Monday, June 16, 2008

Opportunity Ave, Next Right

What a perfect title for this post!

The job hunting is going surprisingly quite well, considering I've applied with many companies (19!) and so I have all these blanquillos (eggs) in a basket. 2 have been cracked already, meaning no green light, no go with those companies. Which is fine. Leaves me with 17 more blanquillos.

Mi Chivito taught me that word, blanquillos. Pretty funky word, I'd say. Better than saying huevos. Whenever I hear that word, yes it may be a bit immature but I crack up. It's funny since it can used as a slang word. The Chivito told me you can say huevos but it's much more polite to say blanquillos.

Anyways, onto the job search. I thank God that I found this forum, If I hadn't, well I don't know where I would be. Definitely wouldn't be having 17 eggs lined up. A couple more of those eggs, about 4 of them out of the 17 are in the process of something more.

~1 company I received an interview request and waiting for a call
~1 company I received an interview request but have to schedule it for a later time
~1 company I passed the tests and am in training


~1 company I was told I'd be a perfect fit and have an interview scheduled for this coming Wednesday @ 9am but unfortunately thought more about it and it won't work out, well as far as the transportation goes. :o( Stinks since it's 2-3 minutes away from the Chivito's house! Right ON his road LOL!

So that's 3 companies then. But out of the 17 4 responded so far so that's nice. We shall see what happens. I am keeping track of each company I apply for and they are all written on my white board on my wall lol.

Ah two more things in the "news": A possible broken toe and a job for tomorrow night.

As for the broken toe, not sure if I broke it, sprained it or bruised it real bad. I was running to answer my cell phone and I hit the toe next to the pinky one right on the side of the wall or door, don't remember which because it happened so fast. I have it taped, or 'buddy taped' as I have read lately and I put some ice on it tonight. It hurts but I can move it a little bit just when I go to bend it all the way it feels like it is hitting a wall and that's when it hurts and I can't move it any further because it's painful. I can walk okay though, kinda limping lol. Other than that though, I'm fine.

As for the job tomorrow night. It's @ 5pm. Some girl who knows my step dad (everything is okay between him and I again, as well as with my mom, we have our problems, what familia doesn't -- I only blog about it because I really have no one else to talk to, I don't blog to make my parents look bad, just to let you all know lol) Anyways, this job is for 2 hours and I'll be with 2 other people cleaning a lawyer's office. $66 bucks! Hey, I need the money so I said 'What the heck, why not?' Hopefully the toe cooperates with me so I can clean good though! Ha!

That's all for now.

*I didn't name any companies due to the fear of jinxing myself.

1 comment:

Somebody said...

I have all fingers and toes crossed for you! Go get 'em girl :)
