the way he pets Cotton, the way he hugs me/etc. That is how my grandma was, very delicate and did things like with perfection. Gosh I miss her. She was the BEST grandma. She was just awesome. :( Anyways, it's like maybe she sent him to me because the Catracho for example he was always rough with me. A GOOD example would be his OBSESSION with my cheeks! Argh, drove me INSANE and really ticked me off. He would pinch his fingers together and push them on my cheek and make a circular motion. He must have thought I enjoyed it...ha! I don't think so! It made my jaw quite painful! :o/
Okay enough! So after eating we all got back into the car and went to do some sightseeing and came across the smallest church. It was quite a site! I have more pics on my MySpace if you are interested in seeing more. :)
On another note:
Is it normal to sigh each time you get off the phone with someone that you are absolutely smitten with? I've never experienced that before in my life. And I don't sigh on purpose either, it's like I get off the phone and I just HAVE to sigh. It's a happy and satisfied sigh though, not unhappy or stressed sigh. I just wondered if anyone of my readers has experienced that kind of thing before, b/c I sure haven't! :) It's funny: The Chivito does it too, but while we are on the phone. He tells me it is because he loves me so much or sometimes he'll sigh and he'll say he doesn't know why he is sighing but he always does when he is thinking of me. Awwww.......
Hey, I'm not complaining though. ;)
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