I was really hoping for that time to come to share why I posted his picture and finally, that day has come.
I received the news today that I have been accepted to the college that I have chosen to go to. Yay! :o) I am really excited and if all goes well in the financial aid department, then I will finally be studying what I have always wanted to study: Spanish.
It's my passion and has always been.
Many of my readers probably are wondering what will I do with Spanish. Honestly, I do not know what path I will take, but I have always wanted to work in a hospital setting and help translate for those patients who speak Spanish and hardly know any English. We shall see what path I take though. Maybe teaching would be an option, but I doubt it. It has crossed my mind though. I am really leaning towards translator/interpreter though. :o)
So now onto the reason why a picture of Thomas Edison was on my blog. It really is no big secret lol. That's the name of the college, that's all.
Still waiting for my transcripts to be sent to them and after that I will be applying for financial aid. Like I said before if all goes well then I will be a student once again! ;o) I am really, really excited and hopeful about this opportunity and hope that it is God's plan for me :)
UPDATE: Found out my transcripts were sent to the college on 5/28. Now time to get the ball rolling with financial aid. Woohoo! :D
Congrats!!! How amazing for you! I wish you the best of luck! I've always wanted to translate at hospitals before... When my daughter was in the intensive care unit, this one family had an infant that was supposed to be released after months, but they couldn't find anyone to translate! The closest translater was hours away! WTH?!
Good luck!
we have Cyra phones but they take so long to use, so i get to practice some bad spanish and my patients seem to apprecaite it, we have lab people taht will help translate if its something detailed or difficult . im one of the few nurses at my hospital that can speak any Spanish at all!!!
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