Well, after that Saturday night and Sunday my mom told me I have 2 weeks to find a job...
If not?
No, I'm not kicked out. Of course IF my mom ever kicked me out I'd just move in with the Chivito (he'd love for me to LOL) and then I'd get a job at one of the restaurants near his house or something. It'd all work out.
I have to say that's what I love about my Chivito. He is SO darn positive. Before him, sure I had my positive moments but ever since I met him and whenever I'm around him, well he brings out the "Positive Megan" so-to-speak. I honestly feel we make a good pair...
Okay, getting ahead of myself with that since I still don't know exactly how old he is, etc.
Anywho, I am going to make this post as short as I can since the last post regarding Saturday night...well, it was L ------- O --------- N --------- G wasn't it?
I don't ever want to write a BIG post like that again. I know some of my readers couldn't read it all, probably too detailed and a bit boring maybe? Well, for me I just wanted to get down each and every thing that happened. I'm like that, especially when I don't want to forget things! :o)
Anyways, I faxed some financial aid paperwork to TESC today and plan on giving them a call to see if that's all they need or if more is needed. I HOPE they don't need my W2s because I really misplaced them and well, I don't think I can get anymore, can I? If so, help me out smart people! Tell me where I can get some more LOL! ;o)
My financial aid advisor tells me that they really want to get me started and registered with my classes by July since that is when the next term starts. If not, then I will be starting in August. I am crossing my fingers for July though so I can get started already!
I am ready to learn already! Sheesh! :D
On another note, the title of this blog says " Another 'Journey' ". Basically it means that while I am waiting for this college stuff to happen, I am in the process of doing something else.
What you ask?
Looking day and night for a darn job!!!
Ugh, I was up from 7:30 this morning looking for a job. Actually, I am trying to find an at home job. I tell you they ARE out there. I just had to know where to look. And I found a great forum.
It's great and extremely informative! I have already applied with...5 jobs I'll say and I've already done 2 voice auditions. I already received an email that offered me to interview with them BUT UNFORTUNATELY you have to have an analog phone (no Vonage or other VOIP phone, no cells, no Skype, etc.) Just a regular phone that is connected to the wall. Think "the old days before all this other technology"
Many people think that at home jobs are ALL scams and a real job is considered where you work outside the home with people. Well let me tell you, I believe there are your scams and then there are legit companies out there that ARE REAL and will REALLY pay you and you will WORK but it will all be in the comfort of your own home.
If anyone disagrees, I encourage you to open your mind and check out that forum I mentioned above. :o)
So that's my second journey. The only reason why I am looking for a job at home is for a couple of reasons...
#1 I am going to be studying at home soon.
#2 I don't HAVE to have a job where I work with the public, I actually prefer to work independently usually when the choice is mine to decide.
#3 Transportation issues. I have no license (yet...) and my mom works and I would have to base my hours on hers. Uh uh, I don't want to do that.
So wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me to get that WAH job!
(WAH means Work At Home, in case you wanted to know.)
Above portrait made by: Abiring
Powered By: Portrait Illustration Maker
1 comment:
I wish you the very best of luck in your job search! Good luck with the interview process girl! :)
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