I think I will do this blog into Parts. Part 1, 2, 3, etc.
Let's start with Part 1. (and of course the last part will be all about Charley's leading all the way into Sunday morning until Sunday night) Saving the BEST parts for last haha! :D

Okay, so it all started when I was half asleep and the Chivito called me in the morning to tell me that he just got off work and was on River Street waiting for a bus to take him to Whitemarsh Island so we could go pick him up. He calls me back about an hour later and I thought he was already on Whitemarsh. Turns out he was still waiting for the bus to come. He told me he had also fallen asleep a bit on the bench...hehe. So I get on the Catch A Cat website to find out the times of when his specific bus is supposed to come. I look at the time and tell him that he's got a few minutes and hopefully that bus will show up.
Sure enough, about 1 minute or less after I said that he goes "Oh, it's here. The bus is here."
(This is the second time I've gotten it right. Looks like I can read the bus schedule after all hehe!)
Now before I continue on any further, let me take you back to before he called me to tell me that his bus wasn't there yet. I had gotten up and honestly didn't think I was going out that night. I felt kind of sluggish and well, I didn't want to get sick, etc. So I went into my mom's room and woke her up and told her that I wasn't planning on going out that night. She was happy and relieved because she worries SO much about me, so now she didn't need to worry.

So after the waffles I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to color my hair and I needed her help. She mentioned to me that when she was my age she had no problem coloring her hair by herself...well, I am able to color the roots and the front, just have trouble coloring the back since it's a LOT longer than hers.
Of course as she puts it, I had a small "temper tantrum" about that. And I admit, I was stressed and impatient and possibly a brat, but it wasn't a bad "temper tantrum". The problem with me is with most things, when I want something done, I want it done right then and there. Of course, I am by no means impatient with everything.
So I heard my mom taking her shower and said "The heck with it. I'm not waiting. I'll see if I can do it myself." And I did, well I thought I did. I missed a lot in the back and Mommy came to the rescue. I know it's considered her job to rescue me but I don't like it for the most part. Makes me feel like I am uncapable and dependent, especially for something considered so simple.
Enough of the hair coloring drama. Let's skip the part where my mom came to the rescue and finished the rest of my hair (she's SO good at that stuff...did I mentioned she even trimmed like an inch off my hair recently? She's awesome.)
Okay, where was I? Ah yes. I remember. Let's also skip the part of where I rinsed my hair in my shower (that I cleaned recently, I took pics but forgot to put 'em up) and also let's skip the parts where I couldn't believe HOW MESSY the hair color was and how it stained my walls and how I thought all my hair was going to fall out after rinsing it...etc. Let's skip all that and get to the part where the Chivito calls me.
So he calls me and he says he is on Whitemarsh Island. My parents are a bit ticked with me and say that they are "going for a ride" which is really code for "We are getting the heck away from Moody Megan" :D So I tell my mom that I will send a taxi to go get him and him and I hang up and I start to call the taxi. (Savannah Yellow Cab is our company, they are so cheap by the way and sometimes have discounts!)
I finally get a hold of someone and my mom comes running back into the house and says "Nevermind, Joe (my step dad) says we'll go pick him up. We're going now so call him up and tell him to watch for the car"
I tell the nice dispatcher that plans have changed and thank you anyways and call the Chivito back up. He must think that mi familia is crazy. Seriously. We change our minds (well los padres do) all the time. I'm surprised that me and him have been together almost 5 months!
(I did kind of warn him in the beginning though that my mom tends to change her mind a lot, so I told him to be prepared for that. He asked me "Are you the same way?" I said "No. Usually when I want something I will do anything in my power to get it. When I want something you will usually know it. That's how badly I want it.")
I don't know if that is a good trait or a bad trait of mine. It tends to go both ways, I think. My mom hates it when I get something in my head. Once it's in there, I don't tend to let up. I've always been that way. Sometimes it's little things and other times it is big things, and then when I finally achieve my "goal" or get what I wanted? Well, the "high" so-to-speak fades away and then the excitement is all over with and sometimes I will ask myself "Why did I want this thing SO badly?" I am like that with books. I buy 'em but I don't read 'em. I could make a killing and sell all my books but a part of me wants to keep 'em. I guess in "fear" of that I will actually need 'em someday! Ha! I doubt it very much!
Okay, I am getting WAY off topic now.

