Why you ask? What will I be doing? I will be going to meet the Chivito because he gets off work quite early tomorrow morning and we are taking advantage of this day lol.
I am a bit nervous about riding the bus since I've never done it before.
But like my Chivito says "First time for everything"
Well, there is NOT much more that I can say except I had a training class today and conference call. It wasn't what I expected. Had NO reason to be nervous.
I am not interested in the job unfortunately. Will have to update my Eggs List since I really thought I'd like the job but the thought of answering incoming calls and not knowing WHAT the llamada will be about makes me nauseaous and makes me feel put on the spot.
I have two other eggs where I will be doing the calling. Pretty simple work too for damn good money. Something I need right now.
What else can I tell you? Ah yes, how about this hospital bill I owe and if I can't spit $50 or more at the collection company before July the hospital is going to take me to court. I told the Chivito that and he told me "Megan I will support you and give you $50 next week so you won't go to court"
What a sweetheart! That was SO sweet of him to offer that! Of course I said "Thank you so much!" and took him up on his offer. After all, I put him on my cell plan, actually we have a family plan now. It is cheaper and he's getting a new cell too. He is SO grateful, appreciative and not to mention excited! LOL
I asked him if he wanted to know what came with his cell phone package and of course he said 'yes' so I said "Okay you will be getting a charger--" He cuts me off and goes "Oh mi amor that is just TOO much" HAHA he's too cute I kept going and by the end of the phone call he acted so appreciative and greatful lol. I like that about him though. He doesn't expect things to be given or handed to him on a silver platter. He acts surprised, grateful and appreciative.
Of course mind you he will be paying me 1/2 of what the bill is and I will be paying the other 1/2. Wonder if I should write up a contract of some sort in English AND Spanish just in case? Let me know your thoughts please b/c I don't know! *shrugs*
Well I have another training class tomorrow and probably a conference call around 4pm with a different company -- the one that pays MUCHO money lol. I don't know how the Chivito is going to feel when I do it tomorrow. I am going to be chatting online with AIM Pro (get it by the way, it's great!) and also probably on the phone by conference call. Oh well, guess that will be his welcome to the WAH world if we end up living together someday.
How did your ride on the CAT bus go??? :)
I had a friend who did the cell plan with two different hispanic guys and it went to hades quick b/c they would not pay the bill and therefore ruined her credit.
I think maybe soon I shall take a trip to Savannah and then you,Lisita,and me can all meet up and have some girl time....wouldn't that be FUN?
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