Monday, June 30, 2008

Chivito and I In México?

No, I'm not considering moving there haha. He called me up this morning to say Buenos Dias and then calls me back up about a 1/2 hour later and goes "Oh, I had a dream about you last night. We were at my house in México and you weren't accustomed to it there so you came back to the U.S. and I came and tried to find you, but I couldn't."

OMG! Now he's dreaming about me and him in México? Wow. I didn't think I'd hear that one lol! I have mixed opinions on the whole thing of 'moving to México' but would consider it someday down the road IF and ONLY IF I knew for sure he was genuine: Meaning no baggage what so ever. Hey, IF he has lied about his age and gives me a good enough reason and has no other kind of baggage, fine. BUT any other baggage, say a divorce, married but separated, otra mujer but separated, kids but no relationship with the mother, etc. sorry but he has had MANY chances to tell me and I would have to say "Adios, adios, adios"

I am hoping I got lucky this time lol.

Like I always say "time shall tell"

Getting ready for some technical training at 4pm sharp. Going to go eat some lunch, do some dishes, some vacuuming and check out those links from Lisita! :)

Until then!

P.S. The Chivito's new cell is coming today. Checked the tracking # and it's on time and scheduled to be here by 4:30 or before. I want to open it lol...he's SO excited! Which reminds me......I need to write that contract up before I see him again.

What's everyone doing for the 4th? I have to take LOTS of fotos!

Thanks to monterd for the awesome foto!

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