Can't get blood from a stone, right?
Anyways, so I did my training today and it's basically telemarketing. The pay is good, best I've had in a while and it won't be forever. I have another job in the works with Westat, remember I told you about them? I would be a telephone surveyor with them and the pay is good, I'd be an employee, has benefits too.
Anyways, nervous a little bit about tomorrow.
OMG!!! Well change of plans I think. I was JUST OFFERED ANOTHER JOB and start job training July 8th. I STILL might take this refinance job though since I DO need money right now. Then I can just quit at the end of this week. It is a thought. I REALLY don't know. I need the money though, so I probably will go for it.
ANYWAYS with this other job the pay is PHENOMENAL (spelling? lol) and I could be making $20 bucks an hour with both jobs and I'm an employee with BOTH companies! Woohoo!
During this interview the Chivito was calling EVERY d*mn phone in my house trying to get a hold of me. He tells me that he doesn't know WHAT comes over him. He tells me that he's NEVER cried over a woman before, not until now and what he really doesn't understand is that we've only been dating for 5 months, NOT a long time to be crying over someone. He just doesn't understand his emotions. I tell him I understand where he is coming from, b/c I do, and he appreciates that I don't get mad at him. I mean what for? I'm not going to get mad over that, no, no.
I am listening to Los Tigres right now, I listen to them while I sleep too. I love 'em and I had thoughts that IF the Chivito turns out to be who he says he is and I find out BEFORE we are together a year (if that happens lol b/c you never know) then I would get tickets somehow for Los Tigres and take him to see them...it's his FAVORITE group of all time. He'd love it, and I know he would!
Okay, anyways more updates later. I'm tired and nervous about talking to strangers tomorrow haha. Seriously though, I am. Send me some "good luck and not-be-nervous" dust if you want!!!!
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