I whip that door open (not too fast mind you lol) and say "And may I ask what is wrong with that?"
He says nothing and my mom says something that I don't even remember as I write this. But I do remember saying something like "I always stay in my room. There is nothing really to do today."
I remember my mom saying something like "You do the same thing when the Chivito comes over!" First of all, IF I had a car (and license) and/or if Chivito had a car we'd be going places, but at this time we don't and we have to rely on my parents or public transportation to get us around. WE ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES IN THE WORLD WHO HAVE TO DO THAT!
I will get my license, eventually. This year it is my goal to get it. I sometimes get bored when me and the Chivito don't do anything BUT I am happy that I don't have to worry about him out on those roads. Too many problems w/ Hispanics getting pulled over and IF you don't have a license or even driving alone with some kind of permit here, OMG you are immediately put in jail...that is IF you are Hispanic. I swear this state is so racist. I wish I could find a state that wasn't like that and treated Hispanics just like me and other "legal" or citizen people.
Anyways, enough of my venting. I don't think it is terrible that I am going to be in my room for MOST of the day. That's what I do. I have ALWAYS done it. I don't WANT to sit in the living room while my padrastro plays his PSP and my mom watches Lifetime movies. I want to do something productive, like review my stuff for training tomorrow. Research prices on phones and headsets for Westat and also prepare my paperwork for tomorrow to be notarized by the lady here in the office.
What is SO wrong with THAT? Nada, in my opinion. My parents KNOW how I am. There are days where I like to be social then there are days where I just need time to myself, to refresh or "reboot" whatever the word is lol. Nothing wrong with that, many people are that way right?
Well, I'm off to go eat some lunch and look over stuff for training tomorrow!
1 comment:
Hi Megan,
I have been enjoying your blog as well as the blog of La Gringa Mas Bella very much recently...
Well- Chica-
I have a lot to say about the Latino men stuff :)
I am a Spanish teacher. I am about 15 years older than you are, but can sooooooo relate to much of what you write about los Latinos. They are WONDERFUL, SEXY, ROMANTIC....and they are FRUSTRATING, LOCOS, CELOSOS and DIFICILES a veces. Until you have dated one and been in love with one, and involved with one as we have, no one can understand the dynamics of these relationships. I find myself ONLY attracted to Hispanic men, which is difficult in the area where I live, as we do not have a large Hispanic population (I live near Pittsburgh, PA and even though it is a decent sized city, our Hispanic population is just not much!)
Although I was married for 13 years (5 of which were pretty miserable) to un Americano bien frio (and the papa of mi hijo) most of the men I have been involved with have been latinos. My current novio is Jorge, who is Mexican. I could create my own blog about my relationship with him (and just might someday, especially estos dias since I am off for the summer!). The most difficult aspect is the jealousy and his not liking it when I go out with my female friends or basically when I do anything that does not involve him!! Some of his thoughts are just downright plain IRRATIONAL. For example, just the other day, he knew that I had run to K-mart to pick up a few things. He also got wind of the fact that a co-worker of his, Andres, con quien “no se lleva bien” and who is notorious for being a womanizer and a trouble maker, ALSO was at the same K-Mart at some point in the day (not necessarily at the same time I was). I had to spend a good 10-15 minutes trying to convince him that no, I had NOT run into Andres at K-Mart and even if I had it would not mean anything!
Another recent example is when I got myself in trouble for simply saying that my dentist was SIMPATICO- I guess SIMPATICO implies a romantic or sexual interest (news to me and I have studied Spanish for more than 20 years and have traveled to MANY different Hispanic countries!!!) and I should have said he was AMABLE OR BUENA PERSONA. These are just 2 of a million examples, and I am sure, having been involved with Latinos yourself, you can understand! At the same time, he is romantic, attentive, sweet, tender, helpful, sexy (great in bed, I must say :) and I am, for the most part, muy feliz con el.
On to you and your amorcito Celestino (I have never heard that name before, although I did have a Mexican novio named SERAFIN = cherub, once !!!). Reading your blog, his age and “true identity” seem to be an issue for you, rightfully so. The fact that he still has not shown you his I.D. Is a red flag. Looking at his pictures you have posted (very cute pics of the b. day party!) I would say that he is AT LEAST 10 years older than you are, Megita- no hay duda. And- from my experience (and I have had LOTS of Latino boyfriends, as I said above) THEY ALL HAVE KIDS Y MUJERES. Now, does Mujer for sure= ESPOSA? Not necessarily. Jorge has 2 HIJAS en Mexico, but never married la MAMA, Alicia. He sends $ back each week to them, but I have heard him talk to her many many times and know that there is nothing between them besides being parents to the same 2 kids.
So- my guess would be that he most likely has or at least HAD someone in Mexico, whether that be children or a wife or a girlfriend or whatever and needs to come clean with you about the relationship status. I am just telling it like I see it. And if he does have kids- that is one thing, no big deal as long as he is supporting them. However, if he has kids and a relationship with their MAMA- that is another. Take it for what it’s worth, but my advice would be to demand that he give up some more details about himself if you are going to take this relationship any further.
As far as the age thing goes, you are so young! I got married at 24 and regret it. I should have waited until I was at least 30-35. There were so many more things I should have done (travel, party, etc.) that I did not with my husband, I feel like I wasted a lot of years. If Cele is older than you, that is no big deal. What IS a big deal is that he is not being forthcoming with you about his age for some reason. There is no way that man is in his 20’s-NO WAY. Sorry! Jorge is 10 years younger than me and it is not a big deal. But I do not plan to marry him- I don’t think I want to be married again, at least for a very long time- I found it to be way to restrictive and downright BORING. I know I was with the wrong man, however.
Bueno- Hope you don’t mind me giving you my “dos centavos” and the long message, but you say yourself that your posts are LONG.
I’d love to hear back from you! Despite our age difference, I think we’d have plenty to chit chat about.
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