So the Chivito shows up and I'm wearing my new shirt and I'm a bit nervous. I always feel that way when we see each other the "first time" again after a week has gone by. Guess it's normal. I wonder sometimes if he feels that way, maybe not since he is an hombre lol! ;o) Pero, quien sabe.
Okay so he arrives and my mom comes back in to say goodbye. Then Cotton, my "hijo" runs out the door and to the side of our apartment. That was fun getting him back into the house. I felt bad because I had to pull his tail a little to keep him from running away.
So moving on. Me and Lisita, my awesome amiga who I love to death (as well!) we talked on and off throughout the day but before she even called, remember I told my mom that I wasn't going to go out, well I had already wanted to. I really wanted to meet my Blogger amiga! (and I'm so glad I did! She's a sweetheart as well as everyone else that came with her!) :Dhh
Okay, so let's take a hop skip and a jump...
(I literally just did jump because I heard a thump and thought it was a roach...sometimes when they fall from the ceiling they tend to make a thump no matter where they land)
Like I was saying, we're going to skip a few details (me and the Chivito eating, listening to music, etc. etc.) and go to the --
YUP! It was a roach! Just killed it though but not before saying some bad palabras. Okay, getting off track again.
Let's go to Part 2 of my blog post.

You know what? Yes, I know I should be working so then going out and partying would be considered a priviledge but like me and the Chivito discussed tonight: "It's done and over with. Lo que paso, paso." And he is exactly right. That's one trait that I really love about him. He is very easy going and a positive person, someone that I know that I need in my life. I kind of feel we balance each other out in some way. I don't know. Maybe that sounds a bit corny since we've only been going out not even 5 months?
Back to Part 2. So after talking with Lisita and having the Chivito comfort me (and almost cry because I did) I asked him one more time if he was sure he wanted to go out. He told me "Yes. Seguro." I also asked him if I was being selfish because he had to work tomorrow and get up at 4:30 in the morning. He told me "No." I also asked him if he thought I was spoiled. He said "No" as well. :o)
So we pulled into the parking lot and the taxi guy swiped my card through his machine and goes "It's not working" OMG! Excuse me? It turns out that it was just a problem with his machine and not my card. Another reason to thank Dios.
The convo went a little something like this:
Me: Hey, Lisa! We are here. Where are ya at?
The conversation continued on with us both saying "What?" and her saying "Come to the end of the bar". The music was SO loud LOL! But it was still awesome and I hung up with her and me and the Chivito got in there and met her at the end of the bar.
It was $20 for him to get in! And guess what??? G-R-A-T-I-S for me lol! Us mujeres rule, that's probably why ROFL! :D
If my readers have stuck with me for this long, I bet you are all ready for Part 3.

Okay, so I look towards the end of the bar and there's mi amiga Lisita! We immediately recognize one another and she motions for a big hug. We both hug and say our "nice to meet yous" as well as I introduce her to the Chivito and she introduces me to her hubby, Juan, her friend Pamala, her husband's hermano Manuel and his novia Becky and another couple which I didn't really see much of and that I don't even remember there names right now (sorry!) (I think they were dancing a lot on the dance floor LOL and that's why I didn't see 'em so much!)

I was going to have the Chivito buy me another one but decided to ask to see if they had my drink lol! Smirnoff Ice. The first time I went to Charley's they didn't, but this time, well THEY DID! I had two of 'em and the 1st one, well I hate to say it but I chugged it like it was agua or limonada haha! It was SO good.
Did I tell you that before me and the Chivito left my house to go to Charley's I had to go out into the livingroom to get my purse because it had my I.D. in it. I made a joke to him that I was "going into fire" and to wish me luck. I was already dressed to go out and it was completely obvious that I was actually going and my mom didn't say a word to me. I didn't say anything to her either.
I came back into my room and I hear a door slam and the Chivito looks towards mis padres room and tells me that the door is shut a bit. I knew it was my mom and when the taxi came I didn't want to make her more upset by telling her that I was leaving to go out soooo well, I just told Joe to tell her why I didn't say goodbye and we were off. I know, that was wrong of me. :o(
Okay, back to Part 3.
I told them chances are IF he IS in his 30s or even close to 40, he's probably got some kind of baggage. They tell me "not necessarily." I want to believe that but it is hard to seeing what happened with the pendejo José. He doesn't even DESERVE to have an accent over the "e" of his name in my blog. Oh well, onto more details of Saturday night.
Meanwhile, while we were having our girl talk, the Chivito and Lisita's hubby were chatting nearby leaning on the truck parked next to us. The Chivito mentioned that two hombres had come up to him and Juan and asked something about the women in the truck (meaning us) and that Juan was bothered by it just like the Chivito was and the only thing that was said was "they are our wives" or something like that. So I was the Chivito's wife for one night, how nice lol! :D

And I know IF my mom reads this part, she will, well WHO KNOWS what she will think of my Chivito.
So I came right out and said "Umm you told me that you didn't smoke." Thinking back to our girl talk in the truck when Pamala and Lisita had said something like "If he's lying it will come out eventually whether 6 months from now or a year from now." Of course, I was ticked.
He realized it too and grabbed me hard and said "OMG forgive me Megan, I'm so sorry. Forgive me." I was still mad but calmed a bit down after he told me that the only way he smokes is when he is drinking socially, like at a bar or club. So I let it slide and am thankful that he doesn't smoke ALL the time like at home.

