I went in the courthouse to the jury assembly room and almost was let go early without any money ($10, hey it's money right!) but I told them I wanted to stay instead of leave. I had a choice and so hey, I wanted to see what happened. After all, I DID get up at 5:45am just to do it! So I stayed, updated my information with 'em, got my $10 (woohoo) check, and watched a video, then was lined up (I was an extra juror, #18) with 17 other jurors and went into the courtroom.
Met the judge, the 2 lawyers and the criminal (some lady who was crying b/c she was being tried for drunk driving). The lawyers asked us all questions in order to select which ones they wanted on their team, 3 for each I guess. I wasn't picked and was told "thank you' and then I was told I could leave, well SO MUCH FOR THAT!
Let's see what else? Ah yes, I waited from 10:45am until 1:00pm for any sign of my padrastro coming to get me out of there...I REALLY need a license lol huh?! So I decided to call up the Chivito, he got off @ 1pm and my step dad and I talked and so I told him that I wasn't waiting anymore, I HAD to get out of there.
So I walked a few blocks to the river (and felt my heels bleeding b/c the shoes were uncomfortable). The Chivito said he'd be there by 1:20pm, he got off work at 1:10 though and missed the first ferry. Caught the 2nd one and there he was and the second he saw me that smile of this would NOT get off his face haha <3 style="font-style: italic;">hombre was crying and really sad. He told me that he has NEVER cried over any woman.
Do I believe it? Maybe. Still have to be careful since I STILL have to get to know him better. He tells me that he hopes we live together soon because he doesn't want to dream about me anymore, he wants me actually by his side and NOT in his dreams. lol! I told him all in due time.
Okay, so I'm off to call AT&T.
1 comment:
It sounds like you had a pleasant experience with jury duty lol but geesh, I feel bad for your poor feet!
Any news on the ID yet? Let me know :)
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