Sooo I must update all my readers on my status of TESC. (Thomas Edison State College)
I applied for financial aid last night and already received and email saying my FAFSA was reviewed and that my SAR was ready for review.
Umm what is a SAR?
Just to educate my readers some if they don't know certain terms regarding this financial aid process, I researched it a bit more and I found out that it stands for Student Aid Report. I had forgotten that term since the LAST time I went through the financial aid process! That was like back in 2003 to 2005!
Anyways, the SAR basically tells you what your EFC is...mine is 0. EFC stands for Estimated Family Contribution. So since mine is 0, I have researched it and that means a good thing, that I will probably we able to get financial help for college! I am ecstatic! :D
The SAR also says many other things. I won't bore you with the details of what a SAR includes so to sum it up it is like a report. Shows you the information you typed in when applying for financial aid, shows you your EFC and also whether you owe on any student loans from other colleges.
Soooo the next step is already in motion. My financial aid counselor at the college will be contacted and given access to my FAFSA online (the application I filled out for those who have no clue lol) and then the college will contact me with an award letter. Basically stating how much financial aid I will get to put towards my tuition at the college.
So now it is back to waiting. Though I was quite psyched when I saw that I had email regarding my FAFSA already from the financial aid place! Woohoo! :O)
WOW! You've been busy too. Getting ready to go to college, congrats, I'm glad you were accepted to the place you chose.
I'm a college drop out but have been able to b.s. my way through life and find decent paying positions. Spanish has no doubt helped me.
One day I'll go back but still at the age of nearly 35 ... I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up! lol
Honestly I'd start with a degree in education and take it from there. It opens a lot of doors.
~Lisa :)
Good Luck,Megita!
I translate constantly here in this hospital even though I don't get paid well for it.
Lisa is right about the education degree....you could work as an ESL teacher and make mega bucks like my aunt does in Tejas. That is what I had planned today but I just lost my gumption after my A.A. degree.
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