Soooo I guess that would consider him a social smoker? The less socializing he does then, the better. LOL Just kidding. ;o)
I know in my heart I will NEVER smoke, and THAT is all that should matter FOR ME. (picture courtesy of hegarty_david on Flickr)
Anyways, enough of that topic. Let's fast forward to the last part of the night, which would be Part 4.

Then another guy (as I'm hanging all over the Chivito, mind you) he asks me "What's your name?" I go "Why?" and he is taken a back with how rude I am but I am just in NO MOOD for people trying to flirt with me ESPECIALLY since my man is standing RIGHT next to me and I'm hanging all over him? Don't these hombres see this??
Then the guy goes (OMG! Can't he take a hint?!) "One kiss for your husband?" This was before Lisita and all of us were planning on going outside and I remember saying to the Chivito "C'mon, let's go." and this guy goes again "One kiss for your husband?" I tell him "No, I don't think so. I don't know you." and then I started to just ignore his comments and he goes something like "Ooooh." like maybe he felt a bit rejected and that I was being rude.
Soooo towards the end of the night as me and the Chivito were dancing our last dance for that evening...or should I say mañana lol?...the lights went on and I kind of felt a bit exposed lol...but we kept dancing.Then the music stopped and the DJ said to have a good night and be safe or something or other like that and that was that. Time to say goodbye. I didn't want to the night to end...probably why I ended up staying the night with my Chivito *sigh* I love him SO much. I really do. That's Part 5 though, you will have to wait for that because it is late, 12:52am and I HAVE to go to sleep!

We all left the club and got into the truck. On the way to the Chivito's house (after using Lisita's laptop to get directions to Chivito's house -- I admit it, I was lost lol!)
So anyways, I call up my mom after the Chivito tells me that he wants me to stay with him. (he told me in the club too towards the end of the night) So I call her up and basically flat out ask her. I mean I didn't just want to do it and THEN tell her after I had been standing by the Chivito's house or whatever. I at least wanted to get permission first.
She told me "Do what you want to do. You do it anyways. Do what you think I should do." I'm sorry but you NEVER tell ANYONE that. Because of course the reason why I am calling is because I think that I should stay with him. Because after all, that's what I wanted to do.
And I did. After my mom saying she loved me and hanging up ticked, I stayed.
I had to. I didn't want the noche to end but eventually it did. We didn't go to sleep until about 5am though and Lisita had dropped us both off before 4am I think it was.

So when we pulled up in the truck, there was a girl standing out there and she looked, well "prostitutish". Turns out, the Chivito told me it was the girl's friend who is dating his amigo that lives with him. Oh how nice. I thought trouble was going to be started because the Chivito, his uncle and friend made it IMPOSIBLE for the girl . . . (not the one who dated and stole money from the amigo -- long story, I'll get to it tomorrow on a different blog post...)
Anyways, the guys blocked the door tightly so no one could enter. Added some kind of padlock too and they all started coming in and out through the back door.
The Chivito tells me that she always does that and is constantly walking around and banging on everyone's trailer asking for something. Hmm...wonder what she wants? :o/
Okay, so FINALLY we get into the Chivito's trailer and his uncle goes "You going to work tomorrow?" and the Chivito goes "No, I plan on sleeping in. Not going in tomorrow. Are you?" His uncle says the same thing and says "the boss won't be in again anyways, so what's the point?" Then he calls up their ride and cancels him picking them up.
The Chivito opens up his bedroom for us and immediately, OMGsh how sad! The boy has NO pillows! He sleeps on these hoodies that my stepdad gave him (he found them) and I think to myself..."What did he sleep on before my stepdad gave these to him? How sad." (When I got home the next morning I told my mom and she had two extra pillows that she gave to him -- he was SO grateful and when we talked last he told me that he is laying on his nice and new comfy pillows LOL!) How cute!
Okay, so he keeps telling me over and over that he didn't think I was really going to stay with him and he apologized for not having certain things that I might have needed: an extra toothbrush, comfy pajamas, a fan, and especially pillows. I told him not to even think twice about worrying about it, I was just so happy to be with him.
We fell asleep about 5 o'clock in the morning and I found out another interesting thing about him: He sleeps with the TV on. Helps him sleep. He asked me if I do too and I told him "No, but it's okay." He immediately shuts it off and basically says that he wanted me to get a goodnight's sleep. Hey, I didn't argue though I was a bit concerned if he could get to sleep. He and I fell right to sleep that I didn't even notice lol.
We awoke around 9 o'clock in the morning and immediately I reach over and call my mom from my cell. She told me if we wanted to go to the beach with them, for us to be there early and ready to go. I decide to call the home phone number, hoping that my stepdad would answer. He is somewhat more easy going when it comes to me disobeying rules (or whatever) than my mom is. Of course, he didn't answer. I kept trying the number until 10:30 when finally my mom answers. I was hesitant to talk to her because I felt bad about staying the night with the Chivito, but it was done and over with. Couldn't turn time back.
She told me many more things like no more "allowance" after her 2-week notice that she was giving me. So I had to find a job QUICK if I wanted my bills to be paid and be able to keep my cell. (and I'm currently in the process of looking for a job -- people around here think they are SO darn EASY to find. Really? That's why it sometimes takes people more than a few months to secure one, right? Please. IF they were easy I'd have already found one! Sorry, guess I'm venting now.)
So I hang up with her and the Chivito asks if I am hungry. Yes, a little bit I am. So we go out into the kitchen and he makes me eggs, warms up some tortillas and asks me to try some Mexican queso that he bought from a tienda. OMG. It was probably the B-E-S-T breakfast that I have EVER had.
His eggs were just P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The tortillas? Awesome. And the cheese? OMG, to die for.
(While the eggs were cooking, the Chivito was rummaging through his refri (fridge) and kept saying "I'm so sorry I don't have a lot of food for you, Megan")
OH PLEASE! What he had made for me was GREAT! I made sure to thank him for TODO after we were done eating. I told him it was the best breakfast I had ever had. I also asked where he bought the tortillas and cheese because I wanted to buy some sometime too.
After breakfast, we lay back down and chill for a bit. We decide around 11 o'clock I think it was to call Carey, the taxista. Carey told us when we got into the taxi that he thought it was a prank call and some was pretending to be the Chivito! Haha! THAT is how much English the Chivito knows! (When he speaks English it is just so cute lol)
The taxi ride was VERY long and a bit expensive since Carey doesn't work for Savannah Yellow Cab anymore. He works for some company called Adam's something, don't remember it exactly. And man, can that guy talk. He's a nice guy and all, especially since he is for the undocumented immigrants....
But, WHY does he always bring up if the Chivito is strong and if he lifts weights? Is he checking him out? Chivito and I have talked about it and maybe Carey likes Latino men and could be gay? We don't know. Maybe he just loves Latinos like I do HAHA.
Whatever it is, the Chivito has told me that it is just WEIRD for Carey to say stuff like that and that he only likes riding with him when I'm there with him LOL.
So we get dropped off at my house (after he makes a wrong turn, which costs the Chivito even MORE money) He shook his head in disgust because he knew he would have to pay more. :o/
Anyways, my parents are gone to the beach and will be home around 1pm. Him and I eat some leftover Chinese that was in my fridge and that's about it. He stays till the late eveing (until about 8pm) and eats dinner and has his favorite, ice cream cake!, with us. Then we ALL drive him home lol.
It seems like it gets harder and harder each time we say our goodbyes. I miss him SO much even though it was on Sunday when I last saw him.
We shall see what happens between me and him. I pray that IF he is lying about his age or whatever, he AT LEAST is not married or has kids. I would be devastated. :'o(
Gosh, I've really fallen for this hombre haven't I?
P.S. I REALLY should have brought my camera because as you can see I had to look for pics on the web in order to keep my story illustrated and not just words. The thought passed my mind about bringing it, but I didn't, and I regret not doing so. :'o( *sniffles*
OMG! I didn't know some men came over and asked our men about us in the truck! LMAO It had to have been the guys that pulled in and parked a few feet down, the ones that were hanging out in front of their truck looking our way.
Did you know that while we were out in the truck a fight broke out? The stool I had been hugging all night was knocked over. Maybe that explains why the one Pam was hugging was G-O-N-E when we came back.
And I forgot to say anything about your hair that night too. It must've been because it looked so natural-good job.
Well I can't wait for part5! TTYL
~Lisa :)
LoL, what a long and exciting entry!!! It was so fun to read about your weekend! I wish I could have been there. :(
one thing I can say is that you alway's have an interesting blog, you keep your reader's interested.. I really think you should consider being a WRITER!!!
love ya,deb